

There was vomit on the floor, but the owner never uttered a single word- this was way, way better than having someone die in his restaurant, especially from the food he served.

“No matter what, I still have to thank you! I’m a guy who doesn’t like owing anyone favors- I’ll repay you one day!” Jianwen announced, not minding what Lin Yi had said.

The two had been enemies- Lin Yi saving him was completely due to Mengyao, and Jianwen recognized that.

He then turned to Mengyao gratefully. “Yao Yao sis, I haven’t been good to you for nothing!”

As for Yushu… Jianwen didn’t have anything to say about that, since that was just how the girl was, always messing someone up as long as said person pissed her off. Jianwen didn’t know how he’d gotten on her bad side, but she seemed to not like him very much.