
Be Mine

You are my heart beat, the one who possesses the key to my heart. Please be mine.


He was beautiful. So damn beautiful.

I couldn’t help but stare at him from the driver’s seat. The glow on his face etched the story of a happy life and he looked like someone who gave away smiles like they were wishes. He belted the lyrics of the song that was on at the top of his lungs and I couldn’t help but marvel at this beautiful creation that ever graced the earth. He was one of those people who just radiated happiness; his energy, his personality, everything was just pure joy. He was like the sun.

I couldn't believe I got to look at this face up close almost everyday and everything seemed like a dream. Ever since the kiss, he and I had spent a lot more time together. We did not want to rush anything, so we went with flow and each day was a surprise. Now we were here, heading to a place he wouldn't tell me about and I couldn't complain so I just went with it. I would follow this man to the ends of the earth if he asked me to.

Tae was in the back seat indulging him – he sang along in his deep baritone. Seeing the two most important people in my life get along really well and have a great time made my heart full.

“Damn! I am lucky,” I thought to myself. We made a quick stop to get some coffee and doughnuts and hit the road again.

Not long after, we were pulling into a parking lot.

"Right! Here we are!" He said jumping out of the car as I tried to park. What was it with the people in my life jumping out of cars? I shook my head as I took off my seatbelt. I looked ahead through the windshield and saw a big sign in big bold letters ‘Hope's Dance Studio’.

"Oh my God! We are meeting up with your crush!" I said to Tae who was still busy typing away on his phone in the backseat.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he sat up straight and had a shocked expression plastered on his face.

I pointed at the sign in front of us.

"Why didn't you tell me this before we came?" He asked nervously.

"I myself didn't know. Jimin wouldn't tell me where we were going," I shrugged and stepped out of the car grabbing the four coffees and doughnuts.

"Shit!!" Tae cursed under his breath as he followed closely.

Standing at the door of the studio was Hobi, hands on his hips in a colourful outfit. Jimin ran into his open arms and they laughed as he jumped on him. They were like two little kids and I couldn’t help the smile that spread on my face. I really loved watching him be himself. If I could, I would watch him all day.

"Welcome to my dance studio!" Hobi announced as we walked in. "Jimin-ah! You neglected to tell me you were bringing guests… mnnnhh… I would have prepared a welcome party," he scolded him.

"Sorry love. I wanted it to be a surprise for them," he apologized batting his eyes seeking an apology. It was cute. I loved this man. Wait!

Did I just think that?

After having coffee, Tae and I sat at the end of the studio and watched them in their element.

The way he moved across the dance floor was so captivating. So graceful. His footwork intricate and precise. He was standing in front of Hobi and it was incredible to see how he danced to Hobi's hand movements as if he was being controlled – like a puppet and his master.

Breaking the formation, they danced side by side in perfect synchrony. Every emotion he felt was translated through his face. I wondered how he could make dancing look so effortless; gracefully moving like a swan. One could tell it was hard work by the sweat trickling down his face and neck. How could sweaty look so sexy?

I was so captivated that I failed to notice when they called us over to join them. Tae shook me out of it. I fumbled as I got up almost tripping over myself.

Starting with the basic steps, Jimin taught me a simple choreography. Hobi busied himself with teaching Tae. While I wasn't necessarily a dancer, I didn't have two left feet and I quickly got the hang of it. Jimin was impressed at how well I was doing and I must say being complimented by him was ego inflating.

It was a fun time. I completely threw myself into and put in my best efforts. What can I say? I had a great teacher. There was also a big part of me that wanted to impress him.

The subtle touches as he showed me how to move set my body on fire. The trail of his fingers on my shoulders down to my arms gave me goose bumps and heat flashes. I had a hard time explaining why my ears were turning red. I would be lying if I said dancing wasn't exhausting. But, it was an incredibly fun work out.

After almost an hour of learning, we got in formation in front on the mirror. Hobi turning on the music, we got down to it. Tae and I were in the back row. I was standing directly behind him so that I could mirror his movements. It also meant that I had a direct view of his perfectly formed bottom and I couldn't avoid going back to that fateful Friday night at the dance club. There he was again, sexually wriggling that ass and thrusting his hips. How could he move his hips and tiny waist so gracefully yet so sensually?

