
Chapter 15

A week passed by as quickly as it came.

Drew and my friends really showed me love.

Amber and Tiffany even came to visit. Amber and I sorted out our differences.

We both apologized to each other and I congratulated her for being captain

There's no need to sulk because there's nothing I can do about it. What's done is done

Drew always sneaked into my room at night to bring me notes from school just so that I wouldn't miss much. Sometimes we would lay on my bed and talk. Sometimes we would go outside and watch the stars.

I smiled at the thought of him

I hate to admit it but I'm beginning to like him

How could I not?

Judging from all our late night talks, looking at the stars, holding hands, cuddling and all.

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts as I walked into school

There was a huge banner hung at the entrance

'Welcome Back Bella'

I walked through the hallway with a huge grin on my face. I couldn't help but be happy at the way everyone rushed to hug me.

I was so overwhelmed

Finally, I saw my crew: Tiffany, Amber and Stephanie

I hugged them too. They were probably the ones who set it up

"Thank you so much guys" I said

''We missed you''

"I Missed you guys more''

I kissed all of them on their cheeks. We talked for a while before the bell rang dismissing us. We said our goodbye's then we parted.


I turned around to see Drew. I hugged him

''Hey you''

I got my books from my locker. When I had all my things gathered, I realized I was missing something.... A pen

''Oh no'' I whined

''What?'' Drew asked. Concern was evident on his well structured face

''I left my pen at home. I don't have an extra''

''Here, borrow mine"

He brought out a pen from his bag and handed it to me

I hesitated for a moment before taking it

"What will you use?" I questioned

He shrugged

"I'll just listen. Who needs notes anyway?"


''Come on. I'll walk you to class''

I blushed

"Thank you"

We walked through the corridor making light conversation

People whispered as we passed. Some even had the nerve to take pictures

For special effects, I held Drew's hand.

They wanna stare, yeah? I'll give them something to stare at


Aint nobody tryna save ya

Baby get that paper

Prolly got a lot of other bitches on your favour

Pussy so good had to save that shit for later

Took her to the kitchen fucked her right there on the table

I sang with my headphones over my ears while I played cooking fever at the cafeteria

''She sounds really horny'' Amber told Tiffany

''Probably or she's just pmsing''

I shook my head at their stupidity.

"How's the bet going?" Tiffany asked

"Yeah" Stephanie added "any progress?"

''Yes. Its going fine''

"I never expected you to go this far" Amber confessed "I heard you two were holding hands this morning"

I was about to respond until I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.

I was about to turn around and slap the sense out of the person for touching me. I don't know where you put your hands so why the hell would someone touch me? I was ready to fight till I saw it was Drew

''Oh hey Drew'' I smiled at him

''Hi , uh can I sit with you please''


'' Bella this is the popular table'' Tiffany reminded

"I'm aware"

"You're supposed to take permission from us before you let someone sit here'' Stephanie spoke

"Not when I'm queen"

I made space for him to sit beside me and he did

They were mumbling but I couldn't care less

Drew and I conversed through out lunch. I completely ignored the girls

I felt way better talking to him. I didn't have to pretend around him unlike the others. I have a reputation to keep so I can't afford to really let loose with these girls.

"How does it feel being back in school?" He asked

"Its alright. I'm glad. The house was too boring plus trouble with my mum"

"Its all over now"


"I think we should go for our next class. You know maths class is always full"

That's so true. I like the fact that Drew is taking his academics seriously now.

I helped him a lot during my suspension, teaching him and all. He was starting to catch up

I remember the time I told him I was going to teach him "coordinate geometry". He asked me what subject that was from

I had never been so shocked in my entire life

"You're getting serious with school" I commented

"You have been a good influence"

"Oh, I know"

I flipped my hair. He laughed

"You are such a character Bella"

I could see Amber roll her eyes at us. What's her problem?

"Let's go"

We packed our things and walked to class. We sat at the front row; math was taken really seriously in our school. I have to get every detail this man says. Lunch time wasn't even half gone yet students trooped in one by one till the class was full

I'm grateful I listened to Drew. No sooner the teacher came in and started teaching

I got bored instantly, probably because I've read this topic a million times. The math teacher went on rambling about how to find the root of an equation but I couldn't be bothered as I doodled.

I'm way ahead of the class anyway

''Nice drawing'' Drew complimented


I felt relieved when the bell rang. I couldn't wait to go home

''Miss Martins and Mr. Parker wait behind'' the teacher ordered

Oh shit.

After everyone left the classroom, we stood stand in front of the teacher's desk

''Sir, I swear I didn't do anything... '' I explained

''Yet'' I mentally added

''It's not you miss Martins but Drew. He's been failing most of his classes. I think you should tutor him since you're the only one he talks to''

Whew. That's a relief

''No problem sir''

"Is this okay with you Mr Parker?" He asked

"Yes sir" Drew replied

"I expect to see improvements Drew. You barely have enough credits to take you to college. Now is the time to make it up"

"I understand"

''You're dismissed''

We left the class

'So how bout we go home now?'' I said

"Aren't you busy?''

"Not at all"

"Alright then"