
Because We Are 2gether - by JittiRain

A student named Tine Teepakorn wants to get rid of a gay admirer. His friends recommend getting a pretend boyfriend, Sarawat Guntithanon, who plays hard to get until he finally agrees. The two become close and intense emotions soon erupted.

lanwuxians · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 25 (Final Chapter) : Ctrl S

Music Festival event is upcoming. My daily routine changed a lot during the week before the competition. In the morning, I wake up, get dressed, go out to eat with Sarawat, then go to school. In the afternoon, I will go out to eat lunch with my friends, and Sarawat will lash out with his White Lion gang. In the evening, we will meet again at the practice room to watch them rehearse until late night.

Today is the same day and I almost crawled down to the bed. I could only tell Sarawat, "can I die?" because my body hurts all over. And because this is his fault...

"Take me for a bath."

"Go on your own." He has cherished me for a few days but now, he became a troll again.

"I don't want to get up. Last night, you kept me awake until three in the morning."

"I only see you sleep all the time. When did you lose some sleep?" "But you did not see me when I woke up."

"I told you not to wait for me last night. I told you to go back first but you won't." "No. I'm afraid you will run away with your mistress." To be honest, that is not the reason. I am just afraid that Sarawat might fall asleep while driving due to exhaustion from practicing really hard all day long.

When Pam and her friends visited Chiang Mai, our lives became terrible. But it all turned out to be misunderstanding and overthinking. After clearing that day, we did not have any problems or quarrels. The more I thought of the time when I was sick, the more I understood Sarawat's tiredness when he was sleeping that he almost looked like a dead person.

He did not answer my phone calls and explained himself that he was too lazy to call back. So he hurriedly rushed to the cafeteria to eat with me when he saw my calls.

Sarawat is a person who rarely talks, except when he is with me. When we are together, he will frankly answer my questions if I ask him seriously. If someone will ask him what our relationship is, he will answer it honestly. But not to the extent of announcing it without anyone asking.

The thing is, I understand him. If things are not okay, we have to gradually adjust to get along better. If we are not okay, I have to gradually find a tune to be more delicate with him. But if I say I am not angry anymore, he immediately listens to me. But my anger will come back when I saw his stupid face, always.

Lately, when there was a problem and I was not satisfied with the solution, I hurried to say it. I am also getting annoyed because he is not as smart as others. Therefore, I need to repeat again what I said. This person is only handsome. Just handsome. "Tine."


"What?" That is Sarawat's voice. I assume he will tell me to get up even if I am lying comfortably on the bed.


"Did I do it too hard last night?"

"What the hell? Bastard!"

"You did not enjoy it?"

"Shut up."

"I gave you thrills and pleasure all night."

"Pervert! Go sleep on the sofa alone!"

"Alright. Take a pillow too and sleep with Green!" He let out a big smile after he mentioned that. His smile is rare and it must be saved. When we don't know each other, I may have never seen that smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will be raped by him?"

"I will be the one who will rape you before someone else." This bastard!

P'Dim also formed a team for the competition. When I am watching their practice, I always encounter the loud rumbling sounds from the instruments that almost broke my eardrums. So I often walk around the area just to prevent loneliness then return right after their training.

"Sarawat, someone tagged you on Instagram." I picked up the phone of the person who is just playing dumb on the bed and did not want to move anywhere.


"I don't know, bunch of girls. There are also signage and banners showing their support for you." I quickly gave him his phone so he could see the post.

"All of them are so determined for that. Don't you want to help them?"

"Can I go?" I asked excitedly. I also want to ask my friends to help.

"Someone tagged you too."

"Really? I did not see that."

"You are probably becoming dizzy because of my handsomeness."

"Ehh..." He is a narcissist but he really looks good. Someone like him is not interested in anything except himself...

...and my boobs.


My life with Sarawat continues. We arrived at university by eight o'clock in the morning, then I ran away to party with my gang. After eating at noon, the crowd came together under the building to do an activity from the Crossword Club. A lot of Sarawat's fans also came to participate.

The wives of my husband started to accept me. Every time they do something, they tag me on their posts so I can help them. The reason is that they are claiming that my lover is also their lover.

Today, the #TeamSarawatWives gather to make a poster for the Ctrl S band and to promote it in different locations. They also have the Sarawat merchandise items such as shirts and wristbands.

Looking at what the fans are doing, I suddenly looked down at myself. They invest their efforts for the guy of their dreams. They are so serious that after school, they have to finish these works. As for me, what did I do for Sarawat?