The music came to a close and they both clapped at our perfectly executed routine. He tapped at my hands in a high five and I crumbled onto the floor and hugged my knees.

"Hey, you need to walk around a bit otherwise you're gonna get dizzy!" Jimin said trying to pull me up.

"I just need a minute,” I said rather quickly.

"You okay?" He asked stroking the back of my neck. The action itself sent pleasurable shivers down my spine and sent sensations to my nerve ending. I bit my lips to hold back a moan that threatened to slip. That wasn't helping things.

"Hey Jimin!" I called him softly.

"Mnnhh," He hummed in response.

"Don't take this the wrong way but... do you think you could... you know... stop stroking me... uhhh like that."

Still running his hand on my neck, he said, "This is supposed to help you calm down. People like it when I do this."

I looked up at him and whispered, "I know it should but... it's kinda making things worse…” I trailed off as I looked at my crotch.

His mouth and eyes flew wide open in shock as he pulled away so fast, sitting on the floor and subsequently, his cheeks turned red.

"Why would you have a hard on?" He whispered-yelled back.

I scanned him up and down with my eyes, "You gotta ask?" And as if he had understood he playfully punched my arm.

We sat in silence for a little while as we watched Tae and Hobi flirt with each other across the room. They had hit it off so well.

"I now get why you wanted me to bring Tae along."

"I do not know what you are talking about," he said keeping a straight face.

"Whatever you say!" I said. "For what it's worth, Tae really likes your friend. It's nice of you to do this."

After a while, we regrouped at the centre of the dance floor and they filled us in on how they had started dancing together. While it had been more of a career line as well as passion for Hobi, Jimin had gotten into dancing because he just loved it and it in a way helped him relieve stress.

The lunch order we had placed arrived and on that dance floor on a Saturday afternoon, we shared so much laughter over food forging new memories. There was never a dull moment with him and I couldn’t get enough of him.

Hobi and Tae decided later on that they needed some alone time so they left us at the dance studio. I was learning something new and so I begged Jimin to teach me one more routine before we called it a day.


Dancing can be addictive. Once you get in, you never want to stop and I think Jungkook had caught the dancing bug. It was cute to see him scrunch his nose as he begged me to teach me something else after Hobi and Tae had left. I had promised Hobi that I would lock up. I had used his studio a couple of times in the past so it was fine by him.

I loved every moment I spent with him and dancing with him had been so much fun. It gave me an excuse to touch him. His body was crafted by the gods. I had an excuse to feel up his well-defined biceps as I stood behind him trying to correct his posture. His shoulders were deliciously broad and it took my naughty mind to places that had me blushing like a fool. The abs! Oh my goodness! Washboard abs! I trailed my finger on them for no reason in particular.

He was easy to teach.

For this round of lessons, I thought I could teach him a more intimate kind of dance. I know. I shamelessly had a motive.

"How strong are you?" I asked him.

A confused expression spread over his face as he waited for me to explain.

"The routine I am going to teach you will require one of us to carry the other. Judging by your height I may not he able to carry you. So, you will have to carry me," I replied shamelessly. Looking at him straight in the eyes.

Still confused.

"Don't worry, I am not heavy. Plus you only get to carry me for a minute," I said putting him at ease.

I turned the music on.

It was slow and sensual. The dance routine had a lot of instances that required the stronger partner to envelope the smaller partner from the back in a back hug as they moved together in perfect synchrony. It also required a lot of upper body strength too.

For the final part of the choreography I had to have my legs wrapped around his waist, as he twirled around with me in his arms. This was a dance that was popular between partners who were either trying to improve their relationship by finding a common hobby or were preparing for their wedding. It was a package in Hobi's dance lessons. I had been part of coming up with this routine.

Knowing the effect that I had on him and I wanted to test him.

We slowly went through each step and perfected the choreography. It was intense, my flushed body against his, as we moved to the music.

Each time his hands went around me and I felt his heartbeat on my back as his breathe fanned my ear, I shivered in delight. My body responded to him in ways unimaginable. He drew emotions out of me that I had not felt in a long time. It was painful every time we broke off from each other as we moved to another part of the routine and finally I jumped into his arms and he held me in place as he twirled looking into my eyes.

