
Became Hitler

Overnight, he became Hitler. I just want to play games. If you want to return to your home world, you have to win the war. ….. Is it possible? there would be no Holocaust ~ RAW 히틀러가 되었다 | Title 종이호랑이™ | Author https://novel.munpia.com/344583 ~ (@4Eyes : Not My Work)

4Eyes · Book&Literature
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Although the United States was far behind Germany in rocket development, there was a golden opportunity to make up for it.‌​‎‍


'trot! Successful development of polio vaccine!


'Dr. Jonas Salk announces development of polio vaccine!'


'The great discovery of the century! 'Will the fear of polio go away?'


polio. One of the terrible diseases that has plagued mankind for a long time throughout human history.


Polio, the worst infectious disease that causes more than 10,000 cases and 1,000 deaths every year, has become more prevalent since World War II, and even the United States, a developed country and the world's most powerful country, has not escaped the fear of polio. ‍


The long-deceased Franklin Roosevelt was also one of the victims of polio, and the number of children suffering from polio was steadily increasing every year.


Just because an adult was not immune to disease, there was no one, young or old, who did not tremble in fear of polio.‌​‎‍


But now, a vaccine has been developed for polio, which has terrified mankind for a long time.‌​‎‍


The news of Dr. Jonas Salk's vaccine development, announced on April 12, 1954, created an uproar throughout the United States.‌​‎‍


People were happy that they could be free from the fear of polio.‌​‎‍ The news soon spread beyond the United States to all corners of the globe.‌​‎‍


"Congratulations, Doctor. It is no exaggeration to say that your research changed the future of human history.‌​‎‍"


"That's too much praise. I was just doing my job."


"So, who holds the patent rights for the vaccine? All Americans are curious.‌​‎‍"


"Well, maybe people. There is no such thing as a patent.‌​‎‍ Are you going to patent the sun as well?"


Salk pledged to release the vaccine for free instead of issuing a patent, and thanks to this, the vaccine was able to be supplied throughout the United States at a rapid pace.‌​‎‍


The White House was also filled with excitement over the news of the development of a polio vaccine.‌​‎‍


We have been under a lot of stress because we have been compared to Germany in terms of rocket development, but now that we have received news that can put Germany in a bad light for the first time in a long time, how can we not be happy?


"however… … "There's a bit of an uncomfortable corner."




"What are you doing this for?"


"The person who made the greatest contribution to vaccine development was Dr. Jonathan Salk. however… … "There are also some German scientists involved in the vaccine development."


"That's right.‌​‎‍"


"I'm worried that the Germans will claim that they also have a stake in this."


MacArthur was concerned that Germany was claiming a stake in the development of the polio vaccine.‌​‎‍


Although some German scientists participated in the development of the vaccine, the subjects of the research were American scientists, including Jonas Salk, and the development of the vaccine was also conducted in the United States, so it was safe to say that it was in fact an American achievement. However, if Germany claimed that it also had a stake, the media MacArthur was very worried about what would be said about this.‌​‎‍


But what if it is said that even vaccine development cannot be done without Germany's help... … .


Just thinking about it makes me angry. ‌​‎‍ What's even more infuriating is that even if you try to refute it, if the public is incited, it's just a waste of time.


"Be prepared to retort in case Jerry says some bullshit. "We can't let those guys scatter ashes on this long-awaited slope."


"Yes, Your Excellency."




However, Germany's response was completely different from the White House's expectations.‌​‎‍


Contrary to concerns, Germany did not claim a stake in vaccine development or mention it separately. In fact, the opposite was true.‌​‎‍


"Dr. Jonas Salk brought a great gift to mankind. His achievements are not only unparalleled by anyone, but will also be recorded as an immortal myth that will remain in human history for a long time."


This was what Goebbels of Germany said on television after the development of the polio vaccine was announced.‌​‎‍


"How did this happen?"


"The sun will rise in the west. "What are they doing?"


"her. Have I lived too long... … ."


The White House was rather taken aback by Germany's reaction, which was completely different from what was expected.‌​‎‍


At the end of the speech, I was worried that Goebbels might say that Germany also took part in the development of the vaccine, but Goebbels did not even mention that German scientists also participated in the development of the vaccine.


Germany sent a congratulatory telegram to the United States for developing the polio vaccine and requested that it supply the vaccine to Europe as soon as possible.‌​‎‍


There was no problem as there was a clause in the agreement that the vaccine would be supplied to Europe in exchange for German scientists participating in the research.‌​‎‍


It's just surprising that Germany didn't show off and just acknowledged America's 'victory'.


"Those guys. "I don't know what their plan is."


"Maybe I really have no idea… … ."


Eisenhower inadvertently opened his mouth and closed his mouth again, perhaps because he thought it made no sense.


