
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 90 Magic Scroll 2

Looking at the flowers and trees that suddenly appeared, everyone was dumbfounded, and a sound of surprise came from the dark fog. 

Then I saw those trees that suddenly appeared, tangled and grown, entangled some of the skeletons, and then I saw Huangfu Liuyun's hand move slightly, and those skeletons that were cutting towards them turned around and cut towards the skeletons behind them, and most importantly, Huangfu Liuyun seemed to intend to completely control the skeletons around the inky fog, so that they launched an attack towards the inky fog. 

"Hellbone Dragon." A ghostly voice rang out in the thick inky mist. 

In Huangfu Liuyun's eyes, this was not a killing, but more like a game, a game that made him know the magic of the Xicang Continent. 

I saw that the magic of the demon fairy and the night Wushuang was staged in turn, and the number of skeletons that were summoned was extremely large, and those skeletons that were controlled by Huangfu Liuyun were only a few, and after the Hell Bone Dragon appeared, those skeletons were motionless and let the Hell Bone Dragon crush them into pieces. 

A boring look flashed in Huangfu Liuyun's eyes, Huangfu Qingmo was pulled by Huangfu Liuyun and didn't make a move, although he had tried so much magic, he was not familiar with it. He found that the ability, which was originally useful for the living, was almost useless for these skeletons that didn't know how to hurt. Cut its bones and it will still give you a link and be unscathed, cut its head and it will pick it up for you, even if you cut it in half it will be able to put it back together. At this time, Huangfu Qingmo finally knew that his ability was useless against dead things. 

Huangfu Qingmo finally stopped making a move, and obediently let Huangfu Liuyun pull it, watching Ye Wushuang from the beginning of the calm and unbroken to the encouragement support in the back, watching the demon immortal from the initial jerky to the random conversion of various magic systems to the encouragement support, and Luoqi from the beginning of a large area of red lotus karma fire to the back can only spew out a small strip. 

Huangfu Qingmo felt that he was watching it, and a few of them had to explain it here. 

"You're not going to make a move?" Huangfu Qingmo looked up at Huangfu Liuyun who had not moved at all, except for the almost child's play, and asked. 

"I'm looking, necromancy, I've heard it's very powerful." Huangfu Liuyun looked down at Huangfu Qingmo and said. 



"You've been watching because of this?" Huangfu Qingmo turned his head to look at the somewhat shaky figures of the two people and a beast, as well as the skeletons like mountains and seas and suddenly felt that the nominal father next to him was a little out of line. 

"Of course not, you haven't noticed the progress of the magic of the Demon Immortals? Luoqi's red lotus industry is more accurate? Night's magic seems to have improved a bit. Of course, Huangfu Liuyun will not admit that he suddenly appeared off the line, because this time is too boring. In the past, there were still those conspiracies and national affairs that kept him busy, but now he is an idler, and people say that when he is idle, he has nothing to do, which is what Huangfu Liuyun is now. 

"I want to rest." Huangfu Qingmo felt the need to live the will that he needed to rest now. 

"Since Mo'er is tired, then I won't play." Huangfu Liuyun said casually, and he didn't see any movement, but just waved his hand, and the undead hell was broken. 

Huangfu Liuyun's face is a very casual look, but there is a look in his eyes that is a little different from the casual on his face, which is called interest. 

"Poof." A mouthful of black blood touched the inky mist. 

"It turns out that this necromancer even has a different blood than a normal person." The Demon Immortal seemed to have discovered something significant and said. 

Huangfu Liuyun looked at the necromancer, who was holding a leather scroll in his hand, Huangfu Liuyun stepped forward with a slight hook, and the thing in the necromancer's hand fell into his hand. 

"The magic scroll is open, and it can't be infused with energy." Ye Wushuang said when he saw what was in Huangfu Liuyun's hand. 

"After the infusion?" Huangfu Liuyun raised his eyebrows and asked, he didn't know much about the things in the Xicang Continent. 

"It triggers the magic circle inside the scroll." Ye Wushuang said calmly, and the two talked, ignoring the person on the ground who had already dispersed a thick fog. 

I saw that the man fell to the ground motionless, and from the lines covered by the robe, it could be seen that the man was extremely thin, and it could even be said that he was skinny. 

"See what this is for." Huangfu Liuyun threw the magic frontispiece in his hand to Ye Wushuang. 

Ye Wushuang glanced at it and said, "This is the spatial teleportation positioning scroll, that is, the escape scroll, you can use this scroll to escape when you encounter an invincible enemy, but this kind of scroll is very expensive." " 

The demon fairy stepped forward and stretched out his foot to push the body that had fallen to the ground toward the sky. 

"..." The demon fairy was startled when he saw that face. 

I saw that the face had come out of the outline of the face, and it could no longer be called a face, I saw that there were only two holes left in the upper eyes, and the cheeks that were originally long flesh were crawling with gangrene at the moment, and the nose was still intact, but the skin and flesh were wrinkled, like old tree bark. 

"I didn't expect you to get even uglier." Ye Wushuang looked at the face and said calmly. 

"The president will kill you." The voice was soft, the tone was very separate, and two clusters of dark blue flames shot out from the two holes. 

"Luoqi." Huangfu Liuyun called softly, and Luo Qi stepped forward and spewed out a mouthful of red lotus karma fire. 

Turn around quickly and jump away. I don't want the dust to stick to my body. 

Huangfu Qingmo turned around expressionlessly and walked in the direction of the academy. 

The rest of the road was peaceful, but what they didn't know was that something happened in the academy shortly after they left the academy. (To be continued)