

our mc John got luck to get a wish .. and he will become almighty with infinite wishes.... then he will start to become God himself.. then he will travel multiuniverse for the search of worthy challenge. but our poor John don't know that there are more powerful villans than he think..... . . . . these story contain emotions of family, friends, and love.Even though our mc is tooo op he will face many tricky opponents I guess you will enjoy the story friends... the characters which I choose , I don't own them

Jagadish_S_5984 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

3.A Human who Became Treath To Go expoid : 2

...It's been 28 days where God indra is traveling around galaxy to reach the planet called earth now he can sense the powerful aura near him.hahahaha well well who knows that I will get these rarest luck ( thinking that there will be no one near that powerful tree..lol)

in a deep forest there is a valley where water is falling from above mountains and there are largest snake which no will imagine the size of the snake( snake features: its 10 thousand feet tall viloet colour has 10 heads with domanting aura that has peak gold ream base level ) which is guarding a tree.The tree is in golden colour and it is in shape of a man who is mediating covered with golden leaves and the tree is giving a dominating aura...

( according to the ancient rules..or according to the snake who is protecting the tree any creature who has the angles heart with demon blood can be said as that creature has a right to come near that tree )

....few minutes earlier the snake which is named as sarpan has sence some one entered the forest so it will speed to to hunt that only to see that human is already at half life then thinking to finish that creature the snake got surprised that it can sense that the human has the angle heart with demon blood so it hurry and bring the human to the magical water which is present in the deep mountains....

after 3 hours .....




where the hell am I.. John slowly rembers that he is been chased by the strangers and he has been thrown in these deep valley...some how I survived but how thinking he check his clothes which surprised him all his clothes are pure blood with deep red but he can't find any wounds and he is healthy like normal ..what the hell is going on and he check surrounding only to find that he is near lake where water is shining.

And he listened some one calling him like hello human...

John turn around only to see a giant snake which is large like mountain .John dont know what to do he is stuck like that for few seconds and asks please don't kill me which surprises the sanke...hahahaha sarpan(snake) laughs don't worry human today is your lucky day that you will never forget in your life trust me ..

what why would you say Like that actually today is my worst day that I got almost killed by some strangers now why would you say that and by telling these John will remember his family and he thinks of his little sister how they are all doing without him comming home..

Then sarpan ( snake) says as I said human today is your luckiest day and listen to me carefully I have no time to talk to you more I can sense that some god is coming here withing 10 minutes so hurry and follow me speed ...

what ..some god is comming here why then why should I follow you asks John while following that snake without any way to go..as I said before that you are lucky that you pass the test to wish anything you like ..so as you can see that tree go near that tree and ask your wish anything you wish will be given right away and speed up hurry I cannot defend the god who is comming here he is way more powerful being I never imagined and I don't know how he know that the tree is in these planet...

John mind is like crazy...he is like cant digest anything what is happening some strangers are tried to kill hum now the big snake is asking wish anything you want ..by thinking thinking without knowing he goes near that tree and asks for.....