Heat rose into my cheeks. Breathless, his mouth next to mine he said, "That was amazing."

His warm breathe fanned against my lips. It was warm and intoxicating and it made my insides turn in delight. The music had began again but we didn't care about that. We stared into each other eyes for a while and we saw into each-other's souls. I could see him for who he was in this moment and our heartbeats rose as we smiled at each other.

I leaned down and claimed his mouth. He let me. Leaning his head back, I planted wet kisses on his jawline down to his neck. He walked over to the counter at the corner of the dance studio and placed me there then took his place between my legs. Cupping my face in his hands, he kissed me, slowly and sensually as he slowly increased his rhythm slowly. He pushed his tongue in my mouth and I further parted my lips to let him have way. The more his kissed me, the world fell away.

I couldn’t help the moans that escaped my lips. I could tell that drove him crazy because he lifted me off the counter and pinned me against the mirror with my hands pinned above my head. Forehead kisses, tender wet kisses on my face, down to my neck and collar bone. I was painfully aroused. I quickly tried to cross my legs to try and hide my hard on but he quickly pushed his thigh between my thighs and spread them apart.

I felt like jelly as he moved one of his hands to the small of my back and he pulled me against his body and my groin brushed against his thigh. I was hot all over. I felt pleasure course through my body. I was shy at first but as the pleasure took over, I found myself gently grinding my groin against his thigh. He steadied himself on one leg and moved his thigh to match my hip thrusts.

I was wearing sweatpants because they were easy to dance in. They were free too and my now erect penis rubbing against his thigh gave me incredible sensations that made me arch my back and moan softly. He pulled my shirt over my head and the cold mirror against my back made me shiver, heightening my senses. The cold at the back and warmth at the front pulled at my nerve endings and heightened the pleasure.

He slowly went down my body and trailed kisses down my torso and paused at my v line. Gently, he planted butterfly kisses on my waist bones.

In one move, he pulled my pants down and took me fully in his mouth. I let out a loud long moan as the warmth of his mouth enveloped me. Both his hands cupped on my globes as he hollowed out his cheeks and started moving. Pleasure that cannot be described enveloped me and I let my hands fall reaching to grab his hair. I needed to hold onto something because my legs were slowly turning into jelly. He swirled his tongue, paused, and gave my shaft a gentle tiny bite just behind my glans. The pleasure was indescribable! My body was screaming. Heat flashes hitting every part of my body. My entire body was sensitive. This sensation was new.

All this happened with so much gentleness I couldn't bear the longer it went on. I felt like I was being melted in a paradise of warmth and wetness and softness. Simultaneously kneading my bottom and sucking me was incredibly stimulating. I looked down and his eyes met mine, his pupils were fully dilated in lust and when he moaned around me, I knew I wasn’t going to last.

Without warning he pushed me deep into his mouth that my tip touched the back of his throat. That pulled me closer to the edge and as if he knew I was close he increased his rhythm. Sinfully loud moans escaped my lips and other sounds I could not identify as my own left my mouth as I found my release in his mouth. I came with more force than I ever had before and probably ever would in the future – I don't know. I came so hard that I blacked out momentarily and my entire body got all tingly.

He continued until I found completion and became sensitive. Slowly, he stood up licking his lips like he had just an incredibly delicious dinner, planted a lingering kiss on my lips and took me in his arms pulling me into a hug.

My legs gave way.

I was on a high and for a while I had no idea what was going on around me. I didn't even realize when he carried me bridal style to the showers. He opened the shower, checked the temperature and stood with me under it, my head on his chest he rubbed my back and was whispering to me, "Breathe baby. Breathe."


I was spent. It’s like all the energy had been sucked out of me – pun intended. We showered in silence and we just enjoyed each other’s presence. His rubs were like gentle caresses all over my body as he brought me down from my high. I took the loofah from him and gave him a back scrub. This moment was so intimate. It was a moment of realization that we both had strong feelings for each other. We were afraid of letting go. Afraid that if we did the other would disappear. Slowly we got dressed, locked up and headed home.

