
Beauty of Magic

In the midst of a failed drug deal, Raven and his friend stumble upon a kidnapped girl, who turns out to be the second princess to the throne. This chance meeting thrusts the criminal Raven into the dangerous world. How will this meeting impact the life of a criminal like Raven?

Mesarik · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Crazy Ride And the Knight in Silver Armor

Amber watches in horror as Raven, who just a few seconds ago was making stupid jokes, hits the floor. Seeing the blood drip from his thigh, she notices the white scarf around Raven's neck. Quickly Wrapping it around his leg, Amber tries to think of what she knows from her first aid training, but under all the pressure, all she could come up with was hitting Raven in the face.

"Oi! Wake up! I have no idea what to do! Aren't you here to save me?!" Losing her strength, and seeing no progress, Amber stops hitting Raven. Letting go of his shirt, he falls to the floor, unmoving with weak breaths.

Huddling herself into the corner, she reaches into her dress and pulls out a small green gem.

"Please.... help me, Grandpa."


Waking up to the whole container shaking, I see Amber huddle into the corner, mumbling to herself, while Edward is still passed out.

"What's going on?!" Yelling at Amber, she looks at me in disbelief. "I thought you died! I-"

Signaling her like crazy to shut up, she whispers. "What's happening?"

"My head, that's happening! Anyway, I thought you knew what was going on!" I'm experiencing a migraine, and my mouth feels completely dry. Hearing footsteps around the container, I hush Amber down.

"One... four people." As I load a new magazine into my gun, Amber sits beside me and whispers again. "What are we going to do?"

Cocking my gun, I Hold my head. "Well, we fight, of course." It's not like we have much of a choice when we're locked inside a container.

Putting my mask on. I expected the container doors to open, but everything started moving slowly instead.

"What's happening?" Amber asks. "I think that we're not on the boat anymore."

Standing up on one of my legs, I see a white scarf wrapped around my leg.

Grabbing around my neck, I realize that it's mine. "SHIT!" I'm starting to unwrap it in full panic, but Amber stops me. "What are you doing?!"

"Taking it off." Stating it like a fact. I tried to push her hands off the scarf, but to no avail. "You're going to bleed!"

Stopping for a second, I decide to listen to her. "Fine, but can you try and wake up that guy? He's our only hope of getting out." Pointing at Edward, she nods and walks to him, while still making sure I won't try to remove that scarf.

But the moment she tries to get close to him, he wakes up.


"JESUS! Can't you wake up like a normal person for once?" Cursing at Edward, he just kind of chuckles. "Sorry, I just woke up from a crazy dream! You wouldn't believe it!"

Shaking my head, I say. "If it has anything to do with you getting your ass kicked by your brother, I don't want to hear it."

Noticing the frightened girl, Edward takes a knee and offers her a hand.

"OH! I remember you!" Offering her a hand, he continues. "Anyway, where are we?"

"Far from the dock, now on a truck," I reply. Nodding his head, Edward walks over to a wall and taps it a few times.

"You think you can break it?" I ask. Edward raises his hand for a big punch. "only one way to find out!"

"WAAAAAAAAIT!" Yelling, Amber looks at us, her leg still shaking from all the stress. "What?! I mean-" Putting my hand on her shoulder and giving her a huge smile. I say.

"I get it, you're confused and all, but you can trust me....if anything happens to you, there will be no place under the sun for me."

"Raven, we're criminals. We already don't have a place under the sun!" Edward yells as he Slams his hand straight through the metal wall at the driver.


I can only hear the driver's scream before I see a black smudge fly past us, smashing into the container's back wall. "Although it's the middle of the night, so there's no sun. Anyways, who knows how to drive?"

Shaking my head at Edward, I look at Amber, only to see her staring back. "Why are you looking at me? I'm the one with a bleeding leg!" Yelling at Amber, I quickly pushed her through the hole to the wheel, only for her to tell me the last thing I wanted to hear. "How do I drive?"

After getting hit by a black van from the side, the truck starts to move off the road.

"Jesus! You're 18 and don't know how to drive a car?!" Grabbing the wheel, I started to move the truck back onto the road.

"WHAT'S THE BRAKE?! HOW DO I STOP THIS?!" Hearing Amber yell, I tried to reply, only to fly into the back as I wasn't wearing a seatbelt or sitting in the first place.

