
Mothers (unedited)



Lisa was obviously not happy with the sudden change about to happen in her family. Was there anyone who would embrace this with open arms?

Suddenly having her husband's illegitimate son living with them was going to cause a huge scandal and ruin their reputations. She had a bigger aspiration, and so did her husband. 


Simon already knew about his brother. Although he was disappointed in his father, he was happy that he had a younger brother. He had always wanted a sibling, but she could not produce one. Birthing Simon had been a miracle. Medically, she wouldn't be able to birth another child. 


"He keeps getting bullied. I can no longer look after him." Oliver's mother had said. She didn't look even a bit sad that she was giving up her son. She looked angry and disgusted. 


It was obvious that she was hiding something, but she refused to speak.