
Race Against Time

Black and blue dust swirled around him as he descended into the human realm once again.

Damn it, Ben! What kind of mess did you get yourself into?

What if this is Blyne's doing?


I'll fucking kill him!

The glow from the human world lit up at his feet. He fell from the entrance that appeared in the sky. With a quick snap of his fingers, blue flames engulfed his feet as he plummeted towards the concrete. Allowing him to slowly glide down to the ground. The whole time his eyes were locked onto the little figure that was curled up in a fetal position behind a building. As soon as his feet touched the ground he set off running over to her. A feeling he hasn't endured in a very long time consumed him. Making each step excruciating.

“Fuck.” He crouched beside her.

He couldn't believe his eyes. There was no way this was the same little rat who saved him. Her hair was long and ragged. Her skin was dull and covered in bruises and cuts. The glint of the golden pendant caught his eye. The girl clutched it in her stained hand. He reached for her. Cradling her head as he lifted her into his arms. He swept the hair out from her face. His eyes raked over her long eyelashes down to her nose and stopped at her plump cut-up lips. Her sleeping expression brought back a familiar warmth.

It really is you.

Damn it, what am I doing? This isn't the time to be analyzing her. I need to get her to Moako now.

She stirred against him. Faintly fluttering her eyes open. She smiled up at him.

“I-I wi-sh you wo-would have s-saved me, l-like you pro-promised.” Her voice low and raspy.

Her smile faded as her eyes shut. Her body fell limp against his. Kai bent down pressing his head to hers. He gently caressed her cheek.

“Sorry, I'm late.”

He pulled back feeling a warm liquid drip onto his arm that supported Ben's neck.

“What the-” The smell of copper filled his nostrils.

It was then he noticed the blood-soaked cloth tied around her neck.

“Ben!” He put his ear to her chest, listening intently.

Her heartbeat was slow and faint. Like a battery running out of juice.

I need to find Moako fast.

He knew that in Ben's current state she'd bleed out before they could make it to the witch doctor. He produced a flame at the end of his index finger. He ripped off the bloodied cloth, throwing it aside. He used his flame to cauterize the wound on her neck. She whimpered as the flame burned the skin.

"I'm sorry, but bear with it." He cringed at the smell that filled his nostrils.

Once he finished closing the wound, he snapped his fingers causing the blue flame to spread over his entire hand. He waved his hand in the shape of a pentagram, completing it with a circle as he spoke an incantation. A portal opened to a dark forest area. He ran into it tightly holding onto Ben. His heart pounded against his chest. The girl's blood stuck on his palms, making it hard to keep his grip. His feet moved swiftly running towards any spark of light he could find. Dodging branches, trees, and brushes in his way. Twigs snapped against heels as he sped on by. He glanced down watching her lifeless body jerk each time he jumped.

“We're almost there. Just hold on a bit longer.” He held her close to him.

Okay, I need to focus. I can do this. I just need to feel for her aura and follow it.

He closed his eyes taking a deep breath. Even doing this wasn't going to be simple. He could feel what felt like nearly a thousand auras around them. He breathed in slowly focusing on the oldest one he could find. It was far, but he knew that had to be her. It had to be Moako. He took off in that direction. Throwing all of his energy and power into getting there fast. Bending trees with the wind that whipped off of him. He jumped over crevices and up rocky cliffs. He was hot on her trail. Ignoring the pain that crushed against his lungs. Pushing his body to limits he's never gone before. At this point, he couldn't remember when was the last time he took a breath. He jumped down a cliff.

"Fuck!" A crack echoed through the forest as he landed.

But he kept running. Screaming through the pain that shot up his leg.

I can't stop. I have to keep going. So what about my ankle? I've been through worse. I will make it to Moako and she will save Ben.

She will.

His foot clipped a tree's root and he caught himself on his knees. Feeling the rocks pierce through his pants.

"Damn it!" He huffed punching the dirt.

Finding the forest where she stayed was easy the part. But being able to find her was the hard part. This place is called The Forest's Corner. Mainly because of the witch doctor that resides there. She is the best there is but only a few people are willing to find her. Coming here meant risking the possibility of being stuck in a never ending forest that changes with every turn. Trying to find her is like trying to find the corner of the forest. Hence the name.

Kai knew the risks but no regular doctor would see him. He's wanted everywhere. There's a large sum of money for the person who brings him in. Dead or alive.

He tried to stand but his legs gave out on him. It hurt to breathe and the fatigue was catching up to him. He clutched Ben's body feeling frustrated. He wasn't getting any closer to the aura he sensed and he could feel her body getting colder. He need to get up but he couldn't.

"Moako! I know you're here. I know you can hear me. I need your help. Moako!" He breathed out hard. Cursing at the sky.

He held Ben closer to his chest.

“Please. You have to save her.” He desperately whispered out.

"Even if it cost me my life I'll do it. I'll do anything. Just please save her." He placed his head to Ben's.

"I can't lose her."