
Good Morning

"You see, darling, after everything, I realized one thing," her father turns around and adjusts his necktie while staring at Eunica, "Goodness is trash when you don't have power," he said with a gravelly voice while looking down at Eunica.

He walks towards his daughter with his hands on his back. Every footstep echoes coldly around the room as each light turn on.

Eunica frowns while glaring at her father, what kind of realization was that? It's the complete opposite of who her father is. He's always about right and what is good and kind. He always thinks first about others, about their life and emotion. And now, he's saying that who he was was trash?

She clenches her fist as her father's shadow tower over her feet. He's a few meters away and he just stands there frozen, as if he's not interested in getting close to Eunica.

"That is completely true, Raye," a voice said.

The unlighted part of the room covers over Luinn, he's been there since before Eunica came in. Raye told him to check on Eunica since he knows, she will be of need to Luinn. Since it's the vacation month, it's not a question why she's in the city.

"Who's that, Father?" Eunica knows that voice, she heard it before, it can be... Her eyes went huge as she remembers who it is. It's the voice of desperation, violence, and imbecility.

"That's right, Eunica, it's Luinn," her father replied and looks at where Luinn is standing at the same time the light over him lighted, revealing her enemy. He knows she met him one time or another at SINS since he's the President so she knows him well.

Eunica took a step back when she saw the demon, "Luinn."

He showed a sickening smile as he walks towards Raye, "Hello, Eunica."

It wasn't long since the last time he saw her, but that when she's on the brink of death, swimming in her own pool of blood when Sore beats the life out of her.

Raye looks at Eunica, her hand's clenching, her teeth's grinding, and her eyes glare over Luinn like she wants to kill him right now. He sighed, "Eunica. Show some respect," he said and shakes his head. 'Who taught her to be disrespectful of the visitors? He's her boss!' he thought.

"I'm guessing you haven't told her anything, Raye?" Luinn asks as he stood beside Raye while both of them are staring at the fierce little lady in front of them.

"No, not yet. I wanted you to be here."

"I'm honored."

Eunica looks at them, shocked, they look like they are old friends. How can her father act like this? Luinn stole SINS. He killed a lot of hybrids that her father adored.

"Well, let's start..." Luinn whispered as his sharp eyes landed on Eunica. She really has a striking resemblance to her mother.

Her father nodded, "Yes," he looks at Eunica but it was not a look a father would give, it has no sense of love. He's looking at her as if he resented her, "Why don't we start with... " He taps his chin while closing his eyes while thinking, "Why were you at the Phantre tribe's location last night?" he said and stared at Eunica.

She gulps, does this mean, he doesn't know that she remembers the past? Is he asking because he knows she's connected to Phantre tribe? What is her father's stand?

"I was..." she looked at Luinn who looks at her like he's enjoying some kind of show, "Lost. I was supposed to be in the metropolis but I enjoyed strolling," she said and looks down, she knows her father won't believe her, she's not a good liar. But it's worth to try and play safe than reveal everything.

Raye slowly nodded, "Yes, I forgot, it's your vacation month, isn't it," he said which made Eunica raise her head with wide eyes, he's clueless.

"Did you intend to go home after visiting the city?" he asks.

"Y-yes," Eunica nodded, did he believed her? How? He never believed any of her lies before, not even the smallest ones.

Luinn smirked, "It's only been a few days but her friends over the base miss her so much. The Secretary, The head of the Force, and the doctor."

Since Sore hurt Eunica, he wasn't able to go back to the Dominiarium base. He can only contact his secretary and wife, Jessica. She reported everything that happened and according to his hybrids in charged to spy on them, they're doing fine. No weird events happened and all.

Eunica stopped her breath while looking at Luinn's disgusting face, suddenly, worry rushed over her body.

'How are they? Did Luinn catch them? Are they okay?' Eunica thought.

"I see," her father nodded, "Then, let's move to the main topic of this meeting, Eunica," he looked at her and gestured with his hand to follow him.

Eunica was hesitant at first, but whatever this is, she has to know what is happening.

She walks after her father and as she passed by Luinn, he just looks at her with an entertained look.

"I believe you know who this is," her father said as he looks in the casket, "Can you smell her perfume?"

'Perfume? The strawberry and rose? It's not a perfume. It's their scent, her hybrid scent,' Eunica thought.

She stopped a meter away from her father. She doesn't want to see her dead mother. She can't. She'll break if she sees an unfamiliar face that looks just like hers.

"I miss her so much," her father's voice broke.