However, those words that Eisenhower blurted out made MacArthur think about Germany again.‌​‎‍


Maybe Hitler wants to coexist with the United States, as he previously told Dulles.


Didn't Hitler say it with his own mouth?


You already have Europe, so what more do you want from here? Now that he has achieved his goal, his ultimate goal may be to live quietly for the rest of his life.‌ ‍


However, there were still a lot of uneasiness. From the development of rockets that could not be said to be aimed at the United States, to the development of new weapons, and to the ever-increasing naval power in the Azores and Faroe Islands.


And the recent integrated Axis military training being conducted throughout Eastern Europe. Although these were things that Germany had been doing on a daily basis, there were many aspects that made it somewhat questionable to say that Germany truly wanted peace.‌​‎‍


Without going too far, isn't there an example of Chamberlain?


Hitler told Chamberlain that Germany was only interested in the Sudetenland, where Germans resided, and had no interest in Czechoslovakia.‌​‎‍


Chamberlain, who believed that, pressured Czechoslovakia to force Beneš to cede the Sudetenland to Hitler.


The result was the annexation of the Czech Republic.


Looking back on the past, trusting Hitler is like entrusting the fish shop to a cat.


Therefore, maintaining vigilance against Hitler is more in the national interest.‌​‎‍


But one question continued to linger in his mind like a ghost.‌​‎‍


What if Hitler really wanted coexistence?


What decision should I make then?




There is no particular reason for not asking for a stake in the polio vaccine.‌​‎‍


It is true that German scientists had some influence on vaccine development, but they only dipped their toes in it, and the actual development was led by the United States.


However, there is no need to harm our relationship with the United States by claiming that we also have a stake.


The United States would also have prepared a variety of rebuttals in case our side claims a stake, but it would be a pain if it tried to take a step here and ended up being shamed and incurring the wrath of the United States.‌​‎‍


Still, the hard work of the scientists who participated in the vaccine development could not be ignored, so they were given separate medals and awards.‌​‎‍


As soon as the vaccine delivered by the United States arrives, I order all citizens to be vaccinated... … No, I recommended it.‌​‎‍


I think there will definitely be people who don't want to fight, asking how they can trust the enemy country, the United States. It's not something that I actually don't understand.


The United States and Germany fought for their national fortunes for a short period of time and are still virtual enemies to each other. And the United States has a history of conducting biological experiments on its own citizens - although all of them were black. ‍ Not to anything else, but to its own citizens!


During the war with the United States, Goebbels' propaganda department worked hard throughout Germany and Europe, creating a widespread perception throughout Germany that the Reds and Yankees could not be trusted no matter what they said.


Therefore, if I don't step forward and tell people to get the vaccine, there will inevitably be people who don't get it.‌​‎‍ Unconditionally.


But what if I, the President, personally came forward and told people to get the vaccine unconditionally because it is safe? Even those who distrust the United States have no choice but to be beaten, right?


Thanks to the government's efforts to promote vaccination, the vaccination rate among German citizens is over 99%.


In addition to Germany, vaccines are also being supplied smoothly to European countries such as the UK, France, Italy, Hungary, and Ukraine.‌​‎‍


There were no problems up to this point... … .


"Vaccine refusal movement… … ?"


On Monday morning, as I started my day's work, I was dumbfounded by the SD report on my desk.‌​‎‍


The number of people refusing vaccination is increasing in the Bohemia-Moravia Protectorate and the Polish Protectorate.‌​‎‍


The reason is simple. It is a rumor spread by anti-German conspiracy theorists that vaccination may be a German plot to annihilate them.


I was dumbfounded. ‌​‎‍ No, even though it is a protectorate, we are still the same people, so out of love for humanity, we allowed them to get vaccinated in the same way as Germans, but they refuse this?


I understand that the Czechs and Poles hate Germany. Although they are said to have ruled much more leniently than in their original history, from their perspective, Germany is just an enemy country that destroyed their homeland.


Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that they think this way.‌​‎‍


"But still, you refuse the vaccine. "Are they saying they're not afraid of polio?"


And this vaccine, we didn't make it? Are you saying it was made in America?


"They seem to believe that we changed things along the way and injected them with poison rather than a vaccine.‌​‎‍"


"Hi, I'm welcome."


