

“Wh-What’re you doing?” Xiaoxiao jumped in fright, not knowing where this was coming from. What did Lin Yi think he was doing? She subconsciously moved her hand away but didn’t make it in time.

Lin Yi didn’t say anything. He put something in her hand and turned around to leave.

It was… a bracelet. Xiaoxiao looked at what Lin Yi had given her, stunned speechless.

She’d been looking for this for so long, and Lin Yi had gotten it after just feeling around in the water?

Xiaoxiao stared at Lin Yi’s receding figure, her eyes filled with disbelief, feeling that she didn’t understand Lin Yi at all.

Lin Yi was no treasure hunting expert. He couldn’t find Xiaoxiao’s bracelet at the bottom of the sea that easily. All he did was use the faint hostility Xiaoxiao had towards him and located the item with Xiaoxiao’s presence on it with the jade’s ability.