
The Encounter

The night was still in the Vaquilk village. The stars danced in the sky, streaking its glow against the dark indigo. Distant echoes of the Pillar's bells rang out in the courtyard. Beings of all kinds unhitched their torches. Readying themselves for bed. Abruptly horrid screams echoed throughout the silence. They could be heard coming from an unusual place, the King's castle. Villagers flooded the front gates of the palace, desperately trying to see what had caused the commotion. The castle's large steel engraved doors slowly opened. A hush went over the crowd. Calmly a young man with beautifully bloodshot hair that roughly rested against his tanned skin, walks out into the moonlight. Tossing aside two sets of detached small, child-like hands to the ground. While resting a long blade over his shoulder. It was drenched with blood that dripped to the ground. Leaving a trail behind him as he walked out into the open area. He closed his eyes and lifted his head towards the sky, allowing the glow of the moon to wash over him. The light gently highlighted the blood that outlined his muscular figure. Whispers sliced through the silence questioning the situation.

"What the hell is going on?!" A villager with green scaly skin yelled through the gates.

It was only until then that the villagers noticed the palace's guards were scattered across the yard, lying in a pool of their own blood.

The boy opened his eyes, exposing their copper hue to the moon. He lowers his head to greet the now rowdy villagers as a devilish smile slithers across his face.

"I just took care of a problem."

The villagers were left in confusion by his statement. The ground began to rumble as a lavender light erupted throughout the castle, followed by a deep husky voice that roared with absolute rage.


An immense amount of energy flowed out from the castle, tossing aside some of the villagers.

The boy backs away towards the gates smiling, ready to meet his next opponent. The King's eldest son Blyne, storms out throwing the steel doors across the grounds. Thick lavender clouds swirled around him, whipping his long silver hair at the sky. The glow revealed the blood that stained his white silk robes. Kai could feel the fury radiating from Blyne's eyes and he enjoyed the feeling, knowing that he was the cause of it.

"You worthless little swine!" Blyne screamed as he threw a bolt of lightning towards Kai.

Luckily he was able to dodge the strike but not fully. The bolt had singed the side of his cheek. Quickly he regained his stance. Blyne stretched out his hand forming a sword out of the electrical energy that flowed around him. In a blink of an eye, he struck at Kai with the force of a God. Swinging his blade faster than Kai could react, he teleported himself across the grounds. His breath was staggered. He thought he had successfully dodged the swings of Blyne's wrath. A sharp warm pain began to grow along his chest. He looked down tracing the cut that sliced him from shoulder to shoulder. Blyne was faster than he thought. But the pain excited him with the thrill of the fight. He accepted it and enjoyed the smell of his own blood.

"Not bad. It's what I'd expect from the Prince Of War." Kai licked his lips.

"I will make you suffer a thousand deaths before you will ever find peace. Those were children you so cruelly slaughtered!" Blyne's lavender radiance grew stronger and brighter.

"Don't worry, I made sure they didn't suffer. It's all in the wrist." Kai cockily swung his blade around.

He raised his hand to the sky commanding the glow of the moon to coil around him. Brightening the yard with a pale blue light.

"Now it's my turn." He smiled excitedly.

He smashed his hand to the ground. Shattering the earth beneath Blyne's feet. The prince jumped to avoid the sudden attack. Clouds of dust hovered around him. Blocking his sight.

He remained cautious, carefully searching for the slightest movement. Sounds of rapid footsteps glide past him. Kai's blades flew out of the dust aiming for his jugular. Blyne bent backwards to evade the blades, his eyes widened as he saw a pair of luminous copper eyes glaring at him through the dust. Kai's leg struck him in the side. It sent him toppling to the ground while Kai proudly stood above him as the dust settled. Blyne rose from the dirt, his anger now boiling inside him.

"You aren't even capable of doing one thing right! You slaughtered my brothers! We had a deal. Have you no mercy?" Blyne clenched his jaw.

Kai's smirk disappeared and a more tense, serious grimace took its place.

"You would know." He hissed at Blyne.

"I will rip the heart from your fucking chest! " Blyne's palm began to form a lavender storm around it.

As the feeling of betrayal and disappointment twisted against his chest.

Kai's demeanor shifted. He took a fighting stance glaring at Blyne with vengeful eyes. He raised his blade and glanced at the name engraved on it.

Karrie Red

This name carried his reasons for breathing. It gave him strength in the darkest of moments and the courage to take the royal family head-on. Her name slowed down time itself. He could still remember her long crimson hair and her fairly pale complexion. The way her voice would echo throughout the house as she sang him a lullaby. And he would never forget the day she was viciously stolen from him. He was forced to watch as the light left her eyes and her body dangled lifelessly from the King's hands. And when Blyne continued to take every shade of hope he had away, he vowed to avenge their deaths no matter the cost. They would pay for what they did.

He felt a surge pulse through him. Filling him with a burning flow of power.

"Kai!" Blyne charged at him.

The two clashed together. Swinging their blades faster than the sound of clinking metal could keep up with. Each dodging the blow of the other spewing dirt and dust into the air. Nothing could be seen but the glowing flashes of violet and indigo.

"Arrgh!" Blood flew into the air.

The clouds of dust cleared with a swift wave of a hand. Kai clutched his side as he fell to his knees. With blood dripping from between his fingers. Blyne gripped the chunk of flesh he ripped from Kai.

"If I had known you would be deemed useless to me, I would've taken your life the same day father executed that pathetic woman." Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

He looked down to see Kai's blade pierced into his torso.

Kai just silently glared at him.

"What are waiting for? Finish the job. Take my life like we did your mother and your father!" Blyne threw down his blade. Clutching the steel that threatened to slice him in half.

Looking at Kai with desperate large eyes. Begging him to swing that sword right through him. Kai had envisioned this moment over a thousand times. The moment where he takes the life of the demon who was involved in his family's massacre. But in many ways, his enemy was the mirrored image of him. Forced into a life without choice or reason. Left to deal with the pain of failing the ones you love. He pitied the broken prince but not enough to absolve him from all his sins. Because of him, Kai had lost pieces of himself he can never get back. Death would be too merciful. The worst thing he could ever do to him was to let him live.

"I-I want you to suffer as I did." Blood pooled around him. Gliding down his side as he used his blood to write symbols on the ground behind him.

Blyne reached for him. But with the snap of his fingers, Kai vanished. Falling back into a portal that appeared in the dirt. The prince coughed roughly. Coating his tongue with the taste of bitter copper.

"You have no idea what you've started. You will regret betraying me."