
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 95 Qing mo is in a coma 2

That powerful dark magic fluctuation was something that Huangfu Qingmo and the others had never felt!


In front of such a powerful dark spell, the array used to prevent foreign magic from interfering with the internal competition seemed so fragile and vulnerable.


Huangfu Liuyun didn't think about it, and rushed straight towards the stage, without the obstruction of the magic array, the dark magic attacked Huangfu Qingmo so straight.


The crowd was caught off guard by such a beating, and they never thought that on such a competition occasion, the people of the Dark Union would dare to come and make trouble!


Huangfu Qingmo quickly propped up the elemental shield, and at the same time, the paper on his body also flew out, forming a top cover in the sky.


The footsteps did not stop, moving to the left, the vines on his feet had disappeared, and Randall's reaction was also fast, when he saw that the pillar composed of dark elements was facing the direction of Huangfu Stained Ink, he quickly unwrapped the entanglement of Huangfu Qingmo, but did not withdraw the magic, but let those vines weave a thick giant net above Huangfu Qingmo's head.


It's just that the vines that usually seem to be quite strong look so fragile in front of the pure dark element, but the moment they collide, they turn into flying ashes.


Randall was also severely injured by the backlash of magic.


Although Huangfu Qingmo's elemental shield is composed of all kinds of magic vultures, because of the defects of Huangfu Qingmo's magic power, the elemental shield only exists for a moment, and Huangfu Qingmo's movement speed accelerates, but it is not as fast as the pillar of the dark element.


The paper ability became the last honor guard of Huangfu Qingmo, and the output speed of spiritual power was accelerated several times.


The speed of Huangfu Liuyun is very fast, so fast that it can almost be called teleportation! Just as he was about to make contact with Huangfu Qingmo, another pillar of light blocked his way from the sky!


The instant blocking, the instant disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, Huangfu Liuyun almost suspected that it was just an illusory bracket.


raised his head and rushed in the direction of Huangfu Qingmo, but he only had time to see the instantaneous figure that was swallowed by the dark pillar of light.


Roar! "The demon immortal appeared by Huangfu Qingmo's side through the soul contract and used all his energy. In the end, the hand of the dark element that was about to take away Huangfu Qingmo was intercepted!


The demon immortal who had exhausted his energy fell to the ground, but he gently moved a little bit between the ears that landed, so that the emperor's clear ink that fell later fell on his body.


Huangfu Liuyun came to Huangfu Qingmo's side, and the murderous aura on his body surged, making Warren and others who were close to him tremble!


Looking at the sleeping demon immortal in the past, Huangfu Liuyun put it into the Qiankun Ring.


Huangfu Liuyun didn't pay any attention to anyone else and left the square.


With the departure of Huangfu Liuyun, Ye Wushuang also quickly moved in the direction of the small building.


Everyone who was originally stunned by the sudden situation came back to their senses, and they all looked at the seriously injured Randall and the tall sculpture on the stage in an uproar. The beam of light was emitted from the sculpture's eye.


Everyone never thought that there was such a huge amount of dark energy hidden in the statue of Amos.


Warren and the others quickly arrived at Amos's carving, hoping to discover something else. Warren reached out and touched its eyes, and the moment his hand touched the sculpture, the statue turned into ashes in front of everyone's eyes, dissipating into the air, leaving no trace, as if such a statue had never existed in this place!


All the people dared to be shocked by this sudden change, and the statue of Amos had existed for hundreds of years, to say the least, how could it be said that it would dissipate and dissipate?


Warren's face darkened, and he left the square with the three of Erin, and some things seemed to be properly investigated.


Back in the room, Huangfu Liuyun put Huangfu Qingmo on the bed, and Xingyuan rushed over after receiving a notice.


Huangfu Qingmo's complexion was unusually pale, and Huangfu Liuyun's complexion was indeed unusually black!


Master. Xingyuan respectfully came to the front of Huangfu Liuyun.


Guard, I want to heal Mo'er's wounds, Huangfu Liuyun said coldly.


Be. Xingyuan answered, Ye Wushuang had just come in from outside the door, and when he heard Huangfu Liuyun's words, he glanced at Huangfu Qingmo, who was helped up by Huangfu Liuyun, and his pale face made him feel distressed.


The two turned around, went out, and stood guard at the door.


Huangfu Liuyun mobilized the spiritual power in his body and went towards the meridians in Huangfu Qingmo's body, with the operation of spiritual power, Huangfu Liuyun saw the injury in Huangfu Qingmo's body, the injury was not serious, and it could even be said to be an extremely slight light wound


Huangfu Liuyun used his spiritual power to retreat into his body and opened his eyes with a frown.


Seeing Huangfu Liuyun open his eyes so quickly, Ye Wushuang and Xingyuan looked at Huangfu Liuyun worriedly, and Ye Wushuang's eyes showed a sad look.


