
Lilly's Intro

I can't breathe!

Kai struggled against the creature pulling him under. He could feel the thing slither itself around his body. It tightened its grip the more he fought. He clawed at what felt like the tail of a snake. Shredding away the scales but the creature never ceased. The pressure squeezed against his chest.

"Foolish boy." A woman's voice spoke to him.

He spun around trying to peer through the pitch black sea.

"Do you really think you can save her?"

I don't know but I have to try.

"Interesting." The voice hummed.

That sultry voice was one that rang with familiarity. But with his head clogged with haze, begging for air made it hard for him to concentrate. He let out his last gasp as he fell deeper into the black. The sludge moved around him. Throwing him in every direction possible. The creature released him but he continued to sink, but this time it was different. It felt as though he was falling. Fast and quickly passed the sludge. His body was ejected from the black and plummeting towards the ground.

"Ack!" He coughed up the black tar. Spewing it out onto the now white floor.

Kai panted on his hands and knees. The tar coated his tongue, leaving an unpleasant bitter taste in his mouth. He shook his head to refocus his eyes, trying to examine his surroundings. He quickly lifted his head feeling a strong presence emerge from behind him. A small hand crept upon his head. The mere touch from it made his blood run cold. A chill ran down his spine paralyzing him.

"If you still think you can save her, then I'd like to watch you try." The same voice whispered in his ear.

"Who the hell are you?" He strained to mutter the words.

"Just someone looking to be entertained. I think you two will do. I was right to choose her. Did you know she reject me twice already? Now that is impressive. She's the first one to do that." She talked with ease tapping her fingers against his scalp.

"Oo I love your hair by the way. It's cute. Is it natural or box dye? Because if it's fake that is a waste."

She babbled on, raking her fingers through his hair.

"So you're the one who planted that core in her?"

"Yeah, and to be honest I didn't expect her to survive. It was my first time inserting it into a child. Ew, that sounded wrong. But you get what I'm saying. Oh and by the way, is your scalp sensitive?"

"No. Why?"

"No reason." She clutched a patch of his hair. Dragging him off to the right.

"Argh! Hey! What the hell did you do to me?!" His body refused to move.

He fought internally trying to gain control over his body. Being helpless and at the mercy of someone else is something he never wanted to feel ever again. It was another reason why he trained so hard to be as strong as he is now.

"Nothing. Just making your life easier." She calmly walked with her grip firmly entangled in Kai's hair.

"Ah here seems like a good spot." She looked at the ground, jumping up and down on a certain area.

"For what?" He glanced back trying to see who this person was.

But her face was blackened out by the shadows.

"Well if you plan on getting her back you're gonna need some help. She's pretty much stuck in her own world. I put a lot of effort into planting my core in her. It would be a waste to watch it all go and die like that."

"And why can't you save her? You seem more than capable."

"Aw thank you, little demon boy. But unfortunately as one of the major rules the 'we' have to follow, heavily implies that we are not allowed to be too hands on with the humans people." She tapped her foot against the ground.

"And what? Planting your core isn't being too hands on?"

"Mm, cheeky. I like you. If I could I'd keep you as my own. Hmph! Not fair." She whined hugging his head.

"And to answer your question, technically no but kind of yes. It's a very blue gold situation."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It's a human thing. Just know it involved a dress, lighting, and a bunch of other shit." She released him.

Letting him fall to the ground.

Damn it! I still can't move.

"But why do it in the first place?"

"You tell me first. Why do you want to save her?" Her tone became serious.

"Because I promised her I would."

"But weren't you the one who abandoned her. Leaving her behind with those horrible people. Do you even know what they did to her?" She laid on the ground next to him. Resting her cheeks on her hands.

Kai glanced up hoping to catch a peek at her face. It was like that black shadow was permanently attached to her. But only to that part of her. She had pale tanned skin that was dulled down by a grayish green tone. She was fairly slim and wore a long red dress that reached her toes. A black lace laid on top. Creating a long sleeve that wrapped down to her wrists. The one thing that stood out to Kai was the putrid smell that followed her. The mixture of rotting flesh roasting in the sun, in a large field of decaying produce roamed in the air. It nauseated the boy.

"I left to protect her. She was a child. My realm was no place for her to grow up in."

"Did you know her father came back that night? He stalked the place before coming in to beat her. She was unconscious for two days until her brother came in and took her to the ER. So tell me, did you protect her then?" Her playful tone mocked him.

"I, I didn't." He felt ashamed to admit it out loud.

"See! You failed her. So how do you, a pathetic boy expect to do better now?" She reached over twisting two strands of his hair between her fingers.

"I don't know. I just have to."

Her touch filled him with an uneasy feeling.

"Well, that is one lame ass excuse. Surely a demon like you could do better than that." She smacked his forehead.

"You see to me, she is important." She sat up on her knees.

"Because I believe she could be something truly remarkable. Maybe even better than me." Her voice softened. Sounding almost woeful.

"When you see her, tell her Lilly said hey." She gently combed through his hair.


She rammed his head into the ground. Forcing his body to rip through the concrete floor. The space around him shifted. It was dark with faded lights peeking through the cracks. He groaned falling onto his back. The throbbing pain in his temple blurred his vision. He stumbled up to his feet, holding his head.

"You crazy bitch! You could've-" He looked up seeing a different room.

It took a minute for his eyes to refocus.

"Wait, this is Ben's house. What am I doing here?" He wandered around. Reliving old times as he walked through the kitchen.

A faint whine quietly echoed from down the hall. He carefully ventured towards it. Making sure to not make any sudden noise. At the end was a room. The door slowly crept open. Inside was a teenage girl sitting on the very same bed he laid on twelve years ago.

"Ben?" He called out but she didn't react. She remained still, in the same position he found her.

"I waited." She spoke with such distress in her voice.

"I know and I'm sor-"

"I waited, but he never came." She sat there in the dark holding a CD with just the moonlight peeking through the curtains.

"He's just like all the others. A traitor."