
Because We Are 2gether - by JittiRain

A student named Tine Teepakorn wants to get rid of a gay admirer. His friends recommend getting a pretend boyfriend, Sarawat Guntithanon, who plays hard to get until he finally agrees. The two become close and intense emotions soon erupted.

lanwuxians · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 16 : A Real Man: Top man. A Transvestite man: Ultraman!

'Political Science team was so amazing! They could win against the Engineering team unexpectedly. Our guy did it best. #TeamSarawatWives'

'Very handsome. Yesterday, he was very handsome.'

'Humorous! Whatever he does isn't wrong because of his handsomeness. #CrazyInLoveWithSuperWhite'

'Super White, ManOho, TeeMoe, BossJimLim, BigTato, and Team Mon-Chae... Sarawat's gang is so funny.'

'The White Lions were very nice! And Super White is very cool'

"What time is our call time? It's already half past five my brothers and sisters! And look at this guy who has the guts to still play with his phone.... TINE!!!"

"Well..." I was startled and turned to look at this giant man standing in the middle of the room. Great! All eyes are on me now. I wanted to escape so bad but I'm a cool guy so I just slowly placed my phone back into my pocket.

Yesterday, the match between Political Science and Engineering ended beautifully with a penalty shot. It came to the point of everyone being stunned because the White Lions just ended the six-time championship title from their rival.

Many people are screaming the names printed at the back shirt of the White Lion gang. They even caused commotion of taking pictures and tagging every player on Instagram. Think about this; if the other members of the gang were being hit like this, how much more is Sarawat? I wonder if he survived this or not.

Maybe he survived... But doomed

And I am here sitting for a while now. The photo is still posted on Instagram. There are notifications every thirty seconds. It could be said that the wives are burning me through their phones now.

"What did I say just now, Tine?" Alright I'm worried now.

I did not intend to listen at all while I'm scrolling the screen of my phone earlier. The truth is, I have no idea what he is talking about right now. I don't want to answer him because if I answer it without me knowing the question, it will look disrespectful. So, I chose to guess the context that is obviously going to happen instead.

"You talk about music."

"What about?"

"We will play music!"

"Umm... then?"

"To promote the activities before the Music Festival next term!" It's just the same story as before. I just brought it back for me to survive so I need to say something. "What about the performances?"

"Uhmmm.... we have to choose it ourselves."

"Yes! The first show starts next Friday. Therefore, you have to prepare by yourselves and practice as early as you can. You have to choose for your own songs as well. Most importantly, this performance is a solo show for the first years so you must really work hard."

"Ha!? Solo?!" I am so shocked. P'Dim let out a deep sigh. This lady then came to me and looked at me in the eyes.

"That was a moment ago. Didn't you hear?"

"Okay.... I heard." When? What? How? Anyway, they might already complain. Maybe that was the time when my mind wandered about Sarawat frantically.

"Those who don't have basic knowledge must also perform. You will be the opening show before the groups that can actually play."

"Oh no! Please don't!" Most newbies are shouting and some almost burst into tears. However, the people on Sarawat's side are laughing so hard. How dare them offer us to perform first.

"Okay. Enough. Since the trainers came in late, this show is going to be a three days event. One day for the first years, the other day for second years, and last belongs to the higher year. Now, each representative must pick a number to know who will perform first."

"P', I want to ask if Prae will perform as well." Even if you curse me to the point that I will feel numb, I need to ask about Prae. She never came to the club again after we stopped talking to each other. We don't have that closure yet and I am so bad for doing that to her. Since I don't know what to do, I just left her hanging.

"Nong Prae already resigned. Don't you know?"


"Her friend knows."


"How are we going to practice? It is hard to find time because some don't come to clubs anymore." Another junior sitting beside helped to clear the air. I nodded to acknowledge.

"Practice separately. Tomorrow, I will ask what song each one of you have chosen. Everyone should come up for an agreement so that the other instruments can follow the song." That is for the bass, drums, and keyboard.

Sarawat's group separated to sit in the corner of the room, discussing their performance. As for my team, everyone is thinking of which song to play without interrupting anyone. And then...

"Tine ~ Tine my love!! What song did you choose?" Green....

I thought this guy was dead. Where the hell did he come from? In addition, he has an oily face so the dissolved foundation on his face was rubbed to my shirt. I want to keep him away because my shirt is so damn hard to wash. "You don't have to bother about me."

"Play the song of Scrubb so Tine will then fall in love with me!" "To the song! Not to you..."

"Don't be so stubborn. If you need recommendations on where to practice, come practice with me in my room. When you are tired from practicing, then we will sleep together!" This guy is hallucinating. Where did his confidence come from?

"Aren't you tired of following me yet?"

"I still like you, Tine. I still want to keep an eye on you." He is making a look that he thinks makes him cute. Compared to those who looked at me like that before, his face and hair looked like a freak in a horror show.... a nightmare. If he won't stop, I will surely leave right away. I really can't handle him.

"I already have someone I like."

"It is okay if you like Sarawat but he should be the mistress." So, he read my post as well.

"Stop bothering me! Go away!"

"Can you be my boyfriend?"


