
Beauty of Magic

In the midst of a failed drug deal, Raven and his friend stumble upon a kidnapped girl, who turns out to be the second princess to the throne. This chance meeting thrusts the criminal Raven into the dangerous world. How will this meeting impact the life of a criminal like Raven?

Mesarik · Fantasy
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42 Chs

You're just fine...

"I'm sorry," *Click*

Tensing her whole body, Amber expects to get shoot, but instead, nothing happens. Opening her eyes, She sees Emma pulling out the magazine and ejecting the bullet. Putting the now empty gun on the bed, Emma continues.

"I'm sorry, Raven, but how was I supposed to stop someone this determined?"

Looking at Amber, Emma tells her to do whatever she wants. After all, it's not like Raven is gonna come after her for breaking a promise.

"Thanks, Emma! I will not forget this! By the way, did we meet before? I think I recognize your voice?" Waving her off, Emma, just tell's her to find her clothes as running out of the hospital in a patient gown isn't gonna be exactly subtle.

"Oh, You're right! I'll see you soon!" Running out of the room, Emma just chuckles to herself.

"What a kid."


As Amber leaves the room, she looks around the corridor. Seeing the receptions on the right, she walks over and asks if she can be discharged. Instead of getting a proper answer, she's told to rest in bed until the doctor decides that she can be discharged.

Not getting any more answers from the receptionist, Amber grabs a washing kit that's for free, so it doesn't look like she just wants to leave.

Walking in the opposite direction, she walks past many offices until she reaches a weird door that has Deposits, written on it. "Why can't I just have my clothes in my room?"

Trying to enter, she finds that the door is locked. Thinking of bashing it in, she remembers what Raven said.

"Most locks in the slums are very weak, and with a simple comb-picking technique you can open almost all of them." Searching through the washing kit she pulls out a comb.

"It has to be called comb picking for a reason? Right?" Since the comb, is clearly bigger than the lock she looks for a way to shorten it. Spottin an electrician with some pliers, Amber gets a bad idea.

Following him around for god knows how long, she sees him enter the toilets. Taking a deep breath, Amber puts her hand on the ground and thinks of pulling it up into a poll-like shape.

The tiles get stretched as if they were made out of rubber, forming a staff. Twisting it off the ground, Amber looks around making sure no one saw her, and then enters the bathroom.

Seeing the electrical taking a piss, She slams him over the back of the head.

"Ah~!" As the first strike doesn't end it, Amber slams him three or five more times, until he finally stops making sounds. Quickly sinking the staff back into the ground, she grabs the pliers of the man's belt.

Walking out of the bathroom, she sees a kid running with scissors. "Now kids! No running with scissors!" A Nurse yells as she watches over the kids. Looking at the room that's in front of her, she sees kids playing on a carpet.

Daycare, Pencils, scissors, everything you need...

Holding the pliers in her hand, Amber begins to feel incredible guilt. She thinks of the guy that she killed for being a terrible person, but now...

Isn't she [The Terrible Person?] Feeling like she's gonna puke, Amber runs through the Corridor. Running to the door, she clips away at the comb, until it looks like the tool that Raven had.

Pushing it into the lock, Amber begins to shake it violently.

"Please, please, please!"


Hearing a distinct clicking sound, she twists her hand and the door opens.

"Yes!" Getting in she quickly looks at her gown, Opening the locker with the same number she see's her clothes. Putting them on, she runs out only to notice her reflection in the mirror.

Coming closer, she looks at herself.

"Is this..... me?"

Her usually straight hair now looks like a brush! Not even mentioning the loss of color, it's dark... it's closer to brown than blonde. "What happened to me?"

Noticing dark circles under her eyes, she takes a step back, only to trip over a bench. Hitting her head on it, Amber starts to take heavy breaths. Feeling blood a the back of her head, she sees the images of the electrician bleeding out on the floor.

Getting up, not thinking straight she sprints out of there.

Running past the reception, the nurse calls out to her to stop, but Amber doesn't listen. Dashing straight out of the main door, she runs across the road into an alley.