The drive home was quiet. I didn't know what to say. This man right here had seen me in a vulnerable moment. I was a mixture of emotions. I didn't know what to think and good ol' fear was kicking in. We live in a world right now where everyone plays hard to get. I was afraid that I hadn't subscribed to that. I always thought that if two people met and it felt right, what was the point of dancing around the fire? While I thought this way, I was afraid because I didn't know what he thought of me. His actions however were telling me otherwise so I pushed the thought at the back of my head.

"Hey, you haven't said much on the drive back," he started as we pulled into my driveway. "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

"Are we okay?" he asked timidly and I could tell he was afraid. Afraid that he had made a mistake. He nervously bit his lower lip as he waited for me to respond. He looked away when I didn’t say anything.

I took his face in his arms. I couldn't bear to see him worry. After staring at him for a while, "We should eat," I said and stepped out of the car.

I honestly don't know why I said that. He followed closely behind. I could hear timidness in his steps. Into the house and straight in to the kitchen, I busied myself with fixing us something to eat. He sat at the kitchen counter and watched me cook. Making small talk and discussing what the coming week was like.

In no time, food was ready. I joined him at the kitchen counter and we ate in silence. I could tell that he was uncomfortable but I didn't know how to control this situation. Whenever I didn't know how to react to a situation, I clammed up. Only Hobi and Yoongi knew this and they knew to give me space. But here was a new person that I really enjoyed having in my life and I didn't want him to read this the wrong way.

So, as I loaded up the dish washer, I thought of how to open up fully to him. I mean what's the worst that could happen? He had already seen me vulnerable. I just didn't know why I was having an inner battle.

I felt his hands slide around my waist as he placed his head on my shoulder.

"Jimin!" He began. "I don't know what's going on. Please tell me what you are thinking." He choked, "I am sorry if I crossed the line today. I should have held back bit it felt so right and I..."

His voice was breaking and it was breaking my heart. I turned around and pulled him into a hug. "You did nothing wrong. It’s just my stupid insecurities that are making me act this way. I honestly don't know how to react because I am wondering what you think of me now?

"What do you mean?" He asked pulling away and cupping my face in his hands to look into my eyes.

"I don't know," I replied repeatedly throwing my hands in the air. "I mean we haven't known each other for long and we are already getting this intimate. I was just wondering if you seem to think that I am easy to you," I finished the sentence lowering my voice and twiddling my thumbs hoping that he missed the last part.

He frowned. Confused. And for a moment it's like he was trying to find words.

"You are overthinking this babe," he replied.

Raising my eyebrow, I asked “Babe?!?"

"Yes babe. What? You don't like it?"

"Well…" I blushed and covered my eyes with my hands.

"You are so darn cute," he said kissing my forehead hugging me one more time.

"Hey Jungkook" I called him shyly.

"Yes babe", he replied still hugging me.

"I kinda would really so much like itifyoustayedthenight," I said, hiding my face in his chest.

"What did you say?" He asked and pretended not to hear.

"Nevermind!" I said, trying to walk get out of his embrace.

“Come on,” he pulled me into a hug and said, “I thought you'd never ask.”


We settled in to watch a movie afterwards. After arguing over what movie to watch, we decided on Me Before You. While helping set up for the movie, he was amazed at my movie watching routine. Almost laughing at how seriously I took it. Usually, when I wanted to watch a movie, I would prepare movie snacks and drinks, have a cozy blanket handy, light some candles or dim the lights and recline my living room couch and we were ready to indulge ourselves.

It was a bittersweet movie with a sad ending. As the movie came to a close, I reached to turn on the lights but before I could, I heard a sniff. I turned around to find Jungkook crying.

"Are you crying?" I asked. And he brought his hands to his face to cover up that fact that he was crying. It was adorable. The more I got to know this man, the deeper I fell for him.

"Come here you big softie," I said and pulled him into a hug. He calmed down after a while. After teasing him about it, and him getting defensive and shy we decided to call it a night and headed to bed. He disappeared into the bathroom for a wash and he walked out looking like a snack in his tiny boxers. I dropped whatever I was holding in my hands.

