
Stupid Child

"Stop! Leave him alone!" A woman with long crimson hair and fair skin, gripped onto my shirt as two men covered in armor tried to drag me away.

I kicked and screamed against the men who were ten times bigger than I was.

"Get off him!" She pushed them aside, grabbing my hand.

We took off running leaving everything behind. Our bare feet scraped against the dirt road. Pain shot up my legs but we couldn't stop. We had to keep running. She kept turning around to spot the armored men. Each time looking more and more panicked. The further we ran the more I began to digress in age. My legs and arms shrunk. I tried my best but I couldn't keep up with her. My bones ached and I wanted to stop, but I didn't want her to leave me behind.

"Honey hurry!" She turned around to pick me up.

In her arms, I felt safe. They were small and fragile but they were my shield against those who wanted to harm us. My tiny hands clutched onto her dress. Afraid to let go. I inhaled her sweet scent of vanilla that wafted from her hair. Letting it calm me. I could hear her heart beat rapidly in her chest. She held me tightly in her arms. Struggling to breathe as she ran.

"Agh!" She gasped being jerked back.

I fell to the ground. Smacking my skull against the dirt. I looked up dizzy, and confused.

"No." Fear filled my body.

A large grotesque figure held her in the air by her neck. It smelt of rotting flesh and its skin churned into a blackened green. Her face turned purple as she struggled to breathe. It slowly turned to me and smiled. I froze. Fear took control over me. I trembled as tears flowed down my face as it hovered over me strangling her. I wanted to save her. I wanted to fight but I couldn't move. My little body wouldn't listen to me.

"H-help me-e." She looked at me.

Her pearly skin cracked into black. Turning into ash right before my eyes.

"Kai." She weakly cried out.

"Mom!" I jumped up from the bed sweating profusely.

I winced holding my side with labored breath.

I hate it. That dream is all I ever see. It begins and ends the same each time. Sometimes there will be little changes but no matter what, I'm always unable to save her. I was helpless against that thing. I don't know what my mind is trying to tell me but I'm just not getting it. Sleeping is not something I enjoy. I only do it when it's necessary. And unfortunately, it's the only way I can heal properly.

I sat up checking my wounds. It's not as bad as before. It still looked like someone took a chunk out of me but it could be worse. And it seems as though she kept replacing the bandages. Fresh new ones were wrapped around me and the bleeding has stopped. I squinted my eyes trying to get used to the bright light that pierced through the window. I looked around examining the area. The room was small with a bed shoved into the corner. The wallpaper peeled off pink revealing a brown molded underneath it. The floor was fairly clean and she has one dresser which I assume is for her clothes. At least she had a TV. It sat on a little table against the wall. But for a kid, I didn't see a lot of toys. On the wall closest to the door, there was a drawing of a tiny girl with yellow hair and wings in a green dress flying next to a boy in a green hat, and holding the boy's hand was a girl in a nightgown with short black hair. Even this girl dreams of flying away from this place.

I don't blame her.

I noticed a little hand on my lower leg, near my ankle. That girl was sleeping on the floor with her head on the mattress.

If I were this girl's parents I'd beat her ass for picking up a grown ass man from the streets. And what the hell was a child doing out late at night like that anyway? Does no one here have any sense of danger anymore? What is wrong with the beings of this place?

Here's another question how the hell did she get me here? Because I know her tiny ass couldn't have carried me. There's no way.

Who does things like this for a complete stranger? Especially ones you meet in a dark alley. I planned on killing her.

This kid is either really brave or a complete idiot. She stirred awake, stretching against the bed.

"Morning." She yawns sitting herself up. Her hair was ragged and frizzy.

"I thought I told you to fuck off. Where the hell did you drag me to?" I leaned against the wall away from her.

"This is my house." She spoke with her eyes still closed.

Being around her bothered me.

"Are you stupid?" My tone was curt but I didn't care.

"Hm?" She hummed pouting out her bottom lip.

"You saw what I am, yet you took me to your house. You must really want to die."

"I don't. I just wanted to help you." She rubbed her eyes.

"You should've just left me where I was." I scowled at her.

"I couldn't do that." She yawned louder.

"If it were me hurt like that, I'd want someone to save me."

She doesn't understand what she has done. By helping me she has now put her and her entire family in danger.

"I'm a demon. I have hurt and killed many beings in my life. I could snap your neck without breaking a sweat." I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt.

She just stared at me.

"Why the hell are you doing this? What the fuck is your deal?! Can't you see that I'm evil. Look at me!" I shook her little body.

Her eyes widened as they stared up at me. Her little hands gently laid on top of mine as she smiled.

"Because even a demon needs a friend."