
It's going to be fine

On his way out of school, Liam saw them again. Rachel and Oliver. Oliver was on his bike while Rachel stood in front of the bike. It was obvious she was flirting with him but either Oliver was oblivious to her advances or he simply was good at pretending.  He couldn't hear what they were saying but it seemed like Rachel was trying hard to make them look like best friends.

"I know right?" 

Liam heard behind him before Harry appeared by his side. "She is an attention seeker. And I cannot believe Oliver would give up his very hot girlfriend for her." 

As usual, Liam didn't have any comment on that. He didn't care what Oliver did or who he chose to hang out with. "Whatever." Liam said uninterestedly, looking at the large backpack with him where Oliver's spare helmet was lying. He couldn't give it to him in school so he decided to do it later.

"Later." Liam greeted Harry vaguely before going to get his sport bicycle.

It was going to take him quite a while before he would arrive home with the bike, but he at least had to take his bike somewhere safe. 

He made sure to buy Cindy a cup of ice cream on his way home. By the time he arrived at the estate, the ice cream had completely dissolved. 

"You returned late, Liam." Cindy pouted even though she was obviously happy to see him. 

"I got you something!" He raised the bag in his hand and flashed her a smile but she had a skeptical look on her face.

"It's ice cream."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up. "Mummy doesn't let me have much of it." 

"You just happen to be lucky mummy isn't going to be coming around until Friday." He grinned like a Cheshire cat and watched her happily hop down the stairs towards him. He remembered to inform her it was dissolved but she didn't seem to mind.

"Thank you!" She gave him a quick hug and hurried towards the dining table with it.

Liam was proud of himself. He was sure going to spoil her a lot before he returned back home. 

"I'll just go freshen up. Let's take a str— nevermind." 

He had wanted to suggest they take a stroll later, but he didn't want to come at her with full force. He was worried about her being stuck indoors all day and wanted to help her get used to being outside even if it was just within the estate, but he had to be careful with it. Slowly, he was going to achieve his goal anyway.

"Daddy called. He wanted to speak with you later. Mummy also left a message." Cindy said from the dining.

"I'll call them. Enjoy." He winked at her and went upstairs to his room. 


It wasn't strange to be welcomed by an empty house when Oliver arrived home. In fact, he had been relieved to meet the house empty.  He didn't know when the elders of the house would be returning. Maybe later today, tomorrow, a week or even a month? He had no idea. 

Immediately he came out of the bathroom after freshening up, his phone rang. A smile bloomed on his face when he saw Amanda's name across the screen. 

"Hey girlfriend!" Amanda greeted cheerily before she requested for a video call instead. He sighed but eventually accepted the call. 

"How did it go today?" She asked curiously. 

"Normal. I guess." He shrugged. "I already found someone to keep me updated with lecture notes and stuff. She just happened to be the leading student." 

She gasped. "You made a friend!" 

"Not technically but she approached me first and offered to help since she was the leading student. I couldn't say no. I am far behind in class than I thought I was and I need to catch up."

"I am so happy that you are socializing girlfriend!" She squealed.

"I am not socializing and I am not your girlfriend." He said through gritted teeth. 

"Haha! Just be good. Wanted to remind you we are going to that party friday night whether you like it or not."


"I know." She suddenly sounded serious. "But trust me on this one. Hmm?" 

He sighed. He wouldn't have much of a choice anyway. Simon had also made up his mind to drag him there. Since he was sure Simon would be all over Amanda, he would have the chance to slip away to somewhere safe and quiet. Somewhere away from all the noisiness. 

"I need to study. Got a lot of catching up to do." 

"Take care babe. I love you." She blew him a kiss which made him cringe. 

"Goodbye!" He hung up but not before hearing her complain about how aloof he was. 

He dropped his phone on the bed and sighed deeply. It was happening again.

His heart felt heavy. He needed to relieve himself from everything he was feeling but since he didn't want to take his meds and was stuck in this house, there was only one way to go about it. 

He went to Simon's music room. He didn't mind that his hair was still damp or that he might catch a cold. He didn't mind his grumbling stomach or the fact that he was walking around the house barefooted. 

He just wanted a means to unburden himself of all he was feeling or else, he feared he was going to go crazy.

He went to the music room and slowly opened the door. The room was dark as it always was but instead of turning the lights on, he reached for a remote on top of the glass table inside the room and pressed a button. The curtains rolled to the top, revealing a large floor to ceiling window and letting light fill the room. Usually, he liked dark places but for some reason, he liked it bright when he was in here. The lights made him feel like he had hope but that was all a mirage. He was still going to return to his dark room and continue living his dark life. 

He made his way to the grand piano located almost at the centre of the room. He checked to make sure the volume wasn't loud so he wouldn't disturb the neighbours although, he doubted the neighbours could hear him. 

He began to slowly move his hands on the keys, creating a soft melancholic tone. 

With his eyes closed, he played gently, surrendering himself to his emotions. He could feel tears pooling in his closed eyes. He had goosebumps all over his skin but he couldn't tell whether the inner cold was because he was really cold or because of the overwhelming emotion he was feeling. 

A sad smile was plastered on his face as the first bead of tear slid down his eye. 

It is going to be fine. He assured himself. 

It was all going to be fine.


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