
Became a god with a system

Not_Me_4808 · Others
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3 Chs


// system //

Race: demon heath: 320 mana: 320

Exp: 0/440 Level: 24

Strength: 64

Defense: 64

Speed: 64

Intelligence: 64

Wisdom: 64

Extra Stat points: 0 /

There has been news of monsters it in my town so i went to go find it. A few hours of searching later I found them.

// system //

Race: demon heath: 125 mana: 105

Exp: 0/40 Level: 4

Strength: 24

Defense: 25

Speed: 28

Intelligence: 21

Wisdom: 22 /

It ran at me but I killed it.

/ killed level 4 demon 200 exp /

Near my town is a village that my slaves are going to kill everyone inside.

/ slaves killed 1340 regular humans 6700 exp evolve at level 30 into high demon. Now get 10 stat points every level /

// system //

Race: high demon heath: 440 mana: 440

Exp: 0/1040 Level: 34

Strength: 88

Defense: 88

Speed: 88

Intelligence: 88

Wisdom: 88

Extra Stat points: 0 /

/ you have been given a ability by the world to travel across the universe to other planets called, world travel the to do this you need to conquer your current world /

Conquer the world? How am I going to do that.

/ start a cult or religion and make people join it as you are the leader /

Ok I go and buy a plane ticket to bring me to North Africa. Secluded tribes in North Africa should be easily convinced to join my religion. And I could "bless" them by making them my slave so they could level up.

I landed there after a while and went looking for a secluded tribe or village. It only took a few days of search to find a small group of people that were on a small island.

I got 2 of my slaves to "convert" them to my new religion. Basically making them join and watching over them.

/ you have started a religion and got new powers. Mana has evolved into: godly mana. New skill with godly energy: creation, you can make things with godly mana. /

After a week the people on the island have summited to me I told them to spread the religion to towns and cities. I made a few of them my slaves. Mostly the hunters and got 5 more slaves.

I made my new followers split into 5 groups to go into different places. They were to be protected by 1 slave per group. If my people were to violent and attacked people my group would be labeled as a cult and may be attacked.

Everything was going ok until some people found my people. They called themselves the scp foundation. They called them scp 4362. ( Arthur note I don't own scp 4362 it is a random number I thought of. )

Apparently there are monsters already in this world and the scp foundation finds and contains them. They saw my slaves having above human limits in strength. They said it was because of my religion.

I'm my slaves minds I am a god so they told the scp foundation that not to mess with my plans. They didn't listen to them so I went to the place they were stored and freed them.

/ killed 158 humans 10 exp. Level up +1 to all stats and 10 extra stat points. /

Also left a note saying don't fuck with a god.

They didn't like it that much as they showed up again. I grouped all of my people together and maxed out my slaves. And gave them armor with my creation skill with weapons.

// system //

Race: demon heath: 455 godly mana: 455

Exp: 540/1050 Level: 35

Strength: 91

Defense: 91

Speed: 91

Intelligence: 91

Wisdom: 91

Extra Stat points: 0 /

// skills //

Slave 36/36, shapeshifter, Observe, mana control, bloodlust, world travel, creation, /