
Because Of The Dangerous Magical World, I Decided To Be A Mage King On Earth

One day, Bai Han obtained a mysterious magic crystal. This magic crystal could allow him to travel into the world of magic. Just when Bai Han thought he could become an invincible god of magic, he suddenly discovered that the world of magic was too dangerous! After a lot of hard work, he entered a magic academy. Within a few days, the magic academy where he was practicing was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between two great magic tutors, and a thousand miles around was like being baptized by a nuclear weapon, and no grass grew! So, he immediately made a decision. Because the magic world was too dangerous, he might as well return to earth and become the only god of magic. Slowly, Bai Han suddenly found that the earth was really a good place. The magic world's extremely rare top-quality staff materials and attribute gems were almost everywhere on earth.

Shili The Legendary Mage · Urban
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40 Chs

Decomposition and Synthesis Magic Potion

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The news that the boy from the Chen family, Chen Xingqun, had offended Bai Han spread like wildfire.

After that, Chen Xingqun remained unconscious. The Chen family sent him to several top hospitals and contacted prominent doctors all around the world, but no one could help him.

They let Chen Xingqun wake up from a coma or find out why he was still unconscious.

The body check results showed that there was nothing wrong with Chen Xingqun's body. From a medical point of view, he should not be in a coma.

The Chen family had no choice but to try to find a way while Chen Xingqun was being fed with nutrient injections.

When Bai Han returned, he was extremely upset.

After spending three hundred million dollars, he did not get the water elemental gemstone. The only good news was that he was sure that the water elemental gemstone on the magic land was the Blue Star Gem from the earth.

He could only ask Gu Guofu to help keep an eye on any news about Blue Star Gems.

Ever since Song Zhao had returned, he had been worried.

After all, he was the one who had brought Bai Han to the auction, which unfortunately had turned into a mess.

Song Zhao even came to visit Bai Han to apologize.

"Mr. Song, don't say sorry." Bai Han shook his head. He could tell what was right and wrong.

Song Zhao could not have predicted what would happen at the auction.

Moreover, Song Zhao stood by his side when he faced the Chen family, a first-class family in North City. He had given the Chen family a hard time for him.

The Chen family and the Liu family were different.

The Liu family was barely ranked at the bottom of the first-rate families.

However, the Chen family was a first-class family in North City, and they had been passed down for many generations and had a deep foundation. Usually, Song Zhao would need to spend money and use connections to get in touch with them.

However, this time, Song Zhao did not speak up for the Chen family to support him.

The Chen family might not give Song Zhao a hard time after this incident. However, if Song Zhao had put in a good word or two for them, they might so him some favor in the future.

Song Zhao had done the right thing.

"You were on my side when the thing about Blue Star Gem happened, Mr. Song. At least I know what I am looking for now." 

Bai Han smiled faintly. "Please let me know if you get any information about Blue Star Gems. You will be paid." 

Song Zhao heaved a sigh of relief. "Of course, Mr. Bai. It's my pleasure to help you." 

After some small talk, Song Zhao knew that he should leave.

Walking him to the door, Bai Han leaned back on the sofa and felt troubled.

When would he be able to continue cultivating?


Shen Yi sneaked into the living room and looked at Bai Han with a guilty look.

"Yes?" Bai Han opened his eyes. "Anything you want to tell me?"

"I changed my mind."

Shen Yi pursed her lips and put on a bright smile. "You are right. As long as I cultivate seriously, the things that I've spent half my life researching in the entertainment industry will be within my reach after." 

Gu Shishi was not stupid enough to give up on her career as an actress.

It was just that Shen Yi didn't see through it and got stuck in her mind, thinking that she could have everything with her efforts. However, she had almost lost the forest for the trees.

"It's good that you've figured things out. Being stuck in your mind doesn't help with cultivation." 

Overthinking could lead to unreasonable behaviors.

"I've already apologized to Shishi."

Hearing this, Bai Han finally revealed a genuine smile. "That's great."

It would be great if his disciples could get along with each other.

He didn't want to waste time trying to solve the conflict between the two.


With Gu Guofu and Song Zhao helping him find the elemental gemstone, Bai Han decided to put all his attention into making Decomposition and Synthesis Magic Potion.

When Bai Han bought the Golden Flower Tea field, the flowers were ready to be harvested.

The first batch of Golden Flower Tea had already been delivered to the villa.

Bai Han's room was a distance away from Gu Shishi and Shen Yi's.

His room was on the left, while Gu Shishi and Shen Yi's rooms were on the right.

There was a suspended corridor between the two sides, which meant the two sides were completely separated.

Therefore, the rooms around Bai Han were actually vacant.

He transformed the room on his left into a room for refining magic potions.

It was filled with all kinds of strange utensils in the eyes of modern people.

It was similar to the equipment used in a laboratory but still somewhat different.

After these tools had been sent to the villa, Bai Han modified them all with magic power.

After all, magic potions needed to be concocted with magic power, and ordinary equipment might not be able to withstand it.

Bai Han entered the magic potion refining room and put all his attention on Decomposition and Synthesis Magic Potion.

Boom! There was another explosion from upstairs.

Shen Yi and Gu Shishi were eating in the dining room downstairs.

When they heard the sound, they didn't even check where the sound came from.

It had been like this for a week, and there were a few explosions almost every day.

They were already used to it.

Their master wouldn't be injured anyway. At most, his clothes would be torn or stained.

Decomposition and Synthesis Magic Potion was at least midgrade.

The most peculiar thing about it was that the materials used for both midgrade and high-grade Decomposition and Synthesis Magic Potions were actually the same.

As for the quality of the potion, it would depend on the skills and luck of the mages who were in charge.

Bai Han needed both skills and luck.

He couldn't control how lucky he was.

Unfortunately, Bai Han wasn't skillful when it came to refining.

Only by becoming a mage could one refine magic potions.

When he was on the magic land, he was forced to return to the earth not long after he became an elementary mage.

At that time, he had only learned how to refine some low-grade magic potions.

Therefore, Bai Han failed countless times while working on Decomposition and Synthesis Magic Potion.

There had been explosions for a week.

The servants in the villa brought tools up and cleaned the room under Bai Han's instructions as if it was something normal.

In order to prevent Cleaning Spell from affecting the production of magic potions, Bai Han could only let the servants clean up.

After cleaning up, Bai Han asked them to leave right away.

He already had some ideas.

It was midnight when Bai Han finally walked out of the room where the magic potions were made.

He held a small glass bottle in his hand, which contained a mixture of gold and white liquid.

The two colors were clearly separated. They were in the same bottle, but they didn't blend with each other.

Bai Han shook the bottle in his hand with a cheerful look on his face.

It was a success!

All his efforts weren't in vain.

Although he had only produced a bottle of midgrade Decomposition and Synthesis Magic Potion, as long as he was more familiar with it, he would be able to produce some high-grade ones in a short time.

Moreover, this bottle of middle-grade Decomposition and Synthesis Magic Potion was enough.

Bai Han put away the potion. Now, he only needed more elemental gemstones.

Once the elemental gemstones were prepared, he would immediately drink the magic potion and start training.