"Sarawat is an easy person. He will accept if Tine will have another wife."

"Wait a minute, what kind of rhinoceros possessed you? I need to concentrate here. If you say another word, I will crush you down." Green agreed so he keeps quiet but he still keeps on rubbing his face to my arm.

Sarawat continued to practice with his group. I still don't know what song to play but probably a song of any band with simple chords so it won't go wrong.

"Tine, what song have you chosen?"

"Shut up. Be quiet."

Until more than an hour passed. Everyone is fighting to survive. I still couldn't choose a song and I'm getting annoyed. No matter what song I chose, it did not go. I had to sit and listen for their song choices but it seems like we will be caught up with the chords.

"You can still practice for twenty more minutes. Today, I will close the club room to clear the area." P'Dim leaned over and took his face to the door frame. After leaving to talk and enjoy insulting people in every group, everything is arranged from the guitar room to the Thai music room.

I checked my phone to look for interesting songs with easy chords. Right now, there are lists of about four to five songs that I really like. If the song has difficult chords, then it is rejected.

"Wait. Should we stop practicing and go find something to eat?" I sighed unconsciously after hearing Green speak again.

"I don't want to eat. Not hungry."

"But he's hungry."

"About you."

"Then you should go practice in his room. I guarantee that it will help you rehearse with all your heart."

"Don't even think..." Great! Now these people are teasing me. Green quickly moved about two inches away but his eyes were attacking me with a terrible, creepy look. I wanted to leave the room now. Help!

It is the end of the practice time and everyone began to gradually leave the room. I hurried to walk out of the room because I'm not seeing Green right now. I have to leave before he attacks me again and sticks to me like a tapeworm.

"Hey!" Something is off about P'Dim today. "What did Green ask you today?"

"Well, he wants to go out with me. He wants to be with me."


"Huuuuhhhh?!" Said Green who suddenly appeared behind P'Dim. The blood- stained expression suddenly appears in the eyes of this giant senior.

"Are you really going to be with Tine?" He turned to ask Green.

"P'Dim... It's a joke."

"Today, your behavior is really harsh. Do you really want Tine to be your husband?"

"So, what? I am single. Do you have any problem with that?"

"Greeeennnnn!" He quickly strangled the person behind him.

"P'Dim!" I hurriedly went in between them to stop this emotional sensation that could turn into something bad in any moment. My only intention is goodness as a member of this club, nothing else. But seriously? We can insult each other but don't use force.

"And what the hell Tine? Do you want to get along with him?"

"Of course not! Your voice is too loud and the juniors might hear us. This is not suitable for them."

"So, what? Are you the husband?"

"..." I was stunned.

"Troublemaker, get off." I am just standing still in between them, unable to think for a moment. This rough hand is really familiar. I turned around and found the sharp face of Sarawat staring at me with his smooth and steady eyes.

"Hold on" I forced myself to not move anywhere.

"And what makes you busy with him? Were you able to choose a song?"

"Yeah. And let me tell you this, even though I don't like Green, you can't do that to your junior or to anyone!" How about that? I am so brave. Throughout the term, today is the day I will face P'Dim.

"And how do you know that he is just a junior?"

"Because you are older than him!"

"Have you heard that he has a boyfriend before?"

"Ummm...Yes." Looking back, I remember Green had many fans before. Recalling from the day we met, he said that his ex is really satisfied with him.

"So, you already know Tine... So now, are you his husband?"


"You are my ex-husband now, so shut up!"Green said to P'Dim.

"What ex-husband? When did I break up with you? Hold on!"

"We broke up that day!"

"You broke up with me for two minutes! You broke up with me for two damn minutes... then then I continued to cuddle you!"


"Let's get out of here and talk about our relationship."

As for me, I was only standing there dumbfounded. What the hell did I just hear? My mind is so full of questions. What the fuck just happened?

Then I noticed Sarawat's hand pulling me without any force. P'Dim... that senior everyone knows... has a giant gay wife who followed me all the time this entire semester. If I have played with him before, I don't know if I still have my spirit here in my body.

"You... You knew about this for a long time?" I asked the person standing in front of me while I'm breathing heavily and grabbing oxygen from my lungs after going through a shock.


"What umm?"

"Known it for a long time."

"But you did not tell me."

"It is not about me so why do I have to say it? Also, Green did not do anything to me. Why so affected? Are you jealous?" His prominent nose moved close to my face until I accidentally held my breath automatically.


"Anyway, they are already together. The wife can't have another husband now." Sarawat and I met each other before. He even said that he liked me for a long time. He took me to clubs and see concerts. And here is another fact today... Green is still dating his boyfriend and he knew all this time yet he never told me about this.

I think Sarawat agreed with the 'fake boyfriend' thing because he has been planning to win me for a long time. I am so stupid. Damn~

Today is our practice for the performance as appointed by the seniors of the club. I am too tired to carry a guitar but I don't want to look weak nor sound like a darling so I have to bring it with me. I sat at the long wooden table and started practicing.

I already chose a song for the performance - "Only You" by Scrubb. Chords are not so easy but there are some chords that I am still not sure of so I get stuck here and there. I want someone to help me practice the chords. But guess what? I might be crazy because I only think of him.

