
Beauty's broken world secret

Erin brought a mysterious red ruby necklace spending her life's fortune when she was dead drunk. Will the necklace change her miserable life? or will it kill her instead? Join on this journey as Erin travels the broken fairy tale world which is not as pure and peaceful as they see.

Jong_Ara · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Mama's rule no 7- Run

Erin closely observed to find an old lady wearing a patched but clean white robe, the kind priest in Si-Fi movies wears.

[Shit, that scared the hell out of me. I thought I entered a horror novel.]

The old lay saw she didn't respond and continued "It seems you are having a bad day child, bad enough to even use such harsh words towards the god. Do you wish to change your fate child?".

"It doesn't have anything to do with you does it. mind your own business."

"Pretty child you should be interested in my shop. Believe me, they are very good designs. You are a designer, aren't you? even if it was plagiarized and fired, don't give up Erin. Come here I'll sell you something unique."

Erin brainstormed her drunk brain. this scene seems so familiar where has she seen it before.

[Ah, when the wolf grandmother lures the red riding hood.]

A suspicious old lady in a dark alley knows a lot about her and tries to sell something expensive.

[It's clearly the beginning of a supernatural plot or either a ghost pyramid scheme.]

Erin's brain was already drunk and slowing down with so many thoughts,

[Forget it. Either way, Red alerts Mama's rule no 7- Beware of strangers. Run.]

The old lady seemed to know her intention she smiled kindly "What if I give you something that would change your fate child. Weren't you very eager to change it? hmm."

the drunk Erin didn't want to admit that the old lady did hit the nail, after all, she was tempted for a second.

[Just a second though. ]

but it seemed her brain stopped working when the old lady showed her pendant "See this child, suited for your black hair and fair skin. Most importantly it doesn't have an owner yet."

It was an enthralling pendant, attached to the bail made of white gold was a fine dazzling red ruby, and tiny beautiful knots held it all together. The whole thing gave off a graceful yet mysterious aura.

[Don't take it dead body, resist it...resist!]

Erin didn't want to buy it since it seemed real and would definitely be expensive, but it was a tempting creation for a totally awesome designer like her.

The priest-looking old lady directly shoved the pendant to her face "Child, did I tell you it can grant a wish of yours?."

"Like the jinni in Aladin" Erin didn't even know why she was going along with this nonsense, maybe because her brain stopped working.

[Or maybe I drunk enough. It sounds like a scam, but well the design is cool. I not losing anything anyway.]

"Fine, I'll buy it. Cash or card?."

[Ah, I'm so cool.]

The old lady chuckled "It comes at an expensive price Child. Are you sure you desire to own it?"

"I am telling you I can buy it, so give it to me. Damn it". Drunk Erin gloomily replied while staggering as the beer bottle slipped from her left hand and crashed on the road.

The old lady suddenly smiled and gently handed something in her hand "It has a new owner now child, You. Remember red looks beautiful but always comes with dangers, use it carefully ."

Suddenly her face shifted as she smiled gloomily "Now repay the payment child. " Looking at the old lady's face changing faster than a book page, drunk Erin chilled as her sobriety slowly returned.

[Shit, did I encounter an illegal workshop or maybe loan sharks.

Are they going to sell my kidneys or something!! QaQ. Ah... drinking is really the root of all bad!]

[Is too late to regret now!!!! ]

Much to Erin's surprise the old lady turned suddenly and slowly turned into a bloody pool of water.

Feeling better already, yesterday was so great.

I got an offer of a contract for my first book.

Yippe, I hope people like this book too.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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