Thinking about it for a while, I poured all of my determination... into my mind. I told myself to do some pretty cute things for him. But after a few minutes, I gave up on that idea because I am too shy to do that. So, I can only encourage him when he's tired. I think that is enough.

"Tine, does Sarawat prefer white or black?" One of the wives asked me. If I remember correctly, she was a third-year senior in Public Health.


"Tine, what do you think? Should we decorate the poster in a cool, cute, or lovely way?"

"Ctrl S consists of crazy people." That is based on my observation. All of them did not look normal. Even Earn who seemed ordinary is really crazy. As for Sarawat, there's no need to ask about it. Now my mind is floating again. There is nothing to admire about him, only his physical appearance.

"I don't believe you, Tine. That word doesn't fit 'our' Sarawat."

Really? You guys should listen to Teepakorn's words. Then I remembered that Sarawat is a public figure. But I feel bad for these people because they have no idea about that bastard's true colors.

"Well, it is up to you. I think they will like it whatever the design is."

"Really? Thank you for the encouragement!"

After that, everyone was busy decorating the poster design. I have to escape for a while to eat. However, a fifth year senior from the medical department entered. She looked so beautiful. Her eyelashes were crooked and her breasts were so large that I'm afraid one of the buttons in her uniform will pop out anytime.

"Tine, did you pay your tuition fee already?"

"..." What? I raised an eyebrow because I am completely puzzled.

"Let me pay for it."

"Hey! No need. We already settled that."

"How about Sarawat?"

"He is being supported by his parents so I think there should be no problem."

"You want anything, Nong Tine?" I think this lady is rich because of those questions. Also, her bag and shoes looked so expensive.

"No. I'm good."

"In that case, I'll sponsor Ctrl S. If there's anything you need, just tell me. If you need costumes or money for make-up, just contact me. Do they need new musical instruments?"

Okay, grandma. Relax. Thank you for your support but I think there's no need to go that far.

The reason why she is doing this is because she wanted to have her name on the posters and the signage. Whenever I watch Ctrl S perform, there is always a 'From: Som' in every huge signage hung at the Faculty of Medicine.

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with that. It is her happiness and we have to support her with that. I am even happy that someone likes my lover that much.

With that being said, give me the Oscars now.

"Oi~ Our husband arrived! Ahhh~" The screams of the wives resounded, making my hair stand on the back of my neck. They are all working so hard earlier but now, they all rushed in front of the person.

Sarawat did not come alone but went with the White Lion gang. Their hands are full of sweets and snacks. Looks like it is for the strength of his wives.

"Here's food for everyone." His low voice was softly heard before walking to the long table where everyone was working.

"Thank you! Good timing, I want to drink milk." Som hurriedly ran to get the bag in Sarawat's hand even though Man and Boss was right in front of her.

"There's no milk in it."

"That's fine. I can drink it all until the very last drop." Wait a minute... Did she just refer to Sarawat's...

After distributing the snacks to everyone, the atmosphere returned to normal. Only that grandma with big breasts was sitting next to him. What's more, she just stepped in between me and Sarawat.

"Does Sarawat have afternoon classes?" Not only did she say it, she also tried to rub her huge breasts to Sarawat's arms. Sarawat glanced at her for a moment then replied...

"Two in the afternoon."

"That's good. Can I borrow your phone? I just have to make a call."

"Man, can you lend her your phone?" Man already knew what this girl was up to so he handed his phone to Som immediately. It made her speechless for a while then let out a laugh.

"Eh, there's no need to call anymore." "


"You don't have new posts on Instagram these days."

"No idea what to post."

"So, shall we take a picture together so you can post it on Instagram?" Hello?! His wife is sitting right here!!!

"Phone memory is full. No storage left." Oops. I know there's a lot of room for your games and the memory of your phone isn't full yet. What a lame excuse of Sarawat to escape himself. I just want to laugh at him.

"Sarawat is so funny. I thought you were serious."

"I am saying the truth."

"Hahaha! You are really funny! But... I want to go visit your room. Is that possible?"

"Tine doesn't like visitors." Bastard! Why do you have to drag me here?

"Are you saying that you are living together?"


"Do you need another roommate?"


"You can have me as your new roommate. I don't eat that much, I don't like messy rooms, I don't waste electricity, and I won't be loud so I can't disturb you."

"I don't like it."

"What do you want?"

"I only want Tine."

"Sarawat... You just broke my heart!" That is a cruel way to break someone's heart. She then pretended to be busy and ran away to help others make the poster. I was about to stand up as well but Sarawat's thick hand held me back.

"I bought a sandwich for you. Eat it." I glanced at the bag and saw the sandwich and milk in it.

