
Beautiful Sky of life

Akuma Jin, Secret Weapon Akuma was born when greed and devils want power...

Gangy221 · Action
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8 Chs

Weng Mi...

"Wow, these deserts are amazing," said Jin staring at the cakes and ice cream. Stuffing himself, Li Mimao watched the happy Jin devour everything.

Patting his stomach, Li Mimao said, "Do you want to sleep?"

Nodding his head, Jin was in bliss, every time he burped it was so sweet. Escorting Jin to his room, Li Mimao looked around and saw nobody, smiling she cuddled up with Jin who is drunk off sugar.

Taking off his mask, Jin put it on top of his head, "Mask, off!"

Li Mimao was giggling at Jin's unusual habit, she found out he can become intoxicated from sweets, she didn't know how that worked but she found it so cute.

Placing a kiss on top of Li Mimao's head, Jin said, "I found a rabbit, I need to give it a lot of kisses." *Muah* *Muah* *Muah* *Muah*

Hugging Li Mimao and rubbing cheeks together, there was no other feeling that could make her so happy except this person. Waking up, Li Mimao cursed the sun once again.

'I'll get him this time, just watch.' thought Li Mimao giggling to herself. 

Jin woke up confused, "It feels like I just ate Hansel and Gretel's house made of bunnies?" Looking down, he saw Li Mimao had her eyes wide open just staring into his.

"Are you okay?"

"My lips, hurt, can, you make the pain go away?"


Leaning down, Jin was about to go for it until the nurse opened the door and yelled. Launching Jin away as he lands gracefully on his feet. Li Mimao glares at the nurse as she realizes it is Min Sang?!

'Oh, that piece of Sh*T'

"Isn't it time to leave?" asked Jin packing his stuff.

"Yes," said a dejected Li Mimao

Looking at his dejected friend, Jin placed a kiss on her forehead, "Don't be mad, I will definitely come back here with you, this place was fun," smiled Jin putting on his mask.

Cheering up, Li Mimao kissed Jin's cheek, "Alright, that is a promise, okay?"

Pinky promise, linking both thumbs...

The next day, "Welcome class, today we have a special guest."

Jin was nodding off as usual, "Who do you think it is?"

"I heard it was a beautiful girl with black hair, is that true?"

"No, I heard it was a General's daughter. Wait be quiet, there she is..."

A stunning beauty walked into class with a heart-shaped face, delicate lips, beautiful long wavy hair, beautiful blue eyes as well as an athlete's figure. "Hello class, I am Weng Mi, daughter of General SangChi, I am pleased to make your acquaintance," bowing, all of the boys fell in love.

Noticing a sleeping classmate, Weng Mi asked the teacher, "Who is that?"

"Oh, he is the number one Judo champion in our state, he is also first in the country for wrestling as well as first in our school to make it at the national level and win a gold medal," replied the teacher.

"I meant that sleeping boy."

"Oh, him, he is the last of our class, don't bother about him..."

Weng Mi looks at the sleeping boy, she finds him familiar somehow but somehow so different. "Okay class, Weng Mi will be our military instructor, since every male at the age of 18 has to serve in the army for at least two years, say hello Chief!"

"Hello, Chief!"

Jin looked up at the commotion to find a girl, who was looking back at him, tilting his head, he was confused. Shrugging, Jin put his head down again. Weng Mi has quite a bit of a reputation, no boy has been able to resist her charms.

Frowning, Weng Mi is quite confused as he rubs her the wrong way. "Everybody! Time to begin Military Training! Come Follow me!"

Arriving at the running track, Weng Mi had quite an imposing aura, "Oy Chief, why should we listen to you?" asked a male student laughing.

Weng Mi looked at the boy with such a cold stare the student gulped and stayed quiet. The chilling glare was sent toward everybody, "She is not to be played with"

Looking at the sleeping boy, it seems her glare doesn't work on him. "Impossible."

Li Mimao was confused, this military instructor kept glancing at her Aku, 'is it possible she has fallen...' thought Li Mimao a little angry.

Jin looked at Weng Mi and smiled at her using his eyes, making Weng Mi clear her throat. "The first day of training, is how many laps can you do before you pass out, let's GET TO IT!"

'Jin looks so good running' thought Li Mimao. 

"You, come here, why are you not wearing the gym uniform?" asked Weng Mi to Jin who was wearing a white t-shirt.

"It feels uncomfortable..."

"Next time, where the right clothes, okay!?"

Nodding, Jin began running once again, taking his time as if he had the entire world to himself. "I'm so tired," said Li Mimao sitting down.

"Woah, who knew Jin can run so long..." said some of the girls.

"He doesn't even seem tired, wow!"

Suddenly Jin trips and falls onto his back, Everybody cringed as Jin was taken to the nurse room. "Everytime you trip, you don't even get injured, why are you coming here so often?" asked the nurse.

Jin got up quickly and smiled, "It is because I am awesome." Walking out of the nurses office like a boss until he saw a deal on chocolate cake. Rushing to the cafeteria, he saw all of the classes enjoying cake.

Walking up to where the cake supposed to be, he found that no cake was left. Feeling heartbroken until someday wiped some chocolate frosting on his face. "Guess who it is?"

"Li Mimao, did you save a cake for me as well?" asked Jin turning around to see Li Mimao holding a slice of cake.

Shaking her head, Jin looked down and felt depressed until Li Mimao, said "Come on, I'll feed you then, come on don't be so sad."

Jin smiled and hugged Li Mimao, "Thank you, I love you."

Sitting down on a table, Li Mimao began feeding Jin until she recalled what Jin said. 'Did he say...he loves me, hehe' thought Li Mimao.

Mi Sang smiled and sat down next to Jin, "Here Jin, I picked up a vanilla cake, do you want to try? Say Ahhh."

Opening his mouth Jin saw his cake get stolen by Li Mimao, feeling angry, Jin took the cake slice and wiped the frosting onto Li Mimao's nose. "Haha!" Jin began laughing.

Waiting, patiently, Li Mimao shoved the entire cake slice into his open mouth, Smiling he began to chew and was in bliss.

Weng Mi was weirded out by that expression, so free, and happy. Am I ever that happy, he is so happy just eating cake...