
Chapter 21

Chapter Nineteen

Afraid Of The Possibility

I leaned against my locker, continuously tapping my door anxiously as I waited for Noah who said he'd meet me here after class. I stared at the ground to avoid looking up and see people who were still staring at me from the incident yesterday.

"Hey," I looked up to see Noah. "Ready to hit the books?"

I nodded quietly as the two of us made our way to the school library.

We got into the math basically right away. There were only a few other kids in the library but by 7 pm it had completely cleared out, the librarian not even in sight.

The janitor ended up kicking us out shortly after that because the school library was closed so we ended up sitting in the dimly sit hallway, our backs leaned against lockers with our books and papers scattered in front of us on the floor.

It had been over four hours at this point.