"I THINK I GOT IT!" Hearing her proud scream, I can only see black vans catching up to us.

"Don't stop now! We have Tangos on our asses!" Pulling out my gun, I fire a single bullet before I hear.

"MANGOS?! WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?!" Cursing, I pull myself to the hole and scream right into her ear.

"TANGOS! Hostiles! Enemies! Anything! Just Drive!" Pointing at the road ahead, I see a car drive next to us. I try to aim my gun, only for the car to get rammed by Amber.

"Like this?" Looking at me with tears in her eyes, I reply. "Yes, now you drive!"

"WHERE!?" Looking behind, I say. "Anywhere! As long as those cars are following us, it doesn't matter!" Hearing a loud thud, I can hear Edward yell.

"Raven! We've got guests!" Seeing some brave guys jump into the container, I yell at Edward. "Then take care of them and give me that!" Taking the wheel, I quickly change lanes, barely missing an oncoming car.

"RIGHT LANE!" We drive on the right! Understood?!"

Seeing her weak nod, I let go of the wheel and joined Edward in the back.

Leaning against the wall, Edwards asks. "You good?" Looking him straight in the eye, I reply.

"If I were Good, I wouldn't be bleeding all over the place, would I?!" Rolling his eyes, he cracks his neck. "Fine, If you're not okay, then stay back and let me handle it."

I smiled at him. "Thank you for the offer, but I will have to decline."

Sitting down, I reach into my clothes and pull out a new magazine, only to get launched into the air and hit the metal wall.

"AMBER!" The entire truck swirled like crazy and crashed into the following cars, leaving us stranded in the middle of the road. Jumping up, I almost fell over if not for Edward. "Careful now!"

Slapping him away, I wobble to the driver's seat, where I see Amber holding the wheel, or at least what's left of it in the middle of the air. Looking at me, she asks. "Are we there yet? Can I go home now?"

Looking around, I find my new magazine and put it in my gun. "Now, we can go home." Smelling something in the air I yell. "Gas!" Jumping out of the truck Ewdawrd grabs Amber and jumps behind me. Seeing the unconscious Gangsters in their cars, Edward just stands in the way so Amber doesn't see them.

Giving him a thankful nod we rushed into the nearby forest. "What are we going to do?" As Amber is huddled into a ball, Edward covers her ears and-


The sound of my gunshot couldn't even be heard over the sound of gas exploding, setting the whole truck on fire. "Amber, look at me. We need to be quiet now, you understand? If we make a single peep it's over, okay?"

Talking to her as if she were a kid she gives me a nod before returning to her thoughts.

As the late gangsters arrive they look at the burning cars. Looking around for a second they get back into their cars and drive away.

"A-a-a-are they gone?" Amber asks. not wanting to peek out I shake my head to Edward.

"Really?" He whispers. Giving I'm a nod I whisper back. "Well, I don't want to get shot?"

Finally giving in he peaks out only to yell. "JESUS!" Jumping away, I draw my gun only to see a knight in silver armor.

"Is always watching, I know." The knight says. But the second he notices me he pulls out his sword and puts it to my throat. "What are sinners like you doing on these holy lands, Raven?"

Leaning over, Amber whispers to Edward. "Who is he?"

"And old... Acquaintance?.... You could say." Seeing her start to shake again, he continues. "But don't worry if anything he will just kill Raven and let us go." Hearing him talk about my dead, in such an upbeat tone, I hold myself back from punching him.

Looking back at the silver knight, I pluck some of the grass. "You know the usual?"

Driving the sword slightly into my neck, I yell. "I'm just joking, I'm just joking! So calm down, Gabriel!" Removing his sword from my neck, I curse at the small cut.

"Did you need to do that?" Sheathing his sword, the knight gives me an excuse that it was a divine punishment. Before locking his eyes on my leg. "You need help with that?"

Asking me a question, I say. "Guess twice."

Rolling his eyes, he speaks up. "Then we should get a move on everyone." The knight in silver armor starts to walk deeper into the forest, only for Amber to stop him with her stuttering.

"I-I-" Putting my hand on her shoulder, I stop her mumbling.