"I don't want to eat."

"Not eating? Okay let me handle that." Without hesitation, Sarawat picked up the sandwich and tore it into his mouth immediately. He also took the milk and drank it.

"I thought you bought it for me?"

"You said you don't want it."

"You must really love me."


"I am being sarcastic!"

"Is that so?" He then offered me his half-eaten sandwich.

"No thanks."

"It's delicious. I want to share it with you."

"I don't like that sandwich."

"It has your favorite tuna spread."

"Really?" Just hearing that, I immediately grabbed the food from this thick hand hoping to enjoy that delicious tuna. Yet something is strange...

"Is it good?"

"It's bitter, bastard! What's this?"

"Don't spit that. Be respectful. Swallow it." I can only pout. Sarawat laughed, picked up his phone, and took a photo of me.

"I hate you!"

"I'm taking photos of you. Continue making a funny face."

"Stop it! My face is hideous!"

"These photos are for my eyes only. Besides, it is really cute."

This sandwich is really bitter. I don't have a choice but to swallow it. Sarawat was so persistent in taking photos of me. After that, he stared at his photo and smiled to himself.

"Delete that. You are wasting your phone memory."

"This is not a waste."

"If it is full, what are you going to delete? Your games or my pictures?" Of course, he will choose me. I am his wife, you know.

"I will buy a new phone with huge memory capacity." In short, he did not choose me.


"If I like it and if it's worth it, then I should invest."

"So, you love me more than your games because you won't delete my pictures?"

"I loved my games more than you."


"Stop being cute. I'm being distracted now. I won't feel bad for you until I'm satisfied. Do you want that?"

Wow! You just said that you liked your games more than me, and now, you want to eat me? Hell no! He is really a bastard. And since his perverted mind is on again, I have to change the topic. So I took his phone and looked at the photos he took earlier.

"I looked so horrible but you still shoot." I quickly pressed the delete button and removed those pictures wherein I looked like shit. Looking at these photos, I remembered my appearance during the time I puked non-stop.

"Why are you deleting it? It's only for my eyes."

"Shut up! I know your friends saw it too, buffalo." Man knows his password in everything so I am sure Man saw all of those photos.

"What's so embarrassing about that? It's cute."

"I should delete it." Sarawat narrowed his eyes then quickly snatched his phone back. He then turned on the front camera of his phone.

"Make a handsome face. This time, I won't let you erase it."



The shutter sound of his phone rang once. Sarawat turned to smile at the camera as well. After that, he took his phone to play without saying anything. Well, I won't say anything either.

"Wat, we have to go to class now. You can't always stick to your wife." The friends in his group spoke up. Sarawat stood up and gently patted my head, forcing me to raise my head to look at him.

"I will go to class now."

"Umm. Pay attention to study." He nodded and followed his friends. I turned to help his wives in full power. They kept on asking me about this and that. I answered most of their questions but if it is too private, I kept silent.

It all went smoothly until...

"Sarawat has a new post on Instagram!!!" Som's voice was accompanied by screaming and dancing which made others pick up their phones.


our couple picture @tine_chic

It is the picture we took earlier and both of us smiled so brightly.


Wow! You have a souvenir now.


Show off?


I which one is the real wife? i'm confused


Did someone say that you are very handsome?


@Boss-pol My hot-tempered wife


@Sarawatlism But why didn't you say that you have a wife on that day?


yeah. whoever flirted with you that day.



I quickly typed my reply. Knowing the White Lion, I know that they are only teasing Sarawat. I know he won't touch anyone.


stop my wife will get maaaaddd


just admit that you are unfaithful

It also made me think while sitting. Who is that person? Lately, Sarawat drank too often even though I am with him most of the time. But there are also times when people tend to go solo when they are in a group. Right?

Oh! The wait is over. I slowly rolled my eyes and read the text in front of me.


I have a wife


I never cheated with Tine


Oh! Fine! But you will separate before graduating


Damn it! Can't you just play along? o1o


Countdown to five days before the semi-final round. Everyone is very serious practicing. Sometimes, P'Mil's group comes to disturb us. Good thing I am always there to talk to P'Mil or else, it would have come to another battle fight again.

Ctrl S became more cautious after. All of their practice must be kept secret. They usually end their practice before ten o'clock to avoid meeting their rival. But it seems like today is not our lucky day.

"Practicing until this late?" A member of P'Mil's group spoke when we were closing the door of the training room. I could only sigh because I know P'Mil's group is tired of practicing but they still have time to mess up people.

