
Beauty - b×b

“Jirae is my purpose.” Jeon Minjun, a 21st-century archeologist fell in love with Jirae, Kim Jirae, the most beautiful prostitute of the 5th century. They loved each other, yes, but life isn't all rainbows and butterflies now, is it?

wuwbangtan · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Chose none, but one

Author's Point of View:

Jirae got out of the king's room, his face all sweaty and red. He panted hard, his soft chest rising and falling in the process. He looked like a mess as he walked to the minister's room, ignoring the look of discontent on the Queen's face.

"Did you satisfy the king enough, my son?" The minister questioned, his words sharp. "Yes, father," Jirae answered softly, his head hung low in respect. "Oh, then you might return to your place," The minister said. Jirae rushed to his home.

Jirae's father was one of the ministers in the court. He wanted Jirae to be like him, powerful and manly. But, when Jirae told him he liked men, his father sent him to be a prostitute, training his brother to be his successor.

He never really showed it openly through but, he was disappointed in Jirae, very. He was bothered by his son taking from other men.

It was not considered a disgrace for men to be intimate with men but, it was indeed, considered a disgrace to be the one at the receiving end. It was a question of their manliness when they received during intimacy.

Men on the receiving end weren't capable of falling in love, receiving love. Only a man and woman can be in love. The love between a man and a man is forbidden. Only intimacy allowed. That was their belief.

Jirae despised it. He hated the fact that he was only used, that they fell only for his body and pretty face, not him. It pained him. It hurt him.

He sighed as he laid on his bed, relief flooding through his body. He thought about Minjun. He felt a connection with him. Maybe, just maybe, it was due to his past that he wanted to forget.

He fell asleep with Minjun on his mind, questions arising in that pretty little head of his...

The next morning Jirae woke up, feeling down. He sighed, closing his eyes and just laying on his bed, turning around.

He felt lonely, really lonely. He felt lonely almost every time of the day. It felt as if the whole world was against him like he was fighting this alone. But, he knew a place that makes him feel less lonely, the perennial river.

So, he decided to go there. To his happy little place. Almost nobody visited that part where he visited. It was covered with green plants that always manages to calm him down. He loved it there.

After he went there, he sat by the river bank, looking at how water flowed. He drank the sweet river water with his hands. He sighed, thinking about life.

Though he knew near to nothing about life, he knew one thing. He cannot control life, but he can go with it. Life might be a bitch, even a game but, it was his bitch, his game to play.

He kept on thinking and before he knew it, tears started streaming down his face. But, he didn't care. He just wanted to get out of here, out of this cruel world. He thought that he couldn't feel happiness, that nothing and no one could provide him with the happiness he deserves.

He wiped his tears and washed his face with the cold river water. But, still, he could feel those hot drops falling along with the cold water droplets. He then thought about how everyone wanted him. Yet, he chose none but, one. And they took away that one from him.

It pained him so much. His beautiful face was adorned with red. He still looked beautiful, just lifeless. He was someone for everyone when all he wanted was to be The one for someone.

He heard the sound of leaves brushing against each other behind him. He thought it was the air but then, the sounds increased along with the faint sound of footsteps.

He turned around with fear only to find Minjun standing there, awkwardly smiling when he spotted Jirae, scratching the back of his neck. Jirae raised his eyebrows, silently questioning.

"I'm kinda lost. You know, I-I came out to get some fresh air since I woke up with a massive headache and then when I was walking I went somewhere and turned somewhere so, I ended up here. I saw you so I wanted to approach-" his ramble was cut off with the sound of deep giggles that actually sounded so cute, it made Minjun pause.

After finishing his damn cute giggling, Jirae turned front, facing the river. Minjun totally didn't pout when Jirae straight-up ignored him. At least that's what he thought before he heard an, "Aren't you gonna come sit?" from Jirae.

Minjun grinned before sitting down next to Jirae. Just then, Jirae just had to do something that got Minjun flustered. He leaned his head on Minjun's shoulder, leaning closer.

Jirae hummed before questioning, "So Minjun, what're you doing here in Rome?" "I honestly don't know. I don't know what I'm doing here. One minute I'm on my bed, sleeping and the next I'm here, at a place I don't know," Minjun answered. Jirae chuckled a little, "I don't understand a word you're saying but still, okay."

"You know, your shoulders are nice and soft but, perfectly muscly to lean on. I like it," Jirae said, grinning. His unique smile making Minjun's heart skip a beat. "Hmm, you can always lean on me, Rae. Be it anything," Minjun muttered, smiling at the beauty softly.

"Don't say things like that, Minjun. Don't give me false hope," Jirae said softly, his voice wavering a little. "I'm giving you hope, Jirae. Of course, I am. Just not a false one at that," Minjun answered in an assuring voice.

"Hmm, let's not get serious now," Jirae avoided the current topic. Minjun sighed, knowing what Jirae was doing but, he just let it be, not wanting to push the topic further.

Jirae shuffled closer, searching for the warm warmth Minjun provided. Minjun blushed a little but nonetheless, wrapped his arms around Jirae's waist, enjoying the feeling of the other in his arms. Seems like somebody got a little brave now, hmm?

They were cuddled together by now as Jirae laid his head on Minjun's chest, listening to his calming heartbeat. Minjun laid his chin on top of Jirae's head and sighed in relief as they admired the work of nature in comfortable, heartwarming silence.

The future doesn't always hold nice things but, they didn't need to know that now.