And since he is the only one I thought who could help me with this, I picked up my phone and gave him a call. I don't know where he is right now. He may be practicing for the performance or maybe go training football with his friends.

I waited for a while before Sarawat answered my call.


Wow! What a greeting! This good day is now turning into a bad day. I was happy then but now I am getting annoyed. I feel like I disturbed him or something. I don't know. All my emotions were dissipated.

"Are you free?"


"Where are you? At the club or practicing football?"

[Ice cream shop]

"Why are you there?"

[Came to pick up the guitar chords and to practice the guitar.]

"Are you done? Come visit me and teach me how to play the guitar." I don't usually ask help from him.

[Don't you have rehearsals today?]

"I am here. I will wait for you for an hour."

[Wait a minute]

"If you come late, there is definitely something."

[What is the matter? Thinking of something?]

"See you!"

Don't worry. I won't bother you anymore on the day I die, damn! After a while, these annoying faces from the cheering practice passed by and greeted me. They are at the other side of the field. Before the seniors and juniors arrived at the table, I already finished playing the song twice. I greeted them all for how many minutes.

Now I'm tired.

And I hate this. I hate this because everybody will see Sarawat's face again.

Does he know how charming his face is even if he is tired? It fucking attracts all women, bisexual, gay, even the straights. They are all drooling for him! Yeah. What's wrong with me? Why am I so frustrated? Does he understand??? I am getting crazy!!

Then suddenly...

"Sitting with a wrinkled face? What help do you need?"

"Oh", I only exclaimed softly while looking at this tall body sitting down on the long wooden chair beside me. "You see, there are too many seniors around but all of them are so busy." I am trying to speak in a soft tone to see how Sarawat will react.

"Uhh... Such a cutie." Alright. Successful.


"Cute, sexy, and delicious. I'm so satisfied with you." He is staring at my eyes while talking. Okay, I won't fight back.

"Pfffff... satisfied my ass... Look at the chords." I quickly showed the music sheet to him. Sarawat looked at it without saying anything for a while before breaking the silence.

"Give it a try."

"Okay. I will start now. Intro... "

"Start again." He immediately stopped me as I played the first chord. When he said to start again, I followed his instructions as simple as that. After playing for a while, I turned to ask for his opinion.

"How about that?"

"No. Try holding the strings tightly and use the pick properly."


"If your fingers start hurting, tell me." After saying that, Sarawat moved closer to me. His thick hands are caressing the back of my hair. He then leaned down and reached his five fingers to touch the strings of the guitar and the other hand near the sound hole.

"Is this the C string sharp seventh?"

"Hmm." I answered briefly. I glanced at his face for a moment before concentrating on the guitar in his hand. I am almost covered by Sarawat's body. My heart was beating so fast and I was shaking uncontrollably.

"The guitar pick should be used like this. Tilt it well enough, strum it like that, and look at my wrist - it is twisting." My right hand was held by a large hand supported by a single pick that seemed to be so difficult to control. Seriously, it is really hard to control.

Wow! I can't stay like this for a long time. I will explode any minute from now. "Let's try it together."


"Sounds better."

"Ahh... Okay... then..." Please don't ask me. I can't feel anything except the smell of the fabric conditioner from your clothes as your right hand is holding my hand and not letting go.

"Try this chord."

"Like this?" I try to move my hand to change the chords. However, Sarawat's finger is still holding my fingers without any objection.

"If you think that is correct, play it."

Sarawat really is a good teacher. I could easily follow him that easily until I allowed myself to play the song. It is a really fun song. My fingers don't hurt at all. I am really learning because of him.

Sarawat did not bother to move and I am starting to get comfortable.

"Why did you choose this song? Not everyone knows this." He asked me after he let go of my hand. In the past, I thought like everyone else. I want to play popular music so loud so that everybody can sing along. I did not know if indie music already dominated my head or not. The song is not so popular but it is good for my heart every time I listen to it.

"I like it when I listen to it and it makes me happy."

"Playing and happiness... just choose one because the chords are hard. What made you think that the chords are easy?"

"Can you not discourage me? I must try it no matter how difficult it is...just like in love. Tell me, how is that so difficult? It is very precious."

"Oh... cool!" Are you being sarcastic?

"I know you're thinking that I can't play the guitar. But wait to see my actual performance. You will see that I am more than what you think."

"What a cool person."

"I want to buy every sentence that has the word 'cool'."

"Money can't buy cool. But can be exchanged for something."

"Exchange with what?"

"Exchange with your heart."



"Let me go to the bathroom first. I need to vomit for a moment." "I don't want to play too much as well... I might vomit too."

And the day ended with the word 'coolness' buried in my head whether sleeping or walking. What a cool person! Wait, I'm getting addicted to this word again. Damn! @#$%^&*)(


Is this a guitar practice or you are making everyone jealous? Huh? @Sarawatlism @Tine_chic


During the past week, I spent a lot of time doing activities such as practicing the guitar with the club and practicing cheerleading, at the same time, studying my subjects and preparing for the final examination this term. It can be said that the work is too much but I'm a chic guy so I won't allow this to wobble me at all.