There he was standing before me, bare chest with sculpted biceps a tiny towel over his shoulders. I got to have a full view of those gloriously toned thighs. My oh my! I licked my lips as I ogled. Trailing my eyes down his body, I stopped at his abs and without knowing I reached out and ran my hands over them.

Clearly, God had favourites. The precision and time he had put into creating the man standing in front of me was incredible. Look at that v line. Wow!

"You must have been God's favourite! Wow!" I marvelled as I spun him around. The butt!

I was shamelessly lusting and so I squeezed his butt making him squeal. "Would you stop doing that?" He said jumping away from me.

Reluctantly, I gave him my favourite oversized t-shirt, none of my pants would fit him. If it were up to me, he would sleep naked.

Quietly we settled in to sleep. The space between us felt ocean wide. And slowly after a while I felt his hand slip on my waist and he pulled me into his body. He was warm. I could get used to this. I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.


The light rays came in gently through the window. I opened my eyes slightly getting used to the brightness. I couldn't move. What was this strange feeling? Why was I pinned to my bed? I almost panicked before I remembered that he was there with me. A smile danced on my lips. I could so get used to this. He looked peaceful. His lips slightly parted, gentle snores escaped his lips. I didn't want to wake him up. I reached out and traced my thumb over his eyebrow. His face twitched and he purred. Pause.

I was slowly turning to my side when I felt it against my thigh. My oh my he was sizeable! Suddenly naughty thoughts flooded my mind as I remembered the evening before at the gym. I flushed. This was arousing.

I ran my hand over his length as I gently kissed his neck and collar bone. He stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up. I kept rubbing my hand against his member and was happy to find that he was responding to my touch. His bulge growing bigger. Disappearing under the blanket I placed gentle kisses on his chest.

He must have taken off his shirt at some point in the night because of the heat. Convenient for me. I chuckled. I worked my way down over his abs pausing at his navel and to edge of his boxers. I pulled them down fully exposing his length. Hello! It was more than sizeable! I didn't think I was up for the challenge. I gulped. I almost chickened out but I decided to throw caution to the wind and kissed the head, licking off the pre-cum. It had a salty deliciousness to it. I licked it again and swirled my tongue around it.

His breathing had become laboured and he wriggled under me. He was now fully aware of what was going on. I took my time, licking the underside of his penis with the tip of my tongue. Moving up and down the shaft with a series of light gentle kisses. He responded beautifully.

I felt his size, the texture and smell. It was intoxicating. Saliva was building up in my mouth. I slowly creeped my lips over his head and then backed off. I enjoyed seeing him squirm and respond that way to my touch. The heat from my mouth and my breath on him made him whine with anticipation.

"Please," he said hoarsely. His morning voice was sexy. He was begging me to take him in my mouth and it was so sexy.

I obliged and took him in my mouth, slowly adjusting to his length. I felt every vein, his smooth texture, his throbbing and relished the experience of it. I was throbbing hard too. Up and down I moved, alternating between slow and fast movements. He was moaning for me. He was calling me sweet baby and it made my chest swell with pride. He was asking me to be his. Gently and lightly, I tugged his balls. I could tell that I was doing it right by the way he arched his back and moaned. Placing my hand at the base of his shaft, I applied a little bit of pressure as I worked him with my mouth.

"I am not gonna last for long babe," he said between moans. And he got louder. I took my own shaft in my hands and pleasured myself simultaneously matching his rhythm. With great force, he exploded in my mouth and not long after, I did too, emptying everything I had in me on my white silk sheets.

I collapsed on top of him and lay there as we both tried steady our breathing. Sweat glistened on his forehead. Wrapping his arms around me, he kissed the top of my head and let out a deep breathe.

"I might just move in if this is how I am gonna wake up every morning," he said with his eyes closed. I punched his chest lightly and slid to lay down on his side. He turned to his side, and pulled me into his body.

"Jimin!" He whispered against my ear.


"Please be mine," he asked.

My heartbeat fastened. I turned around and kissed him. A slow, warm lingering kiss. I wanted to be his from the moment I saw him. My heart could explode. I nodded.

And on this lovely Sunday morning, I became his.

Slowly and happily I drifted off to dreamland dreaming of a dark haired boy with blonde highlights.