"Don't worry, Gabriel lives close to the city so it won't be long before we get you home. Now would you mind giving me a hand? My leg hurts like hell."

"o-oh, sure...." Luckily, it is not long before we arrive at a large mansion within the woods.

"Wow" Hearing Amber's awe, the knight stops and says. "Please be quiet once inside. I don't want you waking up the kids."

Pushing the large door open, we enter the mansion.

"So, I believe that you're the ones that caused the large car crash?" The knight asked.

Nodding, I reply. "Yes, but can you wake up your Holy sister? I need her to look at my leg." Looking at the fully soaked white scarf wrapped around my leg, he sighs. "Fine, but you do the explaining."

Entering an office, the knight removes his helmet, revealing his blue hair. "So, I think you have some explaining to do, Raven." Looking at Amber, he sits down and speaks.

"Why is the second princess with you?"

Sitting down on a sofa, I reply. "You're not going to wake up your sister until I explain, right?"

Giving me a nod, I sigh. "Simple, she was kidnapped by Gunter, we got kidnapped by Gunter, we escaped from Gunter, and now we're here."

Smiling at the knight, he understands that he won't get anything else out of me.

Pulling on a string, we could hear the sounds of a bell ringing, followed by rushed footsteps. Followed by a woman in a nun outfit kicking down the door with unparalleled speed.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to wake me up unless there's a bloody emergency?" Noticing us, she coughs into her hand and smiles.

"Ah, I'm most sorry for the unholy thing you just had to see." Walking over to a corner, she tries to disappear into the shadows, only for the knight to call her out.

"Sister, may you take a look at our guest's leg?" Trying to look as kindly as she can, but failing miserably, she rolls her eyes before poking at my thigh.

"Auch." As the adrenalin left my body, I felt the pain in my leg more firmly.

"Stop squirming around, or I'm going to break that leg of yours just so I don't have to go through this whole thing." Doing as the nun says, I let her remove the scarf around my leg.

Poking it a few more times, she says. "Greenstick fracture. Nothing major."

"Greenstick fracture?" Amber asked.

It's not a fully broken bone, it's as if it was chipped at." The nun says. Slapping my leg, she continues. "I'm not going to use a healing spell on this fool, but I do advise you not to engage in any physical activities. That also includes magic, understand? And if that's everything, I'm going back to bed."

As she tries to leave, the knight waves his hand and speaks up. "Not so fast, could you take the lady and that Buffon with you? I have something to discuss with Raven, in a more private setting."

Rolling her eyes, she wraps her hands around Amber and Edward. "Come with me, but if any of you wake up the kids, I'm going to personally murder you.

"Eh, kids? You're a mom?" Amber asks. Instead of an answer, she gets hit over the head.

"This is an orphanage!"


Now sitting in the room with just the knight, Raven taps the table. "So? What does your shiny-" Raising his hand, he cuts me off. "Please, Raven, not on the holy grounds; anyway, it's good to see you in such a fine condition."

I tell him off and ask him to get to the point.

"Nothing, I just want you to be honest with me and not to worry as this room is soundproof." The moment he says that, Raven almost jumps to his feet and yells.

"GOD! What just happened? The last thing I remember is that it's around 10 in the night and I'm-" No longer needing to act like the responsible one, Raven goes on a full-on rant about how crazy everything was, not to mention how many times he was close to death again!

While he rants on and on, the knight named Gabriel realized that his year as a priest listening to other people's confessions didn't go to wain, as now he can perfectly muffle out the words the other person is saying.

"May almighty God have mercy on you, and having forgiven your sins, lead you to eternal life. Amen." Not realizing it, Gabriel says the classical line, the moment Raven stops moving his lips.

The disappointment is clear as Raven just lightly slams his fist against the table. "You ignored me, didn't you?" With a slight nod from Gabriel, Raven just sighs and sinks into the chair.

"Why do I always open up to you?"

"You know what they say? You can always trust God." He gave me a wide smile from cheek to cheek. We spent a few more minutes ironing out some details about this whole situation. Before heading to the room where Amber and Edward are.

Leaving the office, the knight puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Raven, I'm not going to talk to you like the Holy Father, but as a friend. Don't interact with the royal family so casually you have-"

Slightly slapping his hand from my shoulder, I give a soft smile before replying. "Trust me, no one else wants this nightmare to be over more than I do."