"If they don't want to be beaten, is there any need for us to force them? If we try to force the vaccine, they will go even further.‌​‎‍"


Goering is right. No matter how many times I come forward and say that it is okay to be hit because it is safe, there is nothing I can do once distrust has taken root.‌​‎‍


They say they don't want to get the vaccine, so we should just leave it alone. In fact, vaccine hesitancy is not that mainstream among Czechs and Poles.‌​‎‍


There are more people who want to get vaccinated than those who refuse to get vaccinated because they don't know what's in the vaccine.‌​‎‍


They will bear the risk of not getting the vaccine, so do it yourself. I definitely warned you.‌​‎‍




In just two years after vaccination began, the incidence of polio decreased by 90%, and in particular, in Germany, not a single case of polio occurred in 1955.‌​‎‍


I personally took the initiative to promote vaccination, which had an effect.‌​‎‍


On the other hand, in some areas of the Czech Republic and Poland where vaccination was insufficient, the incidence of polio increased more than before. ‌​‎‍ So, what did I say?


However, there were other regions that were more serious than the Czech Republic and Poland.‌​‎‍


Serbia. Although vaccine deniers gained strength in the Czech Republic and Poland, more people were getting vaccinated, and as the incidence of polio increased, the number of people coming to get vaccinated increased significantly.‌​‎‍


At least I know how to fix a barn after losing a cow.


On the other hand, in Serbia, vaccine deniers are still the majority.‌​‎‍


Anti-German sentiment in Serbia was growing more serious day by day, to the point where extreme cases of people going beyond vaccinations were reported to be attacking those going for vaccinations, calling them German henchmen.‌​‎‍


The Serbian government of King Pavle I sometimes tried to appease these people and sometimes took hard-line measures, but both had little effect.


Eventually, large-scale protests were held in Belgrade, and demonstrators demanded withdrawal from the Axis Alliance and the resignation of King Pavle I.‌​‎‍


"These guys are so beat up that they can't come to their senses. I guess Serbs are originally like this.‌​‎‍"


This is what Himmler said when receiving a report on the situation in Serbia.‌​‎‍


It was a remark with an extremely racist viewpoint, but looking at recent events in Serbia, it was impossible to completely deny Himmler's words.‌​‎‍


Even in history, Serbia caused World War I by assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who advocated harmony and coexistence between races, and during World War II, pro-British factions staged a coup that provoked Germany, ultimately leading to Germany's invasion.‌ ​‎‍


Afterwards, it committed genocide during the Yugoslav civil war, and even in the 21st century, it continues to be a headache for Europe, causing endless friction with the West, including the United States.‌​‎‍


What on earth can you believe in and go out like that when you have nothing and no support? I really want to open my head once.‌​‎‍


"It looks like all you have is strength, but if you're that stubborn, don't you think you should beat him up?"


"Let's just watch for now. "Still, the king is trying in many ways to calm the situation."


King Pavle I, the only intelligent man in Serbia, was working diligently to quell the people's discontent.‌​‎‍


He personally invited a citizen delegation to the palace to have a conversation and even tried to visit the protest site. Although his close associates desperately opposed it, saying it was too dangerous, it ended in inaction.


In preparation for an emergency, instructions were given to the embassy to prepare in advance for withdrawal at any time.‌​‎‍


The Serbian government also strengthened embassy security by deploying large numbers of military and police forces before the protests intensified, perhaps because of previous memories.‌​‎‍


If the same thing happens again, then Serbia will disappear from the map, so it is a wise decision.‌​‎‍


I wonder if they will do the same thing again, but the opponent is a European country with anger management disorder, so I cannot be at ease.‌​‎‍


As the domestic situation in Serbia took an unusual turn, neighboring countries naturally went into a state of alert.‌​‎‍


This was especially true for Hungary, Croatia, and Bulgaria, which had deep enmity with Serbia.‌​‎‍


"What do you think of Serbia?"


This is what Horthy Miklós, who holds the strange title of regent of a kingdom without a king and admiral of a landlocked country, asked me during a meeting.‌​‎‍


"I think of him as a troublemaker who doesn't listen. Not yet.‌​‎‍"


"Is that so?"


Horthy took a sip of black tea and confessed his thoughts.‌​‎‍


"The President looks at Serbia too humanely."


This was not our first meeting with Horthy, as we had met several times before the war. We also held talks on the Yugoslav issue twice.


"I am sure that the Serbs are vicious and barbaric in nature, so they are a breed that cannot be rehabilitated. Doesn't the President know this? "I wonder what kind of ugly things those wild animals have committed throughout history.‌​‎‍"


I already know that public sentiment between Hungary and Serbia is not good, but I never thought the resentment would run this deep.


Horthy made up his mind and said harsh words about Serbia that were almost like curses. ‌​‎‍ To the point where I was even more embarrassed when I heard it.


"If we leave them alone this time, it will be an even bigger problem. You know what? "Could it be the bomb that triggers World War III?"


"It's World War III. I don't think the Serbs have the ability to do that. Still, I agree with the statement that they are a very difficult people."


"So that's it, President."


Horthy's eyes sparkled.‌​‎‍


"I have a plan... … Would you like to hear it?"