I am also looking forward to my happiness - Friday! Meaning, the next days will be Saturday and Sunday so I have all the time to sleep, bump, spin, work out or even hang out with my friends.

It is three o'clock in the afternoon and our last subject just ended. My gang hurriedly packed our things to find something to eat near the building. As soon as we stepped out of our building, we saw someone pushing a member of the White Lion gang at the corner of the building.

Sarawat and his friends' condition are no different from people attacked by dogs. And just like the day we met them, the front part of Man's clothes was smudged with various stains. I stared at his palms carefully and found some reddish stains. Who would have accidentally dipped his hand with Heinz Ketchup? So amazing. We walked near them but the White Lions who were standing straight earlier dispersed. All that remains is Sarawat who is still standing and is waiting for us to arrive near them.

"Classes are done?" The question may seem off but I don't know how to ask what is happening. Sarawat's face is full of sweat. He is also breathing too fast. I am afraid he will collapse any moment from now.

"Umm." He responded briefly while lifting his left hand and gently rubbed my head. "Where are you going?"

"Back to the dorm."

"What did you do before this? Is Political Science now digging soil?" His state is very messy. It's good to talk to each other beside the building because there are not too many people who can see us.

I saw his wounded right hand. This is not the first time I saw his hand like this. The last time, it was due to practicing guitar for a long period of time. Why don't you take good care of yourself? He saw my face now being frustrated.

"I am fine. Don't worry."

"What happened?"

"I'm tired today. Are you going back to your dorm? Please drive me back to my dormitory."

"Where is your car?"

"Repair shop."

"And why don't you go with your friends? They have big cars."

"I want to burden you, not them." Damn it.

"Wait a moment. I'll go tell my friends first." Sarawat nodded before walking to the parking lot. I agreed to send Sarawat back to his dorm today. It really looked like a tiring day for him because normally, he will talk non-stop.

"Sarawat, we are here." He was so exhausted that he fell asleep. The atmosphere is strange and quiet.


"Are you okay? Are you sick? Where does it hurt? Tell me." Please don't say anything. I quickly lifted my hand and touched his forehead to check the temperature. I cannot accept that I am this worried because normally, I am not like this.

"No problem at all. Hurry and go back. And don't go anywhere else."

"Wait. I am not finished yet." Sarawat is about to open the door and get out of the car but I managed to push his arm to keep him in place.

"I will talk to you tomorrow."

"But Sarawat... I am worried. Do you understand?"


"Don't act like that. How can I comfortably return to my room then? You always think of yourself as the center of everything and disregard all the people that care for you." My brain did not function while I uttered those words.

"Do not think too much, Troublemaker. I just have some problems with some seniors."

"What seniors? Then where does it hurt? Tell me." Sarawat refused to answer the question and walked down from the car. He nodded which means he is inviting me to follow him to his room.

Everything in his room remains the same. I walked in and sat at the end of the bed. I looked at his tall body, picked up the first aid box and placed it on my lap. He then uttered a sentence with such a smooth voice.

"Looking for wounds?"

"Where?" All I see is the wound in his right hand. As for the face, there is no sign of being punched nor attacked at all.

"The whole body."


I slowly unbutton his uniform. One button at a time before I threw it to the laundry basket. And then I noticed his inner shirt... there is a trace of blood. Upon checking from the neck to the shoulders down to the belly, there are bruises, marks, and bloods. This will cause people to get hurt as well. This is not a light wound. Not at all.

"Who...Who did this to you?" I swallowed my own saliva.


"Your faculty?"

"No. Others."

"This is because of the football match, right?" Sarawat shook his head.

"They did not like me for a long time. They said I made them angry so much." He responded as though he did not feel anything. But me? I am about to die on the inside.

Sarawat is not like those people who announce what they feel so this story is going to be quiet as usual. This event reminds me of the day I met him in the shop with Earn.

I sighed unconsciously. I pick up a cotton ball, moisten it with alcohol, and slowly wipe his wounds. I know how much this hurt so I tried looking at the person's face when wiping it. He groaned and skewed every time I applied it and I want to comfort him so much.

"Don't cry."

"Who's crying?" He looked at me with his usual deadpan face.

"I'm kidding. How are your friends? Are they battered like you as well?"

"It hurts... The seniors have nothing to do with them so they attacked me alone. My friends just helped me deal with them."


I can say how much this hurt my feelings. His body was tall but all you can see from the right shoulder down to his chest are bruises, blood, and greenish-purple skin color.

"These wounds need some serious medicine. I'll go to the drugstore now."

"No need to apply medicine."

"It won't hurt that much! You need it so that all your wounds will heal."

"You are here so my wound will heal quickly."

"You are so stubborn."

While I am applying alcohol to his wounds, Sarawat faced me. We stared for a moment before he lay his forehead down to my shoulder. I don't want to say any single word and I don't want to interrupt him. I just let him rest on my shoulder even though it is quite difficult to clean his wounds.

I saw a red trace on his back. Almost eighty percent of his back was covered by it. I guess this is due to some kicks, or maybe he was struck by a belt or something.

I can't help it.

"Hey, if I am not around and the bleeding won't stop, go see a doctor." I hinted to Sarawat who was still resting his face on my shoulder.