It hurts Eunica to hear her father mourn. Since she was just a baby when she died, she can't remember if her father even cried for her mother. She grew up with a busy father, she never got time to talk about her mother and it seemed that he'll avoid the topic too.

"Who or what is in that thing?" Since her father bit her lie earlier, she should act as if she doesn't know what is happening.

He stayed silent for a few moments, his hands were trembling as he grips on the casket, and the moment he turned around, his eyes were full of hatred. It was red and tearful.

"It's your fault!" Her father screamed while pointing at Eunica, his veins were popping out of his neck and forehead while tears stream down his face.

Eunica wasn't able to react fast, she's confused, how did it become her fault? Her fault of what?

"What do you mean father?" Eunica asks faintly, she was too surprised from his scream that it weakens her bones.

"It's your fault that your mother died! You killed her!"

"I don't understand what you're saying!" She screamed back, she came to realize what her father's accusing her of, but she has to act as if she doesn't know what is happening even though she wants to cry right now.

How can he accuse her of killing her mother? It was not her fault. She was just a new-born, she didn't know what was happening or control her ability. If she was not experimented on, she might've gone out of her mother's womb normally like any baby would do. No paws and claws.

"If you kept your paws to yourself, she wouldn't have died," he sobs while grinding his teeth, "You killed her."

"NO!" Eunica yelled, letting all her resentment and sadness out, "No, I don't understand," she added when she realized her father might realize she knows that he's talking about her biological mother, someone who's erased from her memory.

"Of course you wouldn't, but don't worry. I'll bring her back to life."

He's been keeping it since the day she was born, he buried his resentment towards Eunica when he held her. He knows it was not her fault. But, still, he wants to blame her. He started working better and made sure that the hybrids they produce don't have defects to avoid the same accident that happened to Eunica's mother.

"What do you mean?" Eunica asks.

Lily's been telling her about this 'bringing to life' but how? It's impossible.

Luinn claps his hands, "This is the best show I've ever watched! The drama! It was intense!" he said while walking towards Raye, "Show her," he said.

Raye nodded, "I'll bring my wife back, we'll be together again," he took out an injection filled with red liquid.

"Wife? What is that?" Eunica asked.

She remembered her dream yesterday. This is it. But how can he bring her mother back? She's been dead for twenty years! It's even weird that she still looks like a human. She should be bones and hair.

Raye smiled at Eunica, "We'll be a family again."

"What about Mother? Li? Den? We're a family! I don't know what you're saying," Eunica grips on her shirt, she has to hold onto something, she can't take this anymore.

Raye didn't reply and opened the casket, taking her wife's arms and injecting her with the liquid.

Her arms were pale, but it has this plum flesh and smooth skin. She's been preserved for twenty years, how she looked like when she died didn't change.

Luinn turns to Eunica, "I know this all sounds weird, Eunica. But you'll understand later. Once your mother's back, everything will turn back to normal. You'll be a normal girl with a normal family. Just give us your blood, and we're done."

Eunica furrows her brows, 'What the hell is this maniac saying?' she thought.

"Blood? Mother? What are you saying, President?"

Luinn smiles, it's really a miracle that she still lives, but with her memories erased, she will not understand any of this.

"Your blood was the key to the secret laboratory in SINS where thousands of perfected hybrids are preserved. They were kept there for security. Only your blood can open the biogate the scientists made since you were the first experiment," Raye replied while putting her wife's hand back into the casket.

It was only last week when Luinn learned about this laboratory when he received a notice from one of the bases. They found a gate and found papers about a thousand hybrids preserved inside.

"This liquid is Luinn's newest experiment, it can bring anyone back. It's immortality, life. Eunica, just be good and help Luinn like how he helped us."

Eunica shakes her head, helped? How? All he did was kill hybrids. Torture them and use them. What Luinn is doing right now is controlling her father. Once he got this laboratory with thousands of hybrids, he'll use them against anyone who dares to oppose him. He will only end up killing them all.

"President, I think you're thinking I am that stupid. After what your assistant did to me, you think I'll work with you?" Eunica scoffs and raised her left brow.

Luinn lowers his head, "About that, I am sorry. I deeply apologize for what Sore did. I already taught him a lesson. No worries about that. If you want, I can pay you any amount."

Eunica shakes her head in anger, "What the hell? I almost died!"

Luinn nods while gesturing his hands to make Eunica calm down, "I know... I know... I'll do anything. But give us your blood first."

Eunica shakes her head. Not in a million years, not in any amount, not in any exchange will he help Luinn.

"Lara, darling... Good morning," Raye softly whispers when he turned around after hearing the first breath of her wife.