Chuckling a bit The knight, or Gabriel, pats me on the back. "You're right, Mr. Nordstorm." Putting a strong emphasis on Mr. Nordstorm I slap him over the head.

"Don't! Ever call me that again."


Arriving inside a large dining room where Amber and Edward both look like they're gonna pass out any minute, I call my hands to get their attention.

"So, Gabriel allowed us to stay the rest of the night here. It's 2 in the morning so it's not that much sleep, but we're close to the city so we can still make it later on." With the injuries that we have we should rest.

But seeing Amer play with her hair, I immediately feel like something is wrong. "What is it?" Fiddling with her necklace, she tells me something that I should have seen coming.

"I... Need to get back home before 6:00. Since I snuck out, none even knows that I got kidnapped. hehe..." Chuckling a little bit. I try to say that it's a funny joke, but I stop myself from doing so.

"Her clothes, Pants, shirt, pretty normal clothing, but for someone of her status? There's no way she wouldn't be wearing some sort of dress!

Not to mention the fact that if she truly got kidnapped there would be a huge search for her!

As the gears slowly turn in my head I try to form a sentence only, to be cut off by Gabriel.

"Why did you sneak out? Why would a princess like you decide-"

"I just wanted to see the world." Talking in a low voice, she continues. "I always heard stories from my Grandpa about how he went on adventures and-"

Cutting her off Raven grabs her by the shoulders and yells.

"Do you not realize how stupid that was?! You almost died! Hell! Far worse! You were almost sold! You ire-" Getting pulled off by Edward, he tries to calm me down. "Raven, please at least listen to her reasons!"

"What? Just because she heard some stories of Adventures?!" Trying to wiggle out of Edwards's grip.

*SLAP* Slapping me across the face Gabriel speaks up.

"Calm down! You're a man, aren't you? Complain once to let the stupidity of the situation sink in. Complain twice and be a fool who can't do anything else but complain! After your first complaint, you should be thinking about your next move!"

Taking a deep breath Edward lets me go. "Fine, if we have to make it by six let's start now." Walking out of the room. I let them finish their conversation without me.

As Raven storms out Edward follows quickly after him and so does Amber, but she gets stopped by Gabriel. "Please don't be too mad at Raven. He might not look like it but you too are more similar than you think."

Giving her a smile, he reaches into a gaps between his armor and pulls out a small dagger.

"Take it, you will need it. I believe that you will find a use for it before the sun rises."

Letting go of her hand, he watched her leave in silence.


Walking out of the room, I lean against the wooden wall. Leaning next to me, Edward asks.

"Did you have to yell at her?" Turning my head away from him, I reply. "No... No, I didn't have to." Feeling sorry about it, I rub my leg. "Does it hurt that much?"

Shaking my head, I look at the weird piece of wood in his hand. Handing it to me he points at my leg. "Even though it's not broken, you shouldn't be putting any weight on it. Right?"

Smiling, I try to put a little bit of my weight on it and all the itchiness disappears from my leg. "Thanks, but where did you even get this?" I asked. But seeing the opened glass box with a mannequin that is supposedly leaning on the air I get an idea.

"Don't look at it so much! If we pretend to not see it we might be able to leave before he notices." Covering my eyes, Edward and I start to laugh about the absurdity of this situation.

"Before he notices what? I hope that you know that God is watching your every step."

As Gabriel walks out of the room with Amber, he notices the cane in my hand. "Promise me that you aren't going to take anything else and I will let you keep it.

Snapping my fingers into a thumbs-up, I see Amber patter her clothes. "Lost something?"

"What? No, W-what made you think so?" Even though I don't believe a single thing she said, I decide to let it go. "If you say so."

Shaking hands with Gabriel, we send each other off with a few more friendly words before heading back out to the forest.


While Raven and Edward look like they're carefree, Amber is stuck thinking about Gabriel's words.

[I know that you will find a use for it before the sun rises.] Still feeling the knife-like object in her pocket she tries to understand what he meant by it.

"Amber!" Hearing Raven call her, she decides to ignore these thoughts. Since, if she uses it, she will. It's not like she's gonna use it on Raven.