"Do it yourself."

"Also, I know there is something you should tell me. You said you wanted to share everything with me, right?"

"I don't want you to worry that much. I don't want you to be stressed." "But this is even more stressful! Turn around and I'll wipe your back." "Can I stay like this for a while?"

"Umm..." Anyway, I don't want to interrupt him. Let him rest on my shoulder. This made me dislike the seniors who attacked him. I don't see any reason why they have to hurt their juniors.

I sat with my legs crossed. One hand is placed on the lap while the other hand is still holding the first aid kit. Sarawat began to move. I could feel his prominent nose on my shoulder until I felt an overwhelming feeling on my neck....

The bastard just bit me.

He even had the courage to play with me this time. Really?

"What the fuck? It hurts!" I want to slap his hard face but I can't do it.

".... "

"Let go of my neck!" The dog finally let go of my neck. Dogs can really bite your neck even if you are not playing with them.

"I'm in pain. "

"Fuck off." This is not what I watched in K-Dramas. Usually, they bite clothes when they are hurt. But this bastard bit my neck.

"Your body is too sweet. I can't help it." That's what he said.

"You wipe your wounds alone." I gave him a sharp look, squinted my eyes to look harsh, and gave him the first aid kit. As for me, I turned and rubbed the red mark on my neck back and forth.

"All red."

"I know right?" Of course. You just bit me. "Not the neck.. but the face."


"Your face is red. Your ears are also red. Are you shy?"

"Who is shy?"

"I have a wound in my hand"

"Do it yourself."

"Ouch. Hey, it hurts. It really hurts." This crazy bastard is holding his hand, rolling on the bed. He is like a child yearning for candy in a candy shop. He is doing his best acting so I can deal with his request with full sympathy. But he still has the usual deadpan face.

"Hey, I sympathized with you. Now take some medicine first." Sarawat smiles. It is a smile that is rarely seen from him. He is a kind of person who doesn't like showing facial expressions. But this time, he smiled. A smile that made me sigh with relief even with his uncomfortable beaten body.

After cleaning his wounds, Sarawat picked up a white T-Shirt to wear. I looked for painkillers so he can take it before turning on the TV. The show is about a male lead taking care of the female lead too. This is so wrong.

"Don't you want to sleep here tonight?"

"No. I'll just watch TV. Go to sleep now." I leaned against the head of the bed while wobbling my feet. Sarawat lay down beside me but not far apart.

"Don't hurry to leave."

"Yeah. Maybe late night until you fall asleep."

We did not talk about anything after that. I keep on pressing the remote to find a good channel. Since I can't find a good channel, I turned off the TV.

I checked the person beside me but to my surprise, Sarawat is not there. So, I stood up, dragged my feet to the balcony and saw a tall man, cross-legged on the floor with a guitar in his hand.

"Your hands hurt. Don't play the guitar just yet."

"I'll try to play your song just in case you'll have some problem."

"Just be careful." I said it with my mouth but in my heart, I am really frustrated. I don't want to stop him so I sit beside him. This person is really showing me his skills of playing the guitar even though his hands were hurt.

"This song has some hard chords. Remember?"

"What if I forget?"

"What is this chord?"


"If you want to truly memorize the chords, come to me in my room. I'll teach you how."

"Don't come smooth. I won't be fooled by you."

"Yeah. You will be lost too. Entering and leaving my room will be so difficult." My face turned color when I saw Sarawat smiling with ambiguity. My body hair suddenly rose.

"I'll leave now."

"Be a caring friend tonight. You have to comfort me because I am still shocked."

"Are you a three years old child? Why so scared?"

"But my hands are very painful."

"..." I did not listen to him. Whatever it is, I will still leave. After that, the epic acting of a person longing for compassion began again.

"My leg hurts. My shoulder is in pain. My stomach was hit by many kicks."


"My back was really hurting. I received a number of thrust from that belt." I feel like he is a slave in the prison in an extreme drama scene that is being hit by a leather belt. He is acting pitiful. He keeps on saying a lot of things but I know he will insult me again because he has a mad spirit inside of him that is ten times worse than his acting. If he is doing this with his wives watching, then they must think that this Sarawat is solemn and honest.

But in the end, all jokes are on me.

"Stop doing this bullshit. I can't sleep in your room because I have nothing with me. How about my clothes then? Toothbrush? Toothpaste? Do you have all kinds of toothpaste?"

"It is in my room."


"I already purchased items for you a long time ago." What the hell? This bastard already prepared everything for a long time and waited until today.

"I am scared of you now." I quickly moved away to the other side. Sarawat did not say anything. We were quiet for a moment before the guitar sounded softly. There was a stumbling tone when he started but he tried to press it again several times. I honestly don't want him to play because of his condition now. But I can see how desperate he wants to play.

I pulled out a coin from my pocket and interrupted him. "Let's play a game! Ask and answer, alternately!"

"That is for morons. I don't want to." Well that hurt my feelings. Good job!

"Bye. I will leave now."

"Show me how to play it. Come one." Wow. That was fast. So, I moved a little closer to the tall person and turned to face him with the coin in my hand.