"Stop messing with us. Why don't you practice to be better?" The vocalist of Ctrl S spoke in a serious voice. P'Mil raised the answer in a joking manner.

"I am not messing with you guys. I just came to say hello."

"Don't bother us next time." Sarawat answered him.

"As juniors, it is better if you hide your faces."

"You don't even respect us."


"Tine, I have some snacks for you." P'Mil smiled and stared at me as he spoke.

"He doesn't want that." Sarawat immediately replied, not giving me a chance to say anything.

"I am not talking to you. Don't talk too much."

Sarawat refused to listen and quickly grabbed my hand and placed it in his pocket. My hand now is not free to accept anyone else's things. Then we left the practice room.

11:09 PM. Time on my wrist watch never lied. I dragged my body out and waited for Sarawat in the common room. I am bored so I just played on my phone.

Luckily, there was a crocodile-shaped pillow in the car, so I had a place to lie my head warmly.

A moment later, I heard someone's footsteps coming. Then I saw Sarawat standing by the sliding door not far away.

"Are you done practicing?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"Not yet. I am just worried about you."

"I'm fine. I will just listen to music."

"One more hour. Can you wait a little more?" He sat down next to me. I nodded to respond. A few days before the competition, all I did is to wait for him all the time just to motivate him.

Sarawat chatted with me for a while before returning to the practice room. While I am lying down, listening to music, my eyelids start to close. Sleepiness began to invade all my thoughts.

When I regained consciousness, my body was carried with my pillow in the car. "My little buffalo is exhausted already."

"What time is it?"

"Midnight. Are you hungry?"

I shook my head and closed my eyes. I then glanced at the number on the car's dashboard. It is not twelve o'clock, it is three o'clock in the morning. All the members are probably sweaty and tired because Sarawat has the same appearance. He has to wake up eight in the morning tomorrow. I am worried he will fall ill, but he said he is okay.

And just having me beside him is enough...

I still can't believe that I have him as my lover. In the past, I was the one who always followed their orders and took care of them. But having Sarawat, everything changed.

Sarawat is not like Ging, my first lover. She is a total nerd, and always refuses whenever I invite her to go out. But with him, I have never heard a word "no" uttered from his mouth.


"Are you free this afternoon?" "Why?"

"I want to go to the mall. I have something to buy and want to eat somewhere."


"Are you free?"

"Let's go."

"I am asking you if you are free."

"I said let's go."

Sarawat has never been a geek or a camera freak...

"Food is here. This is yours." I took the plate in front of him. I then asked him...

"You don't want to take pictures?"

"What? I came here to eat, not to take pictures."

"To show off. Many people like to show off."

"If it is special, then you show off. Not things like this."


"Focusing on the camera rather than focusing on the person isn't fun at all."


"And you looked good in person rather than in camera."

"Hate you." Sarawat is not a talkative guy but his words always make me blush.

Sarawat is not good at showing his concern...

"Where should we eat today?"

"Whatever you want to eat."

"Noodles in front of the school?"


"Well, I want to eat pizza. I have coupons right now." Actually, anywhere is fine. I just want to tease him.

"All right. Let's go there after."

"Or Chinese food. I don't want to eat anything these days."

"Which shop?"

"But I think buffet is worthy."

"Which restaurant do you want to eat? Think properly. I am getting frustrated now that you are that hungry."


Sarawat never shows off that he is rich...

"Can I buy these slippers?"

"Find a pair for me too. But just that brand."


"You are just walking on the pedestrian. You are not travelling the world."

"Can you change your fashion a bit?"

"Soccer jerseys are fine."

"You have nice clothes in the closet."

"We are just walking around today. What do you want me to wear? Tuxedo?"


Well, he has a point.

Sarawat is totally different from others...


"Does it hurt?"

He just bit me on my neck while we were kissing. What a stupid question.

Sarawat never asked for my attention when I am busy...

"Tine, are you busy?"

"Umm. Doing homework. Why?"


"You have something to say?"

"You're busy. It's okay."

"I can listen. Tell me."

"It's nothing."

"Don't make me ask again. What is it?"

"I want to..."

Then he kissed me. If I did not force him to speak, he won't do it.

And the most important is...

Both of us don't have menstrual periods so there's no need to hold back. Unlike my previous girlfriends...

"I want Scrubb limited edition shoes but it is twice the price of the shoes with the same brand. Do you think I should buy it?"

"Buy it if you really like it."

"Are you sure? I mean, you can tell me honestly if it's worthy."

"Your hobby is expensive."

"See? It is expensive but you still allow me to buy it."

"Are there any shoes from Scrubb out there?"


