
Beauty and warriors

Revamped version of a great epic Mahabharatha. What will happen if that battle takes place in our Era. The strong character Draupadi how will she fare in these times.

Jeethz · Teen
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2 Chs


I listened to Taylor swift crooning in her melodious voice. She is a hard core Swift fan but I'm kind of a rap girl. I was never romantic rather practical that's why I never expect Karan to bring me flowers but he does occasionally.

 He belongs to a middle class immigrant family and I appreciate his efforts. Jen always wondered why I was attracted to Karan who was my polar opposite. I noticed him for the first time volunteering for children, then I saw him again helping an old lady,  he never said no to anyone who asked for his help. These qualities made me say yes the first time he asked me out.

"Karan hasn't called me yet from India. I'm sure it's because of network problems", I told her casually. " Babe he is in India not Antarctica and the internet there is actually pretty cheap or so I have heard", she said in a monotonous voice. 

I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. My words now have come back to haunt me. I sighed and looked out of the window. 

I looked at the beautiful weather outside. I'm really glad it has stopped snowing. "Earlier you were worried about your boyfriend, now youre talking about 'weather ?" Jen piped up. I didn't know I had said that aloud. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Have you heard about MAHAM enterprises? I heard their children are coming to our school. I heard they are super rich"?, she mused. "Isn't that a big conglomerate which swallows up little firms. Gee no thanks I'm happy with my own money ".

I have never approved of MNCs. I always thought of them as a reason for poverty among people. One person or entity shouldn't be allowed to be so rich while others are dying because of lack of food.

Jen knew that she didn't say much after that. I saw the big entrance of our school and sighed. "Welcome to hell", Jen muttered. I smiled at that. The entire school was buzzing about new students about to come to our school. I listened carelessly while everyone ranted about the wealth they had. 

I went to the canteen and sat at our usual spot. That's when everyone stopped talking at once. I looked around to find five guys standing all of them were unusually tall. They were talking to the teacher in charge of the canteen. One more thing I noticed was their long hair. The principal will have a word with them I guess or won't since they are rich. 

The teacher was waving her hand at me. That's when I remembered I had agreed to help her organize her room. It's not for any extra credit or anything. I'm kind of an ocd person seeing her room almost gave me a heart attack. Maybe she wanted me to help her now.i walkedtowards her. My full  tray was in my hand. That's when all of them turned suddenly towards me. Instead of unfamiliar faces what I saw in front of me shocked me to the core. 

I have seen all of them in my dreams, their faces sometimes covered in blood but there is no mistaking them. I have seen them in their battles gear. Blood and gory sights everywhere but they were clearly winning I could sense that even in dreams. I was secretly praying for them even unconsciously.

What is happening to me? Am I sane anymore?  Why am I seeing these people? Is this a dream or reality?  I sensed my consciousness slowly slipping away. My tray fell from my hands. My eyes went completely black.

The next thing I saw was a white room. I looked around to see anyone but I didn't see anyone. It was all very confusing what happened. My head was roaming with all the confusion. Suddenly I remembered it was them. I saw them in flesh that shock might have been too much for me. But I wasn't a fainting type I winced . 

Then I heard Jen she was shouting, " I just want  to see her. I'm her friend let me go". "Jen" I called her. Immediately she came inside and ranted, " You know that lady wasn't allowing me to see her. Are you OK? " 

"I'm fine Jen. Aside from the fact that I smell of ketchup and juices", I consoled her. She laughed, " Well it's your own fault  next time you see those hunk make sure you're not holding our food tray before fainting ". I rolled my eyes at her. " Is that what you think "? I scolded her. "It's what everyone thinks by the way it worked they managed to catch you at the nick of time", she told me laughingly.

"Oh no! Tell me exactly what happened ", I asked her. " Nothing really you fainted they caught you and one of them I think AJ took you to the sick room. You didn't know the number of jealous girls you are going to deal now", she finished. 

"Holyshit! I hope I never see them again ", I said underwhelmingly. " Not a chance you guys are in the same school ". " Don't remind me", I admonished her. I wish Karan was here. I secretly prayed. " Let's go I'm sick of this place ", I said. " So you don't want to bunk the school because you have the perfect excuse ", she said enthusiastically.

" No ", I muttered.  " I get it babe you are going to be in a lot of trouble mark my words",  she said. I slapped her playfully. I was a bit cautious and decided to stay away from radar. If I'm lucky the famous five will forget about me. Then I will be back to my nobody status.

I took a detour to serve this purpose but unfortunately I met with them again but thankfully they haven't noticed me yet. Great now they think I'm stalking them what an amazing thing I have done. I slowly backed up keeping my eyes in the front so as to notice their movements. 

But I collided into something rather somebody who was very built. There was hardly anyone like that in my school. Please God not let that be him since he was the only one missing there. I peeked at him and it was none other than the missing brother. I put forth a fake smile for him. But he was looking at me weirdly for a split second , " Are you ok"? he asked with a genuine smile. 

" I'm OK. A little busy. I'm late for my class", I babbled away. " Take care, princess" he said. Suddenly all of  the brothers were looking at me. I was trapped now. But I sidestepped him and ran back. I was a self confident woman now I'm a great mess. I sighed while walking and hoped for Karan. He will fix me. I was very sure.