"So, I will spin a coin. If it's a head, then you have to answer my questions. If not, then you have to ask me. One question each." Aside from the fact that I do not want Sarawat to play the guitar, at least I will get to know more about him. There are things in my mind that are not answered yet and I am desperately curious to know the answers.

"So, who will start first?" Sarawat asked. So stupid.

"I'll spin the coin now." I released a small amount of spin on the floor causing the coin to spin several times before stopping.

"Head!" I'll go first.

"I want to ask you. We met at the Scrubb event last year and then we met again this time. Did you intend to follow me to this university?" This is a question stuck in my head for a long time.

"Are you serious? Who will follow you to study? This happened coincidentally." While answering the question, Sarawat picked up the coin and spun it up. This time, fate is really in my hand so I hurriedly asked a question to not waste time.

"When did you know that I am also studying here?"

"When you came to see me at the Political Science building. I was shocked but I felt joy. You are so cute back then. cuddlier than the first time we met. That's why I said I'd like to kiss you until you drop on the floor."

"Enough!" He is always thinking about erotic stories. He is really a lustful person but not showing it to everyone.

This time, I already asked him about ten questions. I spun the coin revealing another side of the coin that has not appeared since we started playing.

"How many exes have you ever had?" I hugged my knees. I did not think that Sarawat would have a tough corner about ex-girlfriends. Alright, then give me some time to think. First is Fan... two is... three...

"Seven?" I'm not even sure if the rest can be identified as 'girlfriend' or just a good flirt.

"Is that exes or underwear? You keep on changing lovers. So disastrous." He is scolding me again.

Bastard shook his head before taking the coin on the floor to spin.

"And what about you? How many people have you ever had in your life?" "One." His mother said he never had one. This is bad.

"Really? Where is she studying?"

"Same as ours." What a small world. So, what happened? The more I want to know, the more anxious I get. I am getting annoyed but I don't want to be annoyed.

Besides, I don't know why I am getting annoyed. "What year?"

"You did not spin the coin."

"Answer me first." I guess I'm going crazy.

"First year."


"Law" Ohh. The same as mine.

"Who? I might know her."

"Of course. You know yourself, right?"

"I'm not your boyfriend."

"You will be soon. You can't escape that." Okay. He is joking. I can't deal with this so I did not say anything. Afraid that I would make this conversation long, I picked up the coin and spun it. The coin faced the other side therefore, it is Sarawat's turn to ask. However, this is the question I don't want to answer just yet...

"Do you really like me?"

"I don't want to play anymore."

"That is a question but you did not answer. You must really like me."

I quickly got up and walked inside the room. I sat for a while, smiled like crazy, then turned to get the phone in my backpack to play. Sarawat followed shortly, checked the contents of the fridge until he became busy walking around me. He went to the microwave and prepared the ready-made lunch boxes that were piled up in the fridge.

"I know you are hungry." He said.

"I haven't said one word yet. Also, I'll be back soon. It's almost nine o'clock." "Do you really have to leave?"

Sarawat sat down on the floor, leaning his back at the sofa where I was sitting. He looked at me with woeful eyes then gave me a box of food without him saying anything.

Is he really that scared if I leave? Damn.

Sarawat sat while searching something from his drawer. He grabbed the new toothbrush before moving on to scrape his closet. He is a man who doesn't care what to wear. Inside his closet are only football shirts, some t-shirts, jeans, and student uniforms. It is just a standard pattern for men who do not care about how they will look.

"I'll go take a shower first." Sarawat nodded while lying on his bed. I carried a white towel and ran to the restroom. Inside, I took off my clothes and wrapped the towel around my waist. I brushed my teeth in front of the mirror first until I heard a knock outside the door.

After a while, the unwanted sound became louder. At first, I was not interested in giving him my attention but the banging outside became louder and louder until I couldn't hold my patience anymore and shouted.


"Can I come in?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Errr." Sounds like crap. Therefore, I stood up for a moment before unlocking the doorknob.

"Oh, your ears are so white."

Sarawat walked in with a terrifying gaze. There was only one precarious waist towel on his body. He shook my head and reached out to pick up the toothbrush in the glass over the counter, squeezed toothpaste then turned to look at me while the mouth was full of white bubbles.

My mind still wondering and doubting why the seniors did this to him. From the shoulders down to his abdomen, there are still obvious signs of injury. But even then, he did not show any anger even just a little.

"Aren't you brushing your teeth?" That shaky voice made me back to my senses. He bends down his face and keeps brushing his teeth. There are times that I look up at the mirror and catch him glancing at me.

"What are you looking at?"

"Looking at you."

"Why do you look?"

"I just want to look."

He glanced and glanced and glanced. I did not argue anymore because I know I will never win. So, go set your eyes on me while I'm brushing my teeth.



"Can't hold it anymore." In just a blink of an eye, his lips that are full of toothpaste pressed down on my right cheek. When I saw that, I was stunned and scared at the same time. He then smeared his lips to my forehead and left cheek.

"Bad!" As soon as I got to my consciousness, I made a brutal face to him.

"Cute little buffalo. Your face is now full of bubbles."

"You don't have to tease me."