How is she? Ye Wushuang asked in a deep voice, his deep sadness could not be hidden.


The injuries on the body were only minor. Huangfu Liuyun frowned. An idea popped into my heart.


Hold on. After speaking, without explaining, Huangfu Liuyun took Huangfu Qingmo into the Qiankun ring.


When he entered the room, he found that the Ringwraith was already waiting there.


, this is the introduction, which can keep his soul from dissipating for a year, and after a year, even the gods in the sky will have no way to save him. As he spoke, the ring spirit handed out a very peculiar herb in his hand, it was a herb that exuded a tender green luster, and the rhizome was erect, clustered, tender green, and shiny. The leaves are 15-30 cm long, with 15-35 pairs of sessile transverse pinnae, rectangular or ovate, slightly leathery, and dark green on the surface


Huangfu Liuyun looked at the spirit of the ring, and how to eat. "


Eat it straight away. The Ringwraith vanished.


Huangfu Liuyun didn't think about it, put the leather medicine in his mouth and chewed, then lowered his head, kissed Huangfu Qingmo's lips, and took the herbs in his mouth. Feed Huangfu Qingmo to eat the medicine.


Ye Wushuang and Xingyuan looked sluggish, and soon Huangfu Liuyun fed the medicine and raised his head, with this expression on his face.


It's just that the expression is just a flash, and the murderous aura quickly fills his face.


Come out. Huangfu Liuyun's face was full of anger, and his words were as cold as ice.


What are you doing? The ring spirit looked at Huangfu Liuyun and asked vigilantly, are you afraid that he will wreak havoc again, and it will take a while to repair his clothes?


Protect him, or I'll keep you busy mending your clothes every day!" Huangfu Liuyun saw that the ring spirit looked like he wanted to refuse, and spoke.


Oh. The refusal stuck in his throat, and the Ringwraith replied with a pout.


Huangfu Liuyun carried Huangfu Qingmo to a dirt slope, where he placed a white jade bed and arranged a powerful magic circle before leaving.


Sir, will you go back? Xingyuan looked at Huangfu Liuyun and asked.


Don't worry, collect some interest before you go back! Huangfu Liuyun's voice was low and cold, like a Shura coming out of hell, with a strong killing aura.


The Emperor fled to the tower-shaped building outside the City of Chaos, and under the leadership of Ye Wushuang, everyone came to the dimly lit room where Xi Kai had been.


This is where the president of the Dark Guild and his subordinates get in touch. Ye Wushuang said.


Is the president of the Dark Guild? There was a thick flame in Huangfu Liuyun's eyes.


The spiritual power flowed around Huangfu Liuyun's body at lightning speed, and he didn't find any breath except for the three of them. You don't have to think about it to know that they must have withdrawn.


Hum! Although there are no more people, there are many special things in it, and I will collect the interest on this one today. Huangfu Liuyun's expression couldn't be seen clearly in this dimly lit room, but Ye Wushuang and Xingyuan felt the aura on Huangfu Liuyun's body, and the cold aura drove the spiritual power around him to run even faster.


Walk. Huangfu Liuyun said lightly. It seemed that his anger had been exhausted.


The moment the three of them stepped out of the tower-shaped building, the tower-shaped building collapsed!


The moment the oversized building collapsed and landed, the ground shook and the dust flew, if it wasn't for the precautions, I am afraid that the three of them would have been buried under the thick dust at this moment.


Bastard! "Outside the door of a room where the dark element was very thick, a man in a black robe with a scythe in his hand looked at the flying dust and shouted angrily.


How. See anything interesting? Another person who was also dressed up, but whose voice was indeed delicate, was the voice of a delicate girl.


Uh-huh! The father of this prey seems to be good, and he has some skills. Another old voice dressed up.


You two don't need to gloat, don't forget, how will the president punish us if we lose a chess piece that has been buried for hundreds of years but doesn't catch the prey? The first voice said grimly


That's your business, don't forget, it's your advice to the president. The girl's voice rang out, and the clothes were not about their attitude.


Truly. The old voice rang out, repeating the girl's words.


The three of you come in. The three of them were about to continue discussing something when a coquettish male voice sounded in the room. As the voice sounded, the three people outside the door shook their bodies in fright and tried hard to control the movements of their bodies before they dared to push the door in.


When I entered the room, I saw that the room was dark, and if there was still a little gray outside the room just now, then this room was dark. The rich dark aura made the three people in black robes with scythes in their hands can't help but be greedy.


Since you like it so much, you'll stay here forever. The charming boy came from a distance, and the darkness did not affect the eyesight of the four people in the room, so the three of them knelt in horror when they heard the distant sound, but even if they fell to the ground in horror, the sickle in their hands was still tightly grasped.