Stopping only because of her head, she touches the back of it, nothing. Tapping her head, she looks for the place she hit. But to her surprise, it's as if it disappeared.

Exiting the alleys, she finds herself in a large open area between the buildings. Walking on the dirt roads she spots someone she recognizes. It's the newspaper boy, from which Raven took the hat.

Walking over to him, the boy jumps up immediately recognizing her. "You're the lady that took my hat!" Looking around, Amber tries to figure out what to say.

"No-Ehm- My friend- Ehmmmm My friend took it from you!" Nodding her head, the boy just looks at her weirdly. "Are you alright miss?" Telling him that she's not okay, she rubs the back of her head.

"If you feel guilty, then you don't have to, Mr was so nice to buy all my newspapers!" Showing his empty bag, he smiles widely. Feeling relieved, Amber realizes that he had to see Raven.

Asking him where the mister went, the boy point down the road. Telling her that it was just a few minutes ago, Amber realizes that she can still catch up to Raven.

"Thank you!" Trying to run off the boy catches her hand. "Please wait!" Turning to him, the boy reaches into her coat and pulls out the hat. "Ah right it's your hat-"

But to her surprise, the boy puts the hat on her head. "If you have a hat miss, then wear it properly!" Smiling at her, Amber smiles back and runs off.

"Good luck Miss!" Waving her goodbye, Amber runs into the crowds of busy people.


Running across the dirt road, she almost falls down a huge flight of stairs. "Woah!" Appearing in front of her out of nowhere. These long stairs lead down from the market square, back to the urban area.

Starting to run down the stairs she spots it. A certain individual with long black hair, wearing a white scarf. "Raven!" Not hearing her, Amber thinks of a quick way down. Spotting the railing, Amber jumps on it and slides all the way down.

Hitting the person that she thought was Raven, she immediately starts tunning like crazy, because that person wasn't Raven. Yelling at her to get back here.

Amber runs as fast, but it's not long before she runs into cops. She immediately stiffs, thinking that they're gonna take her back. But to her surprise, they ran past her.

"We need to find her! or else we're gonna get our heads chopped off!"

Running past her she realizes, they don't recognize her, or at least they wouldn't have if it weren't for that Buffon.

"Amber! I thought we told you to go back to the palace!" Yelling at her from the other side of the road, Edward starts to come towards her. Of course, the cops heard him yelling.

"We Run!" Grabbing Edward by the hand she tries to run, only to get pulled back as if she tried to run while holding onto a lamp. "Why do we have-" Spotting the cops, he immediately grabs Amber into a princess carry.

"We're running!" sprinting at the speed of a motorbike, Edward quickly jumps up a building and runs across the now very familiar rooftops. Feeling the wind in her hair, Looks below them and for a second sees it.

The still undiscovered body, of the robber she killed. Feeling the same guilt she had when she hit the janitor, all kinds of thoughts that disappeared under the stress come flying back.

Did they find the electrician? Is he alive? Does he have a family?

Remembering all the blood on her hands and how she tough that she was doing a good thing, she becomes disgusted with herself. Turning green, Edward asks if she's okay only for Amber to puke on his clothes.

"God! Say something before you-" Seeing Amber's eyes shrink into little dots, Edward decides to do something for which Raven will kill him.

Running on roofs, Edward jumps from building to building, until he reaches a certain one. Jumping down on its balcony. He sees Raven eating lunch.

Looking up from his food he see's Edward carrying Amber,

*Cink* Dropping his fork on the plate, he reaches into his coat.

"Wait, Wait, Wait! I need your help!" Shaking his hand, he places Amber on the sofa.

"Look at her! she's in shock! How could I leave her when she was in this state?!"

Shaking his head, Raven says. "I don't know, maybe leave her with the police so she can get REAL MEDICAL ATTENTION?!" Not being able to argue with that, Edward, looks at Amber.

