
Chapter 5: Things we left unsaid

When I opened my eyes again, everything was blurry. It didn't stay blurry for long, I wished it did because then I wouldn't see that Xavier didn't come.

I wouldn't see that I was still lying on the bus bench like a discarded sourdough and I wouldn't see that even though I had stopped bleeding, the sky didn't. And I wouldn't see how thoroughly soaked I was in the white chiffon dress I was wearing, I wouldn't notice how it wasn't dark enough to stop people from staring.

I wouldn't see all these and more.


I chuckled sadly. Who could blame him?

I guess if you burn bridges fast enough, you will have no way back.

I should have returned his calls. I should have texted him back. I should have kept my old number. If I did I wouldn't be here…soaking wet, battered and alone.

I stood up and I started walking, halfway, I stopped. I was walking towards Stevie's apartment.

I stopped because if I didn't, I would get there.

If I don't stop myself, I would go back to him.

I turned around, I walked in the opposite direction.


The voice came behind me. I turned around.

"Stevie" I murmured.

He was standing in the rain too just a few feet away from me and all I wanted to do was run to him and wrap my arms around him and never let go.

I closed my eyes and I said a little prayer to whatever God or goddess that was listening.

I need help, God!

I need help and I need it fast.

I need help because I was moments away from going back to the boy who has inflicted more hurt in a day than I have endured in a lifetime.

A boy who was standing in the rain just right over there knowing fully well that I would come to him if he asked ... .if he even blinked.

I need help…because Gran was right, this is rock bottom.

He is bad for me and he treats me wrong and he loves Lisa…I need help because I am just about this close to finding justification for his actions, excuses for his callousness…an explanation that made sense enough to allow me go back to him.

I looked around.

If there is a God, he needs to help me right freaking now!

Please….help me!

"Ira" he called out again.

Help me…anyone, please…stop me.

I can't do it on my own. It's too damn difficult. It feels like my breath is being taken away and I am going to die.

Help me…anyone…somebody.

"Come here, baby. You know you want to. Ira come on, I will catch a cold standing in this rain!"

I closed my eyes and I said a little prayer.

I just needed a little help…just a little protective hand, just a little push.

Help me!


Did you hear that? Is it all in my head or did someone call me 'Miracle'?

It's all in my head isn't it?

I am losing my mind.


I opened my eyes, and there he was, standing so close to me that if I reached out, I could touch him.

I could wrapped my arms around him and let him carry all the burden and all the pain so I can take a fucking break.

"Xav, you came" I sobbed even harder.

"Of course, I came"

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as tightly as possible. He was taller and he was stronger and I needed his strength to keep myself as far away from Stevie as possible.

He pulled away and stared at my bloodstained forehead and the nasty cut just right there.

"Who did this to you, Miracle? Tell me who did this, Sis!" he demanded.

"Help me, Xavier…I need help. I want to go home"

"You need to tell me who did this Miracle…"

"Ira, who is this?"

I didn't even know Stevie was so close until I heard his voice.

"You need to leave right now. I should have left your ass a long time ago" I sniffed back tears "You have no idea what you've lost. No fucking idea! I promise you this is the worst mistake of your life, Stevie!" I turned to yell at him.

I could feel the rage as it corroded my vein, there was murder in my eyes. And Xav was quite capable of killing him too.

We may be 25% human but the rest of us are werewolves, an Alpha blood.

I am a freaking hybrid!

I could hear Stevie scream at me prompting Xavier to clench his fist as tightly as humanly possible and he was going to punch Stevie.

"You need to leave now, Stevie!"

He got in my face.

"You think you can live without me, huh?" He asked me.

I thought about it, every part of me screaming in protest. Gran was right. I needed to remember who I am…whose daughter I am!

"Ira, do you think you can live without me?!"

"My name is Miracle! I am Waylen Xavier Cole's daughter. I am a princess! I am a fucking hybrid! You think I can't live without you. Watch me do it, you piece of trash!"

I turned to my brother, there was so much I could do with the little strength in me.

Xavier touched my face.

"Miracle, there is nobody there" he whispered and touched my forehead. "You're burning up. You are delirious!"

"No. He came for me. I am the one who left him. I told him off! See, I was brave. Dad would be proud now" I pointed at Stevie just standing in the rain looking at me and Xav. "He is standing there"

"Oh sweetie, there is no one there"

I blinked.

I imagined it. I just imagined him, how pathetic am I?

I am broken.

Stevie broke me.

"Xav, help me"

The world started turning one more time. It turned so bad that I started to sway but before I could hit the ground, he reached out and he picked me up.

"I got you, Sweetheart. I got you, Sis"

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