
Chapter 8

Chapter Seven

Puddinitous Loulani

I laughed out loud, not being able to contain how funny I found it when I walked to our usual table in the cafeteria and saw basically everyone with lifeless looks on their faces. I could smell the alcohol that was reeking off their bodies, combined.

"What's funny?" Luke groaned as he lifted his head up off the table that he was resting it on.

Luke, Leo, Joy, and Kai seemed the worst. Leo was literally wearing a pair off sunglasses and Joy had her head resting on Kai's shoulder as she stared off in the distance and sipped water from a straw that she had in her Fiji water bottle.

"Quiet down the laughs, will you?" Leo muttered, his voice drained out as he rested his head in the palms of his hands that were propped up by his elbows.