"Then buy it. I don't want you to regret it later."

"You are so handsome... Lend me some money."

"... You already have a lot of shoes. No need to buy a new one."

"Damn you!"

We always talk to each other and even curse each other. But we never looked down on each other's interests.

And those little things are so important to me. Those are the things that made me love him even more...


The semi-final round of the Music Festival has arrived. Everyone looked very excited even behind the stage. The members of Ctrl S all find ways to calm down and to reduce their nervousness. Only Sarawat is... sitting down to eat.

I've never seen this guy being so stressed out of anything.

P'Dim is with Sarawat. They are sitting, eating skewers leisurely. He also joins the competition with a group called 'Sunshine, Daisy flowers and Ripe Avocado', which consists of seniors and the bastard, Green. I am also curious as to where did they get their name from? Probably, one of them is a Harry Potter fan.

(Ron Weasley's line in Harry Potter series is "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow".)

Not far away, P'Mil's group was trying out their guitars. This time he didn't send anyone to mess with us or make any threats, so we were somewhat relieved. His group is called 'The Rhythm'.

"And now, it is the time for the 2016 Music Festival!" The sound of the emcee on stage rang up to the stage. I turned to look at Sarawat before walking past him to cheer him up.

"Do your best. I'm going to the front of the stage to watch you."

"Umm. Cheer for me."

"Cheer up, okay?"

"I'll make you proud."

"This is supposedly a touching moment... can you please stop eating for a while? God! Aren't you nervous at all?"

"You bought this so I have to savour it. It is also delicious."

"We can eat after the competition. Damn! Are you that hungry?"

"Give me a kiss."

"Too many people, buffalo." But he did not care and kissed me on my forehead. The screams of the people behind the stage made me not know how to behave properly. I just want to run out quickly like an animal freed from the zoo.

The semi-finals took place at the school's theater so the seats were arranged in a slope manner. My friends and I sat directly behind the judge's table because that is the best viewing angle.

The cheers began to rush in and a lot of people arrived leaving no room to sit down. Some people just stand to cheer on their bands. Team Sarawat's wives brought their posters and banners with the brightest color in it and placed it on the second floor hall to see.

"How's it going? Is there a problem?" Peuk asked me then picked up his phone and took a selfie with me.

"No. I'm just worried about Sarawat. He still eats non-stop."

"Let him eat. If he will have a stomach ache in the middle of the stage, I will let him enjoy his life."

Next to my boys is the White Lion gang. It looks like they are all prepared for this competition because they brought... neck pillows?

"Are you all ready?"


"So let us meet our first band, The Blackboard Story group!"

The cheers and cheers resounded at the same time with choppy music. Each member appeared in sight. Then the spotlight shone straight into the center of the stage. Some applauded, others waved to the music.

The first group ended, the second went on stage. Group after group passed happily.

P'Dim's group is number six while Sarawat's group is number twelve. I think it will take long before their act, so maybe we should go to sleep first.

I already went to the toilet twice, went out to eat skewers with Ohm, bought water for Fong, but Ctrl S hasn't performed yet. So, I had to lean back to sleep again while waiting lazily.

It wasn't until I got nudged on the elbow by Puek to focus my attention on the center of the stage again.

"We are the Ctrl S!"


It's time for them to perform on the stage. Sarawat was at the back but because the spotlight was so bright, you can clearly still see him.

Even though there are six people on stage, I only focused on him. That person who is playing the guitar who doesn't have any facial expression but still so damn handsome just by standing

They played a slow and fast song as instructed by the organizers. The cheers were louder compared before. It is because of his wives and Som who looked so crazy dancing all over.

"Please give them a round of applause!"

"Introduce yourselves!" After finishing their performance, the emcee continued by interviewing the contestants to make the atmosphere livelier.

"Hello! I am Taem, the lead singer."

"I'm Earn, the guitarist."

"Nont playing the keyboard!"

"Boom, drummer. Looking forward to your support!"


"Ahh! That's my husband!" Sarawat only greeted but the cheers and screams echoed throughout the theater. Sarawat really looked good today. He wore a black shirt with Ctrl S printed on it, and ripped jeans. His black shoes also fit perfectly. It all looked so perfect that I couldn't help but say it in my heart.

"Someone at the back stage is asking if Nong Sarawat's lover is here cheering for today?"

"Woooh! Phiwiiit!" whistle sound.

"Did he come?"

Sarawat doesn't answer but just smiles. The spotlight that is on the stage earlier moved to me. Then my dumb face appeared on the projector screen.

"What's this guy's name? Time? Tine?"