"Do it to me. Come on!" Sarawat pointed his finger at his forehead. I just sent a smile while brushing my teeth to strike hard.

After brushing his teeth, he went to bed again. After I hit the shower, he let me wear his football shirt. The one he wore during the match with Engineering.

Now, this is the difficult part... Where should I sleep? Should we share half of the bed or I'll just man up and sleep on the sofa just like in K-Dramas.

I hope he could see me sacrificing because I will choose the later part with only one pillow in my hand. I hate Sarawat.

It is so damn cold too. He set the aircon to 18 degrees. Dead! It is so cold that the only option I have is to sleep in the bed so I can sneak into that giant comforter.

Next time, I won't sympathize with you!

"What are you looking at?" Sure, you are smart enough.

"Where should I sleep?"

"Choose one, bed or sofa?"

"Are you dreaming? Of course, I will sleep on the sofa."

"Sure. Please turn off the lights." Then this bastard threw a pillow before crawling up to bed and covering himself with that comforter, laying down happily. Leaving me standing for several minutes before dragging myself to the nearby sofa.

If I sleep in the bed, I can only think of me laying down beside me, hugging his arms as if it was in a drama scene. I must be very pathetic. Do I have to cry to Sarawat? No, I will only look like a comedian.

I am just pitiful to my own eggs because they are shrinking. Get it?!

Ten minutes passed, I was still rolling over on the sofa. Crawling and wanting to beg for a blanket. But I guess he is already dreaming.



"Are you sleeping?"

"Will sleep now."

"Please reset the air conditioner. It is cold."

"Then sleep beside me."


"..." I have listened to your story and helped you for a very long time. Is this how you pay me? Until I heard noises coming from the bed. The darkness unable me to see what that person is doing until...


"Uhhhhh!~" I cried out loud as soon as his large body fell down on top of me. Both of my hands are holding the edge of the sofa so we won't fall down. Sarawat also carried the thick blanket from his bed to provide full body warmth.

This is too narrow yet you are squeezing in. Damn. "Move away. This is too uncomfortable."

"I gave you an opportunity to choose whether to sofa or bed. You choose this yourself."

"I will sleep here alone!"

"But I did not say that. Don't move too much. I still have wounds on my body. I want to live like this." Both the embracing and the whole idea from the drama is coming to reality. But it is weird. I did not fight back. I just let him do whatever he wants.

I could feel Sarawat's breath blowing my forehead until it felt warm. I did not know if he was looking at me or was sleeping because he is not talking anymore. But this made my heart pound, almost bursting through. I am afraid. I am afraid that he will know what I truly feel right now.

My heart...


After a week, Sarawat's body is almost healed. But I still don't know the reason why the seniors did that to him.

The White Lion gang is no different. Man has a broken jaw so he can't eat rice for many days. Boss and Team have broken wrists, fingers, and shoulder flaws. They are stumbling to go to school for a week. Most people have doubts on what happened but since the external wounds are not showing that much, there is no issue to discuss.

In the past days, I spent a lot of time rehearsing for the song to be played on our performance. Sarawat, after a break from playing the guitar, returned to practice twice as hard as before because he is afraid that he won't catch up with his friends. Everyone is playing in groups. I am so excited and at the same time, also afraid that I might mess up the performance. Although Sarawat comes and trains me every day before going back to my dorm. Still, no one can guarantee that the show will not fall bad.

"Hello everyone. We are from the Music Club. We will have a big event that the university is always looking forward to, which is the Music Festival."

The senior public relations of our club received good feedback from the students who are near the area.

We use the central activity area of the university to promote our event. Therefore, a lot of students from all faculties came to stand and watched us.

"Today, our club organized a promotional activity for our brothers and sisters. We have a singing and band competition for our upcoming event. Everybody that is interested in joining can come to us to receive the application form beside the stage. But for those people who want to be just our lovely audience, we have live performances from the members of our club. Are you ready?"


"Please welcome, Ctrl S band for a folk song performance!"

"Aaahhh! Sarawat! Sarawat! Sarawat!" People went crazy although the name owner has not walked onto the stage yet. Of course, everybody knows that Ctrl S band has a guitarist named Sarawat.

"Hello! We are the Ctrl S band. I am the lead singer. On the left is Jan and Earn who will play the acoustic guitar. My right is Sarawat who plays the classical guitar. And lastly, playing the cajon beatbox is Boom."

"Yay! Let's go Ctrl S!"

"Many people dreamed of having a perfect love. But because of the obstacles ahead, they felt discouraged and despaired."


"The obstacles are like smoke. If we can get through it, the bright and clear path will arrive someday. Please help us sing this song."


The song they are playing is from his favorite band, Desktop Error. To be honest, I didn't know this song and this band at first. But Sarawat keeps on listening to this every day until I get myself familiarized with the song.

The stage was full of fun. The combination sound of the cajon beatbox and the guitar produced a cool sound. They are receiving overwhelming cheers from the students.

Their band has many more songs to play. I only listened to the first song because I need to focus on memorizing my chords. I am sure that I remembered it but I'm not sure if I can survive the performance because of the excitement. Don't forget that this is my first stage performance.