"Fine, but can you at least take a look at her? if anyone has some knowledge in psychology or water it's you!" Waving his hand, Ravne says that just because he's crazy doesn't mean he has a degree in psychology.

But it doesn't take him long to realize what's happening.

"She just needs to sleep. She probably did something that conflicted with her beliefs. Maybe she killed someone that she thinks is a actually good person. That could explain it."

Going in a room over, he comes out with a blanket that he throws over her. "I'll let her sleep here, but just this once Edward." Sighing about it, Raven goes? back to his food.

"Thank God you're just acting tough."

Turning his head to Edward, Raven asks. "You said something?"



That's what the voice inside Amber's head is calling her.

Running through a never-ending corridor, she sees Raven and many other of her friends, belittling her, "You killed him!" Laughing at her the girls yell.

"Kyaa! Amber is a murderous monster!" Pushing her down, Amber runs in the opposite, only to run into her father, not even being able to lift her head to see him, she hears.

"No daughter of mine is a murderer! Get out of my sight! You disgrace!"

"No, I was-" Getting slapped, she falls on the cold bodies of the two volunteers she killed.

"We were... good people... Did you forget us~!" Jumping away from them, she tries to run but bumps into the electrician. As the electrician falls to the ground, blood gushes out of the back of his head. "Why..... I was just helping people... I've never wronged someone..... SO WHY DID YOU KILL ME?!"

Jumping at Amber he pulls her to the ground, as blood drips from his eyes onto Amber, She screams in fear. "Kyyyah!"


Jumping, Amber looks around, she's no longer in the never-ending hall, instead, she's on a couch. Looking outside the window she can see the sun start to set.

But out of nowhere her ear twitches, and as her ears wake up, she hears a rich, high yet low sound. Turning to her side, she sees Raven. Playing the violin.

Listening diligently in silence, she watches as Raven pours all his sorrows into the violin. Moving the bow against the strings, the music is not one she knows. instead, it's improvised.

The sound the violin makes, the tone, and everything it moves with Raven as if it was just an extension of his body. Giving it his all, Raven spins around and faces Amber, but he has his eyes closed.

Not knowing that Amber is awake, watching him, he continues to play his heart out, all the anger of a tired person that work none stop for the past 12 hours is put into the music.

All that desire to just lay down and give up is given sound, yet... he doesn't stop. he played on and on. Moving his whole body with the music, he Sweated more than she has ever seen him.

Spinning back, he ends it on a resounding note, that makes you feel like a new day has begun.

Not being able to help herself, Amber claps in awe.

Jumping at the sound, Ravne looks in absolute embarrassment at Amber. "You.... heard that?" Noddin her head, Raven puts the violin away and says something that shocks Amber.

"Please don't tell anyone, not even Edward." Confused Amber tries to understand why but Raven just tells her that it's none of her business. "Look it's just my way to vent out, okay? I act all tough and smart in front of others because that's my responsibility! But I still need some rest okay?!"

Tired, Raven sits down and asks Amber if she's fine. What seemed his weak self is now replaced with his typical, leading, and sarcastic personality.

"I... I think I'm good." Smiling, Raven walks to Amber and pats her on the head.

"You did something bad didn't you?" Starting to tear up, she uses Raven's jacket like a pillow to cry into. Telling him what she's done in the hospital. How she maybe killed someone completely innocent, Ravne just keeps his hand on her back.

"It's fine...it happens to all of us, after all. [You're just fine.....] Just fine the way you are"

This was a hard one, I'm trying my best to write it in a believable sense since Amber is still unable to figure out what's right and what's wrong.

So I had to think quite a lot about it.

and sorry if you think my uploading schedule sucks, trust me, I know :D I always write so many things but I'm just not satisfied with them just for this chapter alone I wrote over 6000 words only to change, delete and remove some until I ended up with 2000.

If you think a 6 thousand word chapter would be cool, you'd be wrong as it's just a mess, of repeating things over and over of me just trying to stretch the chapter pointlessly.

Anyways another chapter is done! And this mess got 1000 views! So thank you for reading my little story :D

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