"I think he is a cheerleader. Are you on the same faculty?"

"No. He is studying Law." The other female emcee joined the topic. I don't know where to hide my face anymore.

"That is him right?" This time, they asked Sarawat.

"..." A moment later, the camera turned towards Sarawat again. Fortunately, he just smiled but did not respond. Just doing his shy gesture in his own style.

"A lot of people are curious about what Ctrl S means." Because they did not receive an answer from that tan-skinned, the emcee changed the question to another band member. Earn is the one who answered.

"Ctrl S is a shortcut for saving commands on the computer. We believe that the computer has a hard disk to store information, so we also have the heart to keep good memories."

"Nice!" The fans shouted.

"Who came up with that group name?"


"So let us ask him a little. What is your inspiration for this name?"

"The people around me."


"Family, friends, and... "




Ctrl S made it to the final round as expected. The Rhythm, P'Mil's group, also made it. 'Sunshine, daisy flowers and ripe avocado' is disqualified. The juniors made fun of P'Dim because they lost to the first years. In the end, everyone who teased them was threatened to be kicked out of the club.

Therefore, Sarawat needed to practice triple times this time. Everyday, I will follow Sarawat to the training room. There are times that we have to sleep in there as well. My gang and the White Lions usually come and join me to watch their training.

Tonight, we have an honorable guest - the gaylord who once pursued me.

"Is there a problem between you and P'Dim?" I asked Green because he was crying.

"No. We're okay."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I can't move on. You are supposedly mine. We should be together." Damn it! Shut up! I have a husband already.

But I just kept quiet. To be frank, I really don't like Green and never will I like him. "P'Dim is totally in love with you."

"I'm scared of him. If I do not obey him, he will fix my death. I do not want to die just yet. Also, I can only find a new husband if he will die. Right?" What a wicked thought, Green.

"I'm curious now. Do you even love P'Dim?" I've been wondering for a long time.

"I love you more than him, Tine."

"Be serious now! I will kick you."

"Hey! I am just joking. And why do you bother asking me if I love him? Of course I love him! We have been together for a long time. It's just that, I want to meet someone new. Do you understand?"

"So, you want to leave him just to find someone new. Am I right?"

"I used to think that way. But halfway through, my heart is not strong enough to leave him. I loved him that much."

"But are you happy?"

"If I am not happy, why should I force myself to be with him?"


"Being with him makes me extremely happy despite the arguments we always have. You can't remove that in a relationship. All you have to do is to fix it right away. At the end of the day, P'Dim is always my happiness."

Only then I discovered that Green also has a romantic and serious side.


"The final round of the Music Festival is here!" "Woohoo!!"

"Tonight is the gathering of all music enthusiasts of our university! Do not forget to cheer for your favorite bands!"

The venue for the final round was moved inside the stadium which is about three times more capacity than the theater. Students at the school see this as an opportunity to gather and to relieve the stress from studying and playing hard.

It is a very important competition that there are many artists from famous music companies to entertain everyone.

Sarawat brought "Troublemaker Bastard" - our baby guitar. I did not see him play an acoustic guitar at all during practice because they always used electric guitars. But I don't have time to ask him because today is such an important day for him.

I thought they changed their costume into a tuxedo or something more suitable for the group. But the moment they stepped out of the changing room...

They are wearing colorful and cheerful cartoon pajamas, flip-flops, and white T- shirts. It is like they are about to sleep now. Damn!

"Our theme is funny." He immediately defended himself because he saw my reaction.

"Really? Who's opinion is that? I did not know."

"Man suggested just yesterday and everyone agreed. Is it okay?"

"..." Wait. I am speechless.

"This is also to make the crowd cheer for us."

"I am just shocked because of your appearance. But you look cute."

"Then I will win for sure."


"I will try my best."

"You already did your best so I'm sure the result will be good." I walked closer to him. I saw him smiling with such emotions overflowing. I need to encourage him a lot today because he really worked hard to be on this day. He is just one step closer to reaching his dream.

But I still find his clothes so funny...

"Whether I win or lose, I will always be happy because I have you by side."

"Whether you win or lose, you will always be in here." I slammed my chest to support the sentence I said.

"In your boobs?"

"You ruin my mood. Stay away from me." I heard laughter echoing in my eardrums before going out of the hall. I chose the location that is closest to the stage together with my friends. I want to watch him so closely. I want to see the result of their hard work. I want to see him shine in that spotlight.

"Please welcome on stage, Ctrl S!"

"Ctrl S! Ctrl S! Ctrl S!"