After about twenty minutes, other bands began performing one by one. Next is going to be Green's team, then the next will be our group.

"It is over for those performances. This time, please cheer for the super amateur performance of the first year!"

"Good! Let's go!"

"Oh, the cheers are so loud. Then go meet them!"

I turned to look at Green. His face looked like he was about to have convulsion. He is trembling because of the crowd.

"Green, fighting!" I just said that to motivate him. But Green did not walk up to the stage. He is being a burden right now. His husband is giving us a grim face.

"Go up."

"P'Dim is scary..."

"What the hell are you afraid of? I normally see a rhinoceros spirit possessing you. Where is that now? I'll send the others first before you so make sure you will go up the stage!" P'Dim then dragged him to the stage in the midst of the overwhelming applause. It is really funny that his husband is so cruel.

Once their performance was over, they received a lot of applause to cheer them up. They are done which means...

"Tine, go up the stage!"

"Can I be the last one to go up?"

"Go now so you don't feel the pressure later." I was pushed back to walk to the stage. Two steps before I reached the main stage, I received screams from the audience below as encouragement.

"So cute!". I heard someone say that while laughing, I am really embarrassed to the point of scratching my head and being shy. I sat on my spot and slid the mic in front of me so I could talk. Everything had been set up in a blink of an eye.

"Umm... Hello everyone! My name is Tine from the Faculty of Law."

"Tine is a chic chic guy!" Someone shouted creating laughter for the people again. This time, it made me feel more relaxed.

"Yes! I am a chic chic guy. Today, we will sing a song for everyone to listen. This song is not popular but is really intense."


"If you know the song, please sing along with us."

I started to place my fingers to play the first chord. Let's do this. Go with the flow. Everything will definitely go well. Right?

Today, I carry "Troublemaker Bastard", my beloved guitar in public even though a lot of people will focus on Sarawat's name printed on it for sure. The pick that I'm using is also the green colored pick chosen by him. I only came here with the chords in my mind that might disappear halfway of the performance.

"In one world, even though it is cruel and will not be bright, (*1*) I only faced a lot of darkness and gloom.

It makes me sad, but it's alright."

Then I... Forgot.... The chords.... I fucking forgot the chords!! And everyone noticed because I stopped playing. The only thing I can do is to try to look for help. I am praying that someone can help drag a chic guy off the stage. I kept on imagining things until I saw Sarawat standing with his group, raising papers with large chords printed on it.

But those are recycled A4 papers. I can clearly see the ink marks on the other side which penetrated on the front. I can't continue playing.

"I will never feel anything.

Never be scared of things around me. I will accept it..."

Sarawat's help won't do anything. Although the chords are a bit visible, the consciousness swallowed me. I can't continue to play anymore.

This time, I did not dare to look at anyone's face. The only thing left for me to do is to stare at the guitar string while trying to calm my mind to play for the second song.

"Only you is enough,

I do not want anything more than that."

"Our husband is there! Ahhhhhhh!"

The song "Only You" is sung by the people. I did not know when and how he arrived on the stage. I just know that his hand held my D16 Martin guitar.

Sarawat turned to look at me as if he was suggesting that I don't have to play the guitar but to sing instead. So, I set my face to sing the hook part at the end of the song.

"Only you and me. We only have the two of us. This is better than anything.

Just me and only you...

Whatever the kind of story we encounter, We will endure it until the end."

The sound of the ukulele and two guitars was joined by Sarawat's rhythm. Everyone turned their attention to a new group of people on the stage which is the White Lion gang. They came onto the stage to jam with us. They sang the second verse of the song. But...

"I will never feel anything.

Never be scared of things around me.

I will accept it..."

"Can I be your boyfriend? Can I have you, Tine?"

"Only you is enough,

I do not want anything more than that."

They changed the lyrics which made everybody stop singing. Sarawat stopped from what he's doing as well. As for me, when Man and the White Lion gang changed the lyrics, I almost questioned my health status. It shocked me that I almost collapsed at the activity area.

I only hear constant whining and crying. Everybody is wondering who exactly are they targeting for those lyrics. Are these bastards going to clear the air out? Or just let the people guess their doubts inside their minds?

"Tine." Man looks up to me with a smile on his face.


"I have something to say." The sound of the loud shriek almost destroyed my eardrums.

"Do you like Tine?" Seriously? Many people are starting to link us now. What the hell? But I don't know how to respond besides swallowing my own saliva.

"What I want to say is... be a boyfriend... to my friend." Man continued.

"Which friend?" Students at the bottom of the stage shouted and asked.

"You must answer!" They keep on screaming.

"Who?" I asked as if I had no idea.

"That bastard."


"Stupid! The one next to you!" Man pointed at Sarawat who was just standing calmly.


"Wait a minute. I don't want anyone flirting with me today. I am tired of flirting!"

"Ohhh. Poor Sarawat. Is he embarrassed now? Is he being dumped?"

Sarawat turned to look at me. Right now, my heart is in trouble. It is beating so hard that it almost fails. What now? What should I do?

"Tine..." Sarawat spoke.

"Wh... What?"

"I'm done flirting with you."


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

1 - ขอ (Only You) - Scrubb