
Beauty of Magic

In the midst of a failed drug deal, Raven and his friend stumble upon a kidnapped girl, who turns out to be the second princess to the throne. This chance meeting thrusts the criminal Raven into the dangerous world. How will this meeting impact the life of a criminal like Raven?

Mesarik · Fantasy
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42 Chs

A Step Backwards [Amber pov]

Amber arrives home and looks for her father. Looking at the picture Raven gave her, she smiled. Walking around the palace she hears her father discussing something with some people, She tries to enter the meeting room, only to get stopped by one of the guards.

"Princess, Amber your father is currently in a very important meeting. I will notify him that you wanted to speak with him." Not even being able to say that she has something important to share with him, she feels a rough hand on her shoulder.

"Amber!" Turning around she sees her grandfather. Full beard and a wrinkled face, his old blonde hair now almost completely gray, he stands like a mountain in front of me. poking his side, his tall demeanor falls over,

"Auch, that's my back!" Shaking slightly, Amber wraps her arm around her grandpa. "I'm sorry, I'll bring you back to your bed." Saying goodbye to the guard that looks at the old man with pity, he salutes them off.

Taking her grandfather through the gardens he tells her that he wants to sit here. Laughing, Grandpa says. "You got good friends, not to mention we should visit that restaurant! I mean we're rich but 20 Aquars for a salad is so cheap."

Confused as to how he knows about that, Amber tries to figure out if she was followed, but her grandfather continues. "If I haven't slipped on that fucking roof! I could have watched you guys for a bit longer."

Rubbing his back, Amber looks at him. "You're not mad about all the dangerous things I do?"

Waving his hands, he smiles. "I already let you do it, only a pussy goes back on his word. Not to mention that you won't die, not as long as I'm here."

Laughing, Amber pats her grandpa on the back, "Sure, sure let's get you back to your room." No longer taking him seriously, she helps him get up, but a slight wind causes the photo to fight out of my pocket.

Trying to catch it, I barely see it, but my grandpa's hand snaps in and grabs it.

"What is this?" Looking at the photo, he stares at Amber. Starting to sweat, I try to protect myself but, he just smiles. "I think, I know what's going on, but let's just say. That you went after your kidnappers and figured out where they are."

Smiling, I nod my head. "Yes, yes, that's it!" Also giving him the map, my grandpa stretches and sprints off. "Wait!" Running after him worried, I fear that he will slip or get back pain, causing him to get hurt.

Entering the palace, he runs to the meeting room. "Hero!" As a few of the guards salute him, he arrives in front of the meeting room. "My lord, your son is in a-"

"Don't care!" Kicking the meeting room doors open, Amber's grandpa enters.

"Father! What happened?!" Standing in the doorframe for a few seconds he looks over the nobles and politicians that have gathered, or at least it look like that until he spoke.

"My pants came loose when I ran, anyways, YOU FOOLS!" Changing his entire demeanor, he throws the photo and the map onto the table. "You incompetent fools! Mainly you my son! How do you fail so badly that your own daughter has to go out and track her kidnappers?"

"What?! Who let her leave the royal palace?!" Standing up, he gets pushed down. "Sit down you fool! Look at this!" Grabbing the map and pictures out of the hands of nearby politicians, he stuffs it into his son's face.

"See?! Let's use that anti-crime program to raid it!"

Watching from behind the door frame, Amber watches in awe of her grandpas' sheer dominance, he usually naps all day and barely moves. Yet now, he stands in the room, an all the attention is on him.

it's not long before every cheer with him, and the decision is made, raid the warehouse today's afternoon.



standing outside, the warehouse. Amber with the help of her grandpa managed to bully her father to let her go on this raid. "Amber this is the person, in charge of the radio, police Captain Theresa Sparks." Shaking her hand, Amber introduces herself. "I'm Amber von Aquaria, the-"

Waving her off, Theresa moves her long ginger hair out of her face. putting a cigarette into her mouth, she says. "Don't worry, I know who you are, but please be careful, if something happens to you, your father is gonna kill me."

Shaking her hands, Amber tells her that she has to be exaggerating. "Nope, I'm not. 12:30! Get in boys!" Yelling from behind the cover, the armored cops charge the building.

Spotting a guy from the windows they fire. A huge gunfight ensues that last whole 15 minutes before the warehouse can be called safe.

Entering after them, Amber walks behind the captain. "What's your job miss?" Amber asks out of curiosity. "I'm also a detective, I'm in charge of figuring out what this warehouse has been used for and others." Nodding her head, Amber feels her heart stop as she spots a small icing on a nearby wall.

"Ma'am! we believe that two of the thugs escaped through the sewers, they used some sort of a smoke bomb to hide their retreat." Feeling the rock fall off her chest, she hears something she didn't want to hear.

"Thugs? no... There was someone else here, these guys weren't killed by our bullts. Not to mention that from what I see, one guy had his neck snapped." Getting a nod from the officer, Theresa lays down to the manhole.

"It seems that we have some real deals here with us. Did the big guy say anything?" Shaking his head. "The crime boss named Gunter Tenfold refused to say anything except that it's that bird's fault."

Standing up, Theresa asks if they know who this bird is. getting a know, she walks around the crates. "Miss Theresa, aren't you going to send someone to follow the escapes through the sewer?"

Turning to Amber, she shakes her head. "None went through the sewers, the old sewer ladder has a piece of mold on it, only the top 3 steps had it rubbed off by shoes."

Finding, a dark room. she spots a chair, walking to it, Theresa rubs her fingers on it.

"What are you doing?" Showing Amber her fingers she smiles. "Fresh burn marks it's still warm, someone was tied up here. The chains, two people were kept here."

Feeling her heartbeat Amber hopes that, both of them made it out, not even realizing that the box outside of the room is not filled with drugs, but a certain black-haired boy.

Getting bumped into, by a cop, he call of the captain. "Ma'am! this warehouse..... it's filled to the brim with illegal substances..... also you might want to see this."

A bunch of cops are huddled around a single crate.

"I've never seen so much of it." "I've always thought that it was a small drug operation, but with this many, there has to be a ginormous lab somewhere."

Telling everyone to move, Theresa looks into the crate. "My god..... Dreamaker. Someone get me that giant!" Yelling for her to bring Gunter to her, a cop runs over.

"He Escaped! He broke the cuffs and ran through the wall!" Slamming her hand, she sees one of the thugs being escorted. Running to him she grabs him. "Who supplied the Dreamaker!?"


"Who supplied the drugs to you?!" Starting to shake with the criminal some of the cops have to pull her off. "Ma'am! Calm down! You can't assault them!"

"Let me go! I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!" Looking at the calm and methodical Theresa, she watches her absolutely change and fight the cops just so she can get an answer out of the criminal.

"Surprising isn't it?" Turning her head, Amber sees a cop talking to her. "The Dreamaker case is the only one she didn't solve, there were just too few leads."

Finally calming down, Theresa lights a cigarette. "Move all the crates to the evidence warehouse, once there we will start to count all the contrabands and illegal stuff, Let's go!"