The members not only wore pajamas but they also have colorful raincoats. Sarawat's raincoat is yellow. He was so cute that I couldn't help but to pick up my phone and take a picture of him.

They started playing. Their first song is a playful one that made everybody dance on their feet. It also made everyone sweaty.

Their second song is "See Scape" by Scrubb. I sang along with them and they played it really cool. After that song, the vocalist spoke...

"One of our friends liked our next song very much. He said that some people are scared of the rain. They are afraid of getting wet so they have to hide under an umbrella or this raincoat." Said the vocalist of the band.


"So through this song, we want everyone to just face the rain and enjoy being wet. Because there is joy underneath it, especially when you have your special someone. Whoever knows the song, please sing with us." He continued.

I am glad to be immersed in the thousands of people in this hall. Everytime a Scrubb song is used by the performers, I am extremely satisfied because that is my favorite band.

They said, the first song is to introduce themselves hence the fun and playful song earlier. The second song is to wake us up to be true to who we really are. That made me want to face the big world out there with someone.

Their third song is called "Rain", still from Scrubb. Then I understood why they wore those raincoats tonight. Everyone seemed to be enjoying it, swaying to the beat of the music, letting things turn around. After that, the mood gradually subsided to the soothing rhythm of their next song.

The 1975's "Robbers" pulled everyone to their feet and waved their hands before ending with the last song. The song that Ctrl S hopes everyone to understand.

"For our last song, we hope everyone will sing along." The lead singer once said that a good song doesn't necessarily require a good melody and is famous to be loved by people.

"This song may be simple, but for us, this is like a soft breath of someone we love. No matter how soft it is, we can still feel it and it makes us happy."


"This song is a message that we want to share to everyone. We hope that one day, when that person leaves us, we hope that they will continue to breath... so we can still be happy. This song is from Abuse the Youth entitled 'Whisper'."

"The song I keep only in my heart that has been empty How many more times must I beg?

How many melodies has to pass by? I only have one life,

standing alone in this chaotic world. Until you showed up and changed things

And this same song was given a meaning."

I remembered the first time I saw Sarawat... His face is so smooth despite not smiling.

"I keep the past memories of every yesterday

I write and compose a gentle voice that we can hear. But you still have my voice

That is why I am still waiting for you to be by my side. No matter how long it will be,

even the stars will fade away, I will be here."

How long have we known each other? Our conversations, laughters, tears, everything. It all passed as a beautiful memory to me. The lyrics of the song are like a dagger to me, stabbing me in my heart. He waited for too long just to have me.

And that is an indescribable feeling for me.

"Let this song be a guiding light when we both look at the sky. No matter how far we are apart, it will lead us together.

Let this be a song of our memories.

When you are empty, just whisper softly under your breath. Because you have this song."

I want to hug him. I want to thank him for loving and taking care of me this much. I am so lucky to have him as my lover.

"You are my everything

You are still my everything, and that will never change. No matter how long it will be,

Even the stars will fade away, There is always me."

"Thank you everyone! Again, we are the Ctrl S!"

I wiped away the tears on my cheeks. I looked up at the stage where there were many people. Taem's voice hypnotized the entire hall. Not long after, two male and a female emcees came out. I saw Sarawat just staring at me, we looked at each other for a while before the emcee talked to each other. Then he walked down the stage. As for me, I still stood motionless under the stage.


"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Here are the winners of the 2016 Music Festival. Third place goes to... The Blackboard Story! Please give them a round of applause."

Only three teams passed during the semi-finals. Therefore, only two groups left: Ctrl S and The Rhythm. The members hurled to each other while waiting for the result. P'Mil's team is also good. Their songs also made the people dance and sing. But I only focused on Sarawat's group which gave me no time to pay attention to others. "The winner of this year's Music Festival is..."

A lot of screaming and shouting is happening. Some are cheering for Ctrl S while some is The Rhythm. The music was turned on to increase the suspense that forced me to squeeze one of my friend's clothes.

"Congratulations to.. "




"Say it!"



"Congratulations to, Ctrl S!"

I jumped and jumped and jumped because I was really happy. Damn! I was about to have a heart attack because of the suspense.

"And this year's winners are first year. Now, we would like to invite last year's champion Sssss band to award the winner."

Everything happened so fast. I almost do not know what happened to the front of the stage. I just remember that our friends from the White Lion put a bouquet of flowers in my hand before pushing me to the front of the stage where the winner was standing

The chaotic sound at first suddenly stopped. Sarawat walked to the front of the stage and then dropped to his knees to look at me with a smile.

"Is that for me?" He asked me but I am still daydreaming, so I did not reply. I just gave him this bouquet of roses.

