
Beauty of Magic

In the midst of a failed drug deal, Raven and his friend stumble upon a kidnapped girl, who turns out to be the second princess to the throne. This chance meeting thrusts the criminal Raven into the dangerous world. How will this meeting impact the life of a criminal like Raven?

Mesarik · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Amber's Feelings

Laying on her bed, Ambe wakes up, to a maid pulling the curtain. Hiding under her blanket, the maid says. "Morning lady Amber, breakfast will be in 30 minutes."

Still, under her blanket, the maid snaps her fingers and two maids pull the blanket off.

"AH! Cold! Let me sleep just a bit longer." Shaking her head, the maid taps her watch. Leaving the room to let Amber change, she finally climbs out of her bed. Putting on some comfortable clothes. she leaves her bedroom, only for her neck to be almost snapped off.

"How's my favorite granddaughter doing!" It's her grandpa or the late king.

"You plan to visit your friends today as well?" Nodding her head, her grandpa smiles. "Who knows, maybe I will live to see my grand-grandkids." Telling him to stop, Amber tells him that there's nothing like that between her and Raven.

"I don't know, he's got all the qualifications, Noble, check, Smart, check, righteous..... Okay maybe not all, but you know what I mean!" Shaking her head, they enter a large dining hall.

"Father... Sister....." Walking past another blonde, Amber sits, down.

After eating the food, she gets up and tries to leave, but her sister stops her. "Where are you going, Amber? Are you not taking your royal duties seriously?" Wavinger her off, she tries to say something, but her grandpa speaks first.

"Amber isn't going to succeed to the throne, so why should she care?" Agreeing with her grandpa, she wishes the best of luck to everyone. Running through the whole she flips her clothes inside out into more common clothes. Opening the window, she jumps on a tree.

Running across its giant branches, she leaps onto the castle wall, this way she easily safes 10 minutes. Running into a tower, she sees her way out ready.

Tieing a rope to a metal bar, she descends outside the castle. Landing on the ground she ties a knot at the end of the rope and throws it back into the tower, which is now easy feet since the tower is a few stories high.

Running across the streets, Amber thanks God that Raven's apartment is so close.

Pushing the door open, she runs up the stairs to the floor and sees it, she hides behind the corner and only lets her head peek out. It's Raven, carrying sleeping Alice.

*Thud* Something about that didn't sit right with her.

*Thud* I felt... wrong.

Following them to the apartment door, she stops outside.

"Rest well, Alice. Ah Edward you're awake."

"Of course I am, anyways I'm going for my morning exercise." What? Stopping my thought process, I try to think of a place to hide, but it's too late. Opening the door, Edward sees me.

"Ah, Am-" Signaling him to shut up, he nods his head. "You said something?" Raven asks. Telling him that he said nothing, he closes the apartment door behind him.

Signaling Amber to follow him, he starts to run. Now knowing what's going on, Amber runs after him. Running into the street, they run past stalls and other small, things.

Running after him, Amber starts to feel her legs burn. "Can we slow down?" The moment she asks the question, Edward speeds up. Getting into a full sprint just to keep up, Amber starts to breathe with her mouth only to hear.

"Nose! Breathe with your nose!" Trying to do as he says, she feels like she's gonna suffocate. Sprinting after Edward for what seems like forever, we arrive at a park.

Dropping to the floor, I try to control my breathing. "You calm now?" Edward asks. Sitting straight up, I remember what I saw. "No, Something hurt here." Holding her chest, Edward sits beside her. "What happened?"

Telling him what she saw, he lies in the grass and tells her that women are complicated.

"It's hard, But I think I understand. Not too long ago I also felt weird about Alice, She was Raven's first partner to my understanding. I was worried that with her back he would leave me behind, but instead, she joined the group."

"I admit it wasn't for long, I still know you better than her, but.... She's Raven's close friend, and he worries about her a lot, to my knowledge their goodbye was not planned so he might be scared that she will disappear again."

Understanding what he means, Amber sits down. "Do you think there's something between them?" Getting a wide grin on his face, Edward pokes Amber. "You're jealous!"

Jumping up, Amber yells. "No! I just... thought I meant more to him."

Nodding his head, Edward tells her that she means a lot to Raven. "I'm certain Raven would do the same for you if you were the one shot by the suppressing crystal." Drawing a circle in the grass, Amber asks if he's sure.

"I'm sure, Anyways. let's go back, we've wasted a lot of time by talking."

Running back, but this time being carried on Edward's shoulders, Amber wonders if Raven truly cares about her. Arriving at the apartment door, they bump into a little kid running out.

Knocking him on his back, Amber recognizes him as the newspaper boy. "You! Are you alright?" Nodding his head, he starts to frantically pick up his newspaper. "I need to sell, them to feed my friend! I'm sorry!" Running past Edward, we run up the stairs.

Reaching the top floor, we see a little black-haired girl, peeking from behind an apartment door. "Hey, I didn't know you had neighbors." Stopping me in my track Edward ensures me that they don't have neighbors since he hid 2 dead bodies there yesterday.

"Oh, Hey girl what's your name?" Closing the door on us, I look to Edward. Nodding his head, he bashes down the door. The little girl starts to scream so, I run up to her and cover her mouth. "Shush! We're not bad people just something we owned is here!"

*B-Thud* "What the hell are you guys doing?!" Hitting Edward over the head with a pan, he looks at me. The little girl runs away from me and hides behind Raven's leg.

"Just... Get in my apartment, you two morons."

Now sitting at a table, the little black-haired girl eats some eggs. Raven is giving us a lecture about our actions, but that doesn't matter to me, as I see a cup with my name written on it.

Taking a sip of the warm chocolate, I feel a light slap over the back of my head. "You listening?!" Starting to laugh out loud, I'm soon joined by Edward, and not long after Raven starts to laugh like crazy as well.

"Adults are weird." The little girl says.

Putting my hand on her shoulder, I smile. "Kid, once you become an adult, you will understand. Life treats you like shit, so don't take it too seriously."

Telling me that I'm the specifically weird one, I hand her my eggs and tell her to just eat. No need to have my world destroyed by a kid.

"Anyways," Raven spoke up. "I plan to enlist Iris here into a school, but for that, I need her mom. And since I don't have that, you Amber will help me enlist her in a school."

*Clank* As Edward and I both drop our forks, I ask
