
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 93 Zombie Worms Appear 2

I saw that the body of the corpse insect was the same as that of the silkworm, white, with the body and feet of the silkworm, and the sharp horns that the silkworm did not have, it seemed to be its mouth, one by one, tearing hard, and the emperor Qingmo They found that the mouth of the corpse worm was not done in vain, but biting something, but the object of this bite was the same corpse worm as them!


Huangfu Liuyun was also a little shocked when he saw it, he never thought that things would be like this!


As time passed, there was only one corpse insect left of the original hundreds! And the corpse worm's mouth bit towards those lines of energy!


Although this bite did not cause the slightest change in the energy circle, it made Huangfu Liuyun's face no longer have a casual look.


"What is this? Why is it so weird? The Ring Spirit appeared in front of everyone, looking at the corpse worm within the energy cause.


"Corpse worms." The Demon Immortal spoke.


"That's not right! This is not a corpse bug! Corpse bugs aren't so powerful! The Ring Spirit said after carefully observing the corpse insect for a while.


"So what do you say this is? This can turn his host into a zombie, not a corpse worm. Huangfu Qingmo glanced up at the ring spirit and said.


"This is not a corpse worm, this is a zombie poisonous worm!" The ring spirit looked at Huangfu Liuyun and the others seriously, and there was no naughtiness in his eyes, only solemnity and a trace of worry.


"You've seen it?" Although Huangfu Liuyun asked, his eyes were very sure, because it could be seen from Chong Ring Spirit's performance that the Ring Spirit was no stranger to this white bug.


"Haven't seen it, but heard it from the previous owner. The zombie bug is an upgraded version of the corpse bug, but the only and biggest difference between him and the corpse worm is that it can grow! It can achieve its evolution by exterminating its kind. And in the end, the zombie worm will be silently intelligent! At this time, the zombie insect is not called a zombie worm, but a corpse worm king! It can produce a lot of normal corpse bugs and zombie bugs! The Ringwraith paused at this point, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes as if he was thinking about what had happened.


"You're saying he can evolve into the Corpse Worm King? If I let him evolve into a corpse queen, will he listen to me? Huangfu Qingmo looked at the white corpse insect and said.


The ring spirit looked into Huangfu Qingmo's eyes, and there was a very strange and strange light.


"What's wrong?" Huangfu Qingmo felt the strangeness of the ring spirit's eyes and asked.


"It's a good idea." The Ringwraith shrugged and disappeared.


Huangfu Liuyun looked at the zombie worm that kept gnawing on the energy circle, and said, "You come out first and tell me what other evolution methods there are besides letting him devour." "


"No more. Even if there were, I don't know. The voice of the ringwraith.


Huangfu Liuyun's eyes narrowed dangerously, only to see that Huangfu Liuyun's hands gathered some spiritual power beads, and then threw them directly to the ground!


"Bump!" There was a loud bang, and there was a big deep crater in the ground.


"Wow!! My clothes! The ring spirit shouted and appeared in front of everyone, only to see that there was a larger spiritual power ball in Huangfu Liuyun's hand, and Yiyong was about to throw it out.


"Don't throw it away! My clothes are torn again! You bad guy!! The spirit clothes looked aggrieved and looked at Huangfu Liuyun.


"Say." Huangfu Liuyun did not throw out the energy ball in his hand but looked at the ring spirit.


"That is, it is all kinds of energy pulling, and it has to be mixed with a little blood." The Ring Spirit pouted and said, with grievances in his eyes.


'I'm just following the instructions of my former master, don't just finish speaking, why do you come and destroy my clothes every time?' "


Listening to the words of the Forgotten Ring Spirit, Huangfu Qingmo stretched out his hand to condense a little energy thread, as well as a drop of blood and flew towards the mouth of the zombie insect in the energy cause.


The moment the energy reached its mouth, the zombie worm opened its sharp horns, clicked, and bit on the energy, and then the blood was also swallowed into its stomach, soon after, the zombie worm that was opening and closing its mouth fell asleep.


"Huh? How did you fall asleep? The ringing spirit looked at the sleeping zombie worm and said curiously.


Huangfu Liuyun's eyes looked coldly at the ring spirit.


"Uh" ... "The spirit was too frightened to speak, just carefully observed,", it was digesting the absorbed energy. "


Huangfu Liuyun and Huangfu Qingmo directly ignored the words of the ring spirit completely.


'Woo, why did you ignore me?' The spirit of the ring wept loudly in his heart, but he did not dare to make a sound, so he had to turn away and leave.


"Come back. Take it to the second room. Huangfu Liuyun said as he put the energy circle wrapped in the zombie worm into the arms of the ring spirit.


"Wow! No! The ring spirit jumped up and wanted to throw the zombie worm in his hand, but as soon as his hand was raised, he felt the eyes of Huangfu Liuyun shooting from the direction of the clouds like ten thousand years of ice, all the movements were still, and he obediently hugged the zombie worm and walked towards the room.


In addition to the Qiankun ring, everyone heard the continuous knocking outside the door, and Huangfu Liuyun and Huangfu Qingmo frowned.


The fairy stepped forward to open the door, only to see Kaye and Fern standing in the doorway, Fern holding his hand, obviously wanting to knock on the door again.


"You finally came out, and I said that I saw you entering, but no one answered when I knocked on the door," Fern said loudly, not seeing Kaye who kept glancing at him next to him.


"Please come in." Lu Xian raised his eyebrows, looking at the reactions of the two of them, and was not ready to say anything.


"Something?" Huangfu Qingmo looked at the two, and it could be seen from their performances that both of them were nervous, Fern kept talking because he was nervous, and Kaye was nervous and didn't speak.


"What happened to those students tonight? Why did they become like that? Kaye asked, taking a deep breath, a deep worry in his eyes.


"It's not something you should know." Huangfu Liuyun said coldly.


"We almost became like them, why shouldn't we know?" As soon as Fern heard Huangfu Liuyun's words, he didn't care that Huangfu Liuyun's strength made him afraid, he raised his head and glared at Huangfu Liuyun, and roared.


"Bump!" "Poof!" Twice, with blood on the corners of his mouth, Fern looked at the person standing in front of him glaring at him.


"Xingyuan, what are you doing?" Huangfu Qingmo asked softly, but let Xingyuan know that she was angry.


"Miss." Xingyuan lowered his head, he just came and saw that the young man was disrespectful to his master, as the chief manager, he subconsciously beat the young man, and the master did not stop him.


"Stand down." Huangfu Liuyun said lightly.


"Yes." Xingyuan stepped aside and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.


"Okay, explain." Huangfu Qingmo raised his head glanced at Xingyuan and said.


"?" Xingyuan looked at Huangfu Qingmo and the two suspiciously, not knowing what to explain.


"Corpse worms." The demon fairy looked at Xingyuan's expression and hurriedly said. Not sure why the owner let someone who didn't know anything explain it.


"Yes," Xingyuan replied respectfully and turned to explain to the two of them.


The two listened to Xingyuan's explanation, with a frightened expression on their faces, they never thought that there would be such a thing in the world, although dark magic can also control people, but at least it was a person who was accusing Shen, and the corpse insect was a bug!