"Sweet~" People in the surrounding screamed. Sarawat took the bouquet and went back with his group. At that time, the emcee spoke again.

"Per our tradition, this year's winning group will perform for an opening act of our very own special guests tonight. Please welcome back on stage, Ctrl S!"

Everyone walked down the stage. The bright light that was illuminating the stage was reduced until turned off. The moment it lights up again, Sarawat is the only person on stage with his acoustic guitar.

There was no one else. The other members of the Ctrl S went down on stage. Only him is standing in the middle of the spotlight. I can never imagine a shy person like him to stand alone on the stage. Then he started to speak on the microphone... "Actually, I made a bet with my friends from Political Science."

"Sarawat! Aaaahhh!"

"And that bet is about my lover."


"If we win tonight, I have to perform a song in front of everyone. If not, I will sing a song just for him to listen. But regardless, that person needs to listen."


"The song that I will be singing tonight is entitled 'Tine'. It is also my own composition."


"Tine, my love. This is for you."

He looked at me before he slowly struck the guitar. The whole hall which was filled with screams, suddenly fell silent leaving only the sound of that guitar. I don't know what to say or do. I just looked up at the stage and tried to find ways to keep my tears from losing control.

I never had a weak heart like this in my life. Every fragment of memories from the time I talked to Phukong came rushing back. Sarawat once wrote a song for me, that has my name as the title, and here it is... I can finally listen to it tonight...

"Our eyes met accidentally on that day.

Even though it was just a moment, it felt really good.

My whole world was extremely happy that day,

Although I don't understand why my heart beated like that.

I am someone who always loved to be alone, But I looked out everywhere just to know you. I never knew how long time has passed, Before I understood my heart that I love you.

Then you became ready to be with me, Even we had bad moments in our lives. The world maybe wide,

But it can't be as big as my love for you.

You and me, together.

No matter what obstacles are ahead,

We will always look for the good old days

Just like this familiar world that we have right now.

No matter how bad things are going to be,

Remember that I've always fallen in love with your tears. If you are willing to accept the past and ready to forgive, I will be here, and let's start together again."

The song ended with applause from the crowd. As for me, the emotions welled up in my chest suddenly flowed. Sarawat smiled at me. We just smiled at each other before he stepped out of the stage. Just looking at him from the beginning to the end is worth it. We understood each other just by looking at each other's eyes.

Not long after that, the famous band that the university hired performed. I went out to escape the stifling atmosphere of the crowd and headed straight behind the stage. Sarawat waited there with his calm face. Sweat rolled down on his face, but still dared to tease me.

"You looked at me without blinking so I purposely played it wrong."

"But that was a great song!"



"And then?"

"I am so embarrassed..."


"But... thank you. I don't know what else to say."

"No. Thank you. Thank you because you talked to me that day."

I only nodded. Actually, I have a lot of things to be thankful about. For example, the arrival of Green, P'Dim's dictatorship, White Lion gang, my male leads, Phukong, P'Type, and most especially, Scrubb. I believe they all contributed on to what we have today.

"Are you ready to go out and jump with the crowd?"

"Alright! Let's go!" Now is not the time for us to think far away. Sarawat and I met through music, therefore, we have to enjoy this moment because this is going to be a night full of it.

"Sarawat!" Although there were many people inside the hall, there was a person who chased after us. That person is P'Mil.

"What's up?" Sarwat answered him.

"Nothing. I just want to say..."


"Yeah! You are right! Next year, I will surely beat you."

"Then bring it on." His thick hand rubbed P'Mil's shoulder firmly before he disappeared in the crowd. Tonight is an occasion to celebrate and to let go of everything after a long time of hard work.

The singer in front of us raised his voice through the microphone, once again drawing our gaze to the stage.

"Let me hear the sound of people who have a lover!"


"Those who have a lover and are holding hands right now, I want you to know that fate has contributed to make you meet."


"Love each other! If one day they will leave you, just trust each other. Because if you are meant to be together, you will always be together!"

After that, Scrubb came out. They are always the last group to play in every event. I once said that I liked Scrubb, and luck is always on my side. Sarawat is on my side and we just dance until we're exhausted. The song they performed is 'Together'.

"Walking past looking at the unknown crowd."

As usual...

"Let's look through existing memories, probably only me who knows."

As always, like before...

"Days and years passed by like wind passing through. But someone makes me feel..."


"One person has changed everything, the one who can make me smile"

No matter how sad I am...

"That one person who changed my view of love that I don't know, I don't understand."

Maybe, because we are meant to be together.

** THE END **