
Beauty at Agent's gunpoint(on hold)

Agent King is the famous name in the field of Assassination. No one dares to cross path with him and his team, known as "Agawe Lune". But, that is not all about him, the world barely knows his actual name! He has a secret he could not let someone reveal, and he is determined to go to any level for it. Grace Wittstock is a medical student who is the most beautiful girl of the Somantrea, a small country in the Asia region. Making friends is not her hobby and getting scared is not her habit. But, is that all about her?? Fate is going to play the biggest game, and every evil has to pay for it.

meraki_gal · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The beginning

Four male dressed in Black tee and Camel colour cargo were sitting in one of the wooden-floored spacious room, which was large enough to accommodate fifty people. The glass walls of the room were full of technology with digital whiteboards.

A few distances away from it, in the middle of the room, a large rectangle glass table with aluminium frames was placed surrounded by many chairs.

Sitting on the head chair, Agent King was looking at one of the digital whiteboards in which several images of a girl was on display.

But, one thing was common in all the pictures, the girl's face was masked with a different colour of silk clothes, no matter what the place. Except for her eyes and long rich textured hair, nothing was visible on her face.

"The Perfect way to hide oneself," Agent King thought to himself and glanced at two of his agents wearing the same dress as other agents, black tee and camel coloured cargo standing in front of him with their heads bowed down and hands placed at the back.

He did not understand whether to laugh or to be angry at his agents for what they had gathered.

It had been a week and, all they could gather on "GW" was none other than those images on display, revealing nothing about her.

Remaining four agents, the same who were, swordsman, knifeman, archer and Agent 01, were seated in their respective chairs along with Agent King.

But, none of them was in the mood of jokes. The tense environment was hard to miss.

Agent King was not among those leaders who would torture or punish anyone, but he was strict when it comes to missions.

There was only one rule in the Team, if you cannot give your 100 %, quit yourself. They were allowed to do anything, but only in free time.

And, it was neither a shock nor a surprise to know no one had resigned.

Agent King might be brutal and rude when it comes to the mission, but for his knights, he was the King.

They wanted to be remembered in history for their bravery and loyalty not, for the betrayal and cowardness.

They were the part of the most feared Team, NATT, and, they were proud of themself and had enjoyed every bit of their life being NAATian, irrespective of the danger that always surrounds them and the fear of losing their lives anytime and anywhere.

NATT was not known only in Somatrea or Sarsilmaz, but worldwide, but, only to the top profiles or citizen of the world. It was not known to the ordinary citizen.

Everyone in the 'assassin or fighting' field knew what does it mean to be a NATTian, and everyone dreamed of it. The rumours about the members of the NATT that no one can defeat them had made many curious about this.

But, no one knew much about it.

They just knew the leader of the team has something unusual about him and, he can neither be defeated nor killed, the reason unknown to them.

Also, Sarsilmaz was a place no one knew except the citizen of it and the agents of the team. It was said to be built on the bank of the one of the sacred river.

But no one even knew the name of the river.

It was a mystery that had captured the curiosity of historians and discoverers for years, but none got succeeded. The Sarsilmazian continued living a decent, updated but, a peaceful and isolated life.

Ten minutes, before the meeting, Agent King, in his usual dress, was standing in his room, in front of the table with his hands sidewise and legs crossed.

He was busy talking to Agent 01 when his other Agents came and told him that they have once again failed in capturing the pictures of the target.

It was their fifth attempt, and like every attempt, they said the same thing" Sorry, Agent King, but, we could not capture her face. She was wearing a mask, like always."

He did not say anything to them. For, even he was not sure what to do.

It was the first time he was tasting failure and thought of a mere girl letting do that made him cringed.

'No, he can not allow that, never ever!!!!' he said determinedly to himself.

He was Agent King, the leader of the best fighters and man in the world. He was not going to let some girl escaping from him.

At the moment, he just knew one thing the girl was not innocent. 

At first, when Agent 00 had handed the last mission to him, he had read about it but, he was surprised to know the accusation against the girl. He thought it was a mistake, and the case was not 'the case' at all!

He even took the matter lightly when he was informed by Agent 00 they, had no relevant information about the girl. After all, he had full trust over his agents who were best in the world.

But at that moment he realized the target was not an easy one and it needed his attention, full attention.

Coming out of his thoughts, sitting on the chair, he looked at his team. He saw all of them looking at him attentively, as if, waiting for his order, or punishment.

Bending forward by his waist, he placed his elbows on the table and, with authority" We have a week to find everything about this girl. "

"We need to verify if she is indeed our enemy, which" lifting his index finger, he spoke, " I am sure she is, considering how she is hiding behind her mask."

He continued" We need a plan and, everyone will stick to their assigned job. Then, till tomorrow you all are dismissed." and waved his hand in the style of dismissing them but when he saw Agent 01 leaving along with others, he said pointing at him" Not you Comrade, we have things to do."

Agent King smirked thinking "Wait and watch you, little girl, what I shall do with you" and as if Agent 01 understood his thoughts, he gave Agent King the look of 'you and your ways'.


Submitting a final report to her Professor, Grace felt a sense of pride.

Finally, she had completed her Internship and, in a few more days, she would get the medical degree.

Beaming, she thought of her parents and knew if alive they would have been proud of her and would have been happy.

She had no such memories of her parents.

She was nine when they died and left her, alone in the world. She was neither big enough to know what has happened nor small not to understand what changes had occurred in her life.

Busy in thoughts, she felt something wet on her cheeks and, she scolded herself for showing the weakness while drying her tears with her right hand.

She did not like crying and having any kind of weakness, but she had never been able to hold herself whenever she would think about her parents or their death.

She did not have any photographs of them and just missed whatever there was in her mind the day they had died. Their faces were not clear to her, but the faded ones engraved deep in her mind was enough to tell her she too had the parents and, they had loved her very much.


Enjoy reading it :)

Love to all <3