
Beauty and the Demon

Charlotte Cornell Weasley was the youngest princess of her parents. Though she was born and brought up between the werewolves in the White Moon Pack, she was a human just like her father, Oliver Weasley. She was too innocent for the outside world, who used to use her for their own benefits just because she was the daughter of the werewolf queen. She didn’t mind at all until the moment her innocence and kindness were taken as her weakness. And on the top, being human was not helping her at all. That’s why she wanted to take sweet revenge on everyone who hurt her BUT without taking her parent’s help in her personal war. In search of help and opportunity, she summoned a demon and asked for his help which he once promised to do when she had saved his life. But little did she know he was helping her more than she asked for, and a demon does nothing for free!!

Prachi_Singh_3913 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 3

Charlotte's POV


The moment I stepped out of the washroom. I was slammed against the wall.

And a big hand covered my mouth, stopping me from screaming. I stared at that person in horror!

Well, he was not a person but a demon!

A hideous one!

A pair of horns were out of his head.

And he had long, dirty, and messy hair.

There were a lot of scars on his face, all his body. I remembered Olivia telling me that he was severy injured.

Coming back to his eyes, he had only one real eye open while his other eyes were badly injured.

Do you want to know what my situation was like?

The same as Hiccup when toothless grabbed him by his claw just after he released him.

I had no idea what was going to happen to me in the next moment. We both kept staring at each other for a while in pure silence.

"Charlotte! Your luggage is here, sweetheart." I heard Aunty Percy's voice from the other side of the room, who had just knocked on the door, and then my eyes ran back to the person who had kept his hand on my mouth. "Charlotte? Sweetheart, you okay?", She called my name again. It seemed like she wasn't going to leave the door until I answered her and took my luggage from outside. And it looked like the person who had kept me captive also realized that.

He let go of his hand from my mouth and moved away, surprising me.

"I'm okay, Aunt Percy!" I said and saw a lot of black blood on the floor; maybe it was from his body.

"Hide inside the washroom.", I said to him in a low tone. "Do you understand ENGLISH? Hide inside the washroom.", I repeated myself when he didn't move an inch. So, I grabbed his arm and pushed him inside the washroom closing the door quickly and then opening the zipper of my dress; I let go of the dress slip off my body. I tossed my dress over his black blood and then ran toward the door to open it. But I opened only one-tenth part of the door and peeked outside.

"You okay? You took so much time in opening the door.", She said, trying to come inside the room, but I didn't let her enter.

"I'm sorry, Aunt, but I was shaving my hands and arms in the washroom; that's why I didn't hear your voice. And the reason I'm not letting you is..." I showed a little naked shoulder on which she smiled and nodded.

I was hoping in my mind that Aunt would buy my lie, and the fact didn't cross her mind that I was full body wax for my wedding.

"Fine!", She agreed with a grin and pushed my luggage a little toward the door so that I could pull it inside once she left from there. The moment I closed the door, pulling my luggage inside, the hair behind my neck stood up, making me realize that he was standing just behind me. Turning around, I looked into his eyes before speaking, gathering all my courage.

"You should leave before anyone finds you here.", I whispered in a low tone. But he didn't move an inch again. Instead, he was eyeing me from top to bottom, especially on my red panties.


After that, I did something which I myself couldn't believe. I held his chin and made him look at me. I signaled him to leave because I thought that he had no knowledge of English.

"God! What kind of idiot is he? He doesn't understand English, nor does he understand sign language.", I said on his face in frustration.

"Samael," He said, making me furrow my eyes.

"Call this word three times whenever you will need my help.", he said in English, making my eyes go widen in shock. "Because I don't keep anyone's favor.", He added, and soon a portal opened in my room, and he walked toward it. I sighed in relief, realizing that he was finally leaving, but he turned toward me for one last time before speaking, "And I'm not an IDIOT. I can understand ENGLISH.", Saying this, he left, leaving me alone to die because of embarrassment.

Did he have to say those lines?

Of course, I realized that he could understand and talk in English after hearing him.

Once he left, I checked the reason which let him enter this room. The thread was broken! I was lucky that he didn't harm me, but I couldn't expect the same behavior from other evil people.

I knew what I had to do the next about it.


Samael's POV


I couldn't believe that these human were that smart and intelligent enough to not just capture me but also keep me captive for more than two months which were equal to more than sixty years in hell. No doubt they were perfect assassins.

But at the same time, they had weapons to kill me instantly, but he didn't do anything like that; instead, he tortured me for no reason.

I meant, they had one BIG reason to do so! I had barely left any innocent girl in their whole clan.

Maybe my flirty nature had pissed all the fathers and brothers of the clan. That's why those bastards turned my handsome face into a horrible one.

Only if I would have been a girl, then would I never want to be caught seeing someone this ugly as me.

"Prince Samael," Cerberus, the guard of the hell, greeted me by bowing his head. Cerberus was a creature that had three heads of wild dogs. "Everyone thought you're dead."

"So bad! I'm still alive.", Saying this, I stepped inside the hell, and I felt my power increase by ten times. All my injuries started getting healed on my own.

And the moment I felt my complete power in me, I increased the flame of the hell's fire, making everyone realize that I was back now! And I was very, very, very pissed.

"Father," I roared angrily when he was in the middle of something.

He might be the King of the hell, the great Lucifer, but I didn't give a damn to it. I was mad, and I wanted him to know that.

"Why didn't you ever come in search of me? Do you have even any idea what had happened with me on the earth?"

"Of course, I know everything. They cut done your wings and torture you till your death, but those stupids can't hold you for more than two months."

"Father?" I looked at him in surprise.

"What, father? Samael. Yes, whatever you are thinking, that's true. I'm the one who helped them to capture you and torture you till your death, but I knew you won't die until they use the weapon which I had given to them."

"You have brought nothing but a shame on my name, Samael. You are a demon of fire, not a demon of manwhore!", He said, insulting me in front of everyone. Well, I agree that I was the one who started this, and now I had to taste my own medicine. I could say by looking at the face of everyone that everyone wanted to laugh at me, but they didn't dare to.

"Now, leave. I'm in the middle of something very important."


"Please don't be mad at father.", Azael, the demon of water, who was also my brother, said. "Actually, he didn't want to do this to you, but when deities decided to punish you by snatching all your power, dad had to step in between and give you the punishment, which was better than snatching your power and turning into a human completely."

"I didn't know about this.", I muttered.

"Of course, you wouldn't be knowing this because you were too busy in destroying the whole planet, killing innocent humans, sleeping with women, and fighting with your own father for everything."

"You can't blame me for all these things increasing my powers.", I said, shrugging my shoulder.

"And what will happen when your power will get snatched as a punishment?"

"That won't happen."

"Why not?"

"I'm thinking of finding the weakness of the most powerful deity, and then I will use that as my favor later.", I said, winking at my brother.


"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the powerful deity among them all?" I asked the question to the magic mirror.

"Vince Cornell, O Prince Samael, is the strongest among all."

"Who is the innocent and weakest girl in his family?"

"Charlotte C. Weasley is the only innocent and weakest girl in his family."

"Show me her face!"

And the moment I saw the face of the girl. My breath got stuck in my throat.

Wait a minute! Was a human somehow related to the most powerful deity?

How could that be possible?

And how the hell I could use her when a single look from her was enough to stop my heart from pounding against my ribcage. I still remember when I slammed her against the wall. I had thought of threatening her, but not a word escaped from my mouth when her eyes found mine. I was speechless. For the first time in my life, I was speechless and dumbstruck by just looking at someone.

And the plan of using her was something where I was scared that, in the end, I might end up losing myself to her.
