
Beauty at Agent's gunpoint(on hold)

Agent King is the famous name in the field of Assassination. No one dares to cross path with him and his team, known as "Agawe Lune". But, that is not all about him, the world barely knows his actual name! He has a secret he could not let someone reveal, and he is determined to go to any level for it. Grace Wittstock is a medical student who is the most beautiful girl of the Somantrea, a small country in the Asia region. Making friends is not her hobby and getting scared is not her habit. But, is that all about her?? Fate is going to play the biggest game, and every evil has to pay for it.

meraki_gal · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Stranger's help

"Careful lady" Grace heard the velvety voice and felt a strong set of hands supporting her by her shoulder.

Freeing herself immediately, she did not look at the man standing in front of him, rather she looked around and found no one looking in her direction.

No longer she felt any gaze on her.

And that turned her attention to the man.

Looking at him carefully, her heart almost beat when she found the man to be extremely beautiful. It was hard to find a such man.

He was a different kind of beautiful.

His pale skin, unusually red eyes, and pointed nose were standing him out from others.

And for the first time, Grace noticed anyone more carefully.

She further noticed his black fitted tee, pant and shoes matching his hair, making his appearance more prominent.

"Thank you" distancing herself from his arm, Grace looked around her surrounding.

She could no longer feel her follower's gazes anymore.

"Pleasure is all mine, Lady" she heard the foreign accent in his rich and velvety voice.

She must not have met many people in her life, but in her free time, she had read several books about people and their behaviour.

And right then, she knew he was definitely mysterious.

She knew it was better to leave and ending the conversation, she left the stranger behind.


Agent King was in his bedroom when Agent 01 with other agents came to his room and handed him a file.

Taking the file, he read the letters written on top of it and looked at agent 01 in surprise. The file's top was embedded with "G.W".

"You found the details," said Agent king, admiring him.

Agent 01 smiled briefly and said," We have found almost everything except her picture, but we can recognize her by her physical appearance".

Agent King hummed in response and opened the file. A picture that his agents had captured earlier was present with other details. He flipped to the next page to read more after glancing at her photo for a minute.

Name: Grace Wittstock

Parents: Died in a Road Accident.

Education Qualification: Pursuing MBBS from "The Healing Medical Institution", Somatrea.

Siblings: None

Job: None

Social Accounts: None

Height: 5"7"

Colour eye: Not known

Hair colour: Burgundy(Guess)

Skin Color: White

That was all written in the file but that was all he needs.

At last, they had something on her and he responded positively and Agent 01 and others sighed in relief.

"Any plan, Agent king??" asked Agent 01.

Agent King who was busy watching the photo of her snapped his head in his direction and said in an authoritative tone "Not right now. "

Placing the file on the table, he spoke with the same tone" We need more information so keep eye on her and report to me every minute details about her, who she meets, where she goes, at what time she leaves for her institution, at what time she returns, at what time her house lights get switched off."

" Basically, I need every Fucking little detail about her".

Agent 01 simply nodded his head and with a gesture of respect turned to leave.


Seated in the low chair of her dining table, Grace was disturbed.

She knew she was eating veg Maggie with onion, tomato, green capsicum and peas, and yet her mind and tongue were not savouring its taste.

Her sixth sense was alerting her again and again of all the events happening in her life for the last three or four days.

But deep down she was not ready for it.

Her strong and determined part wanted to know it herself without disturbing Ryan about it.

He had others things to take care of.

Busy in her thoughts, she neither notice a shadow not to far from her house, looking in her direction.

The shadow build seemed familiar, it's dress was all black, skin pale and eyes red.


"Take care of yourself and do call me after reaching home," said Grace to Ryan who was standing in front of her house.

The street lights were eliminating the darkness.

Two days passed and she noticed nothing unusual anymore.

The weekend had approached and She had decided to spend it along with Ryan, as usual.

After Lunch they have gone to watch a movie and then for some shopping and finally at ten in the night, they reached her home.

"It's you who need to take care. Are you sure you do not want to come with me home? Mom and Dad are constantly nagging me to ask you to come and stay with us" Ryan said looking at her with care.

Grace laughed genuinely.

Keeping her hand on his arm, she spoke "Tell Uncle and Aunt I am fine and whenever it will seem to me that I am in danger I will go to them without hesitation".

"Promise me that you will call me if anything happens to you and will not hide anything," Ryan asked concerned.

Grace: "I will... now get going, it's getting late".

Ryan did not want to buy it. Something was troubling him for four or five days as if he could sense the danger around Grace.

Looking straight into his eyes, he spoke

"I do not know why but it seems something is wrong. I keep getting the intuition that you are in danger or something is going to happen to you."

He questioned," Are you sure nothing unusual has happened to you?".

Grace looked away from his eyes immediately.

She wanted to tell him but she herself was not sure what it was.

She did not want to worry him for no reason.

He was the only one she had in her life and she did not want him to keep getting worried because of her.

She looked at him again to find him waiting for a reply and she spoke " I am not hiding anything Ray and if you are that worried about me, keep calling me and I will receive your call every time, okay??".

Ryan arched his brows in disbelief.

But after a minute, he spoke" Cool. "

But he continued "And yes, I am going out for two weeks, so make sure to call me or dad If anything happens to you."

"And I mean it, Grace " he continued when Grace started to cut him in between.

"Sure" giving him a full hug, Shana patted his broad back childishly and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

She was sure something was going to happen to her soon.


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