
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 6 Threats and inducements

When the green light disappeared, Huangfu Qingmo still had some regret and a regretful expression, but when he opened his eyes, he saw that the bad old man's face was pale.

"How." Huangfu Liuyun looked at the pale face of the wooden guard.

 "The six princes' voices are fine." After saying that, Ganymede prepared to leave.

"Prescribe medicine." Huangfu Liuyun's calm and majestic words made the wooden guard stop his movements.

Until he felt the increasingly strong cold air on Huangfu Liuyun's body, the old man of Ganwei, although he didn't know why Huangfu Liuyun asked him to prescribe medicine, still respectfully accepted the order.

Huangfu Qingmo has been observing the pot of flowers, and he is not worried at all about the conversation between Huangfu Liuyun and the old man with a slight eye, seeing Huangfu Qingmo's curiosity, Huangfu Liuyun finally did something.

 Temptation, this is a naked temptation.

 Huangfu Qingmo looked at the Huangfu Liuyun in front of him and thought.

"How? Doesn't the emperor want to know why Ganymede came out of the flowers, and why Enceteto is translucent? As long as the emperor calls his father, the father will tell you, and teach you how to become as powerful as them. Huangfu Liuyun's tone was soft and full of temptation.

 Huangfu Qingmo looked up at Huangfu Liuyun and looked at it so fixedly.

And Huangfu Liuyun was not anxious at all, and even picked up the pastries sent by the side and fed Huangfu Qingmo with his own hands.

"Come on, good. Mouth. Huangfu Liuyun fed the pastries to Huangfu Qingmo, waited for a while and didn't see his mouth, and then suddenly remembered the classic scene of those concubines feeding children in the harem.

It's just that Huangfu Liuyun made it a little stiff, which also made the two people on the side stiff...

Huangfu Qingmo was a little stunned, "It seems that this sentence and this action are preparing to feed the child, right?" Huangfu Qingmo looked at the man in front of him with some uncertainty.

'Your Majesty, is this the Emperor?' Someone isn't pretending, is it? Xingyuan Xingli thought so, and looked at Huangfu Liuyun suspiciously, not understanding why the person who was indifferent a moment ago suddenly became so weird.

But soon Xingyuan knew that he was wrong, this person was his emperor, and he was so cold-blooded and ruthless.

Because Huangfu Liuyun was doing the action that others were doing to spoil others, he seemed to be just reading a book, with a calm and cold expressionless face.

"I can't give it to you." Huangfu Liuyun seemed to think of something, looked at Huangfu Qingmo, and said.

 Huangfu Qingmo felt his eyebrows jumping...

 "Father." Huangfu Liuyun looked at Huangfu Qingmo and said calmly.

"Your Majesty, please don't use your cold voice and expressionless face to make such strange movements" Xingyuan wailed in his heart, but no one heard his heart.

Huangfu Qingmo didn't react much when he heard Huangfu Liuyun's words and still looked at him quietly.

 "Called." Huangfu Liuyun looked at Huangfu Qingmo calmly.

Huangfu Qingmo looked at Huangfu Liuyun, and the brilliance in his eyes flowed as if he was thinking about something.

After finally weighing the pros and cons in his heart, Huangfu Qingmo decided to call this person who looked about the same age as his previous life 'Father'.

"Father." The emperor nodded with satisfaction with a child's unique softness and coldness.

Huangfu Liuyun achieved his goal and picked up the snacks on the table to feed Huangfu Qingmo.

"..." Huangfu Qingmo turned his head to the other side, with a faint disgust in his eyes.

"Okay, change." Huangfu Liuyun didn't pursue it and lightly asked Xingyuan to replace the pastries.

Xingyuan looked at Huangfu Qingmo and Huangfu Liuyun from the side, and the strange exchange made him extremely embarrassed.

Hearing Huangfu Liuyun's command, Xingyuan quickly withdrew the dessert from the table and replaced it with a little salty shortbread.

 "Okay, explain." Huangfu flew out of the sky with such a sentence.

"Yes." Although Huangfu Liuyun's words were a little abrupt, Xingyuan still understood the meaning of Huangfu Liuyun.

"His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince, our world is ..., they are resting on the unique exercises of my Siamese royal family, this exercise is called the Five Elements Cultivation, the conditions for practicing this exercise are more demanding, that is, the five elements in the body must have a special prominence, but if it is too prominent, it will become disabled, so this prominence must be just right, in addition to the requirements of its own five elements, there must be five elements of the same practitioner, so every time you look for someone, you must find five to make up the five elements array, so that you can complement each other when practicing, If one is missing, the Five Elements Array will be broken, and the Five Elements will be destroyed. "

"The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the characteristics of the five elements of the guard are that it can be incarnated into the five elements, the gold guard can stand on the ground into stone, the wood guard can be pierced into the wood, the water guard can be incarnated into water, fire, and the earth is the same, in the five elements of the guard, the wood guard is the main doctor, the water guard is the dark guard, the earth guard is the main defense, the gold, and fire two guards are attacked, but the two guards are a close attack, a long attack." Xingyuan's explanation was not bad, at least let him know that there were not only Wood Guards but also other guards.

After finishing speaking, Xingyuan looked at the sky outside the window, and the red sunset showed that it was already evening.

"Does the emperor need to prepare food?" Xingyuan looked at his emperor with his eyes closed as if he had fallen asleep.

Hearing the sound of Xingyuan, Huangfu Liuyun opened his eyes, turned his head to look out the window, and found that it was indeed a little late.

"Gollum." The three people in the room were stunned by the shock, and then Xingyuan and Huangfu Liuyun turned their heads to look at Huangfu Qingmo, Huangfu Qingmo blushed and looked down at his stomach.

"Haha. Ha ha. Huangfu Liuyun laughed loudly, this was the first time Huangfu Liuyun laughed so unbridledly, and it also made him feel that his son was also very cute.

"Shut up." Huangfu Qingmo looked at the laughing Huangfu Liuyun and shouted, quite annoyed and angry.

"Let's get ready." Huangfu Liuyun didn't mind Huangfu Qingmo's angry roar at all.

 He commanded the line who was standing aside.

When Xingyuan laughed loudly in Huangfu Liuyun, his mouth was opened wide as if he was frightened.

Don't say that Huangfu Qingmo has never seen such a Huangfu Liuyun, even Xingyuan, who has always taken care of Huangfu Liuyun and grown up.

Xingyuan looked at Huangfu Liuyun and then at Huangfu Qingmo, although Huangfu Qingmo's face was annoyed, but his eyes unconsciously revealed a longing, that is, a desire for family affection that even he didn't realize.

After the meal, Huangfu Liuyun put Huangfu Qingmo on the bed, turned around, and prepared to go to the imperial study.

Huangfu Qingmo looked at the back of the departing Huangfu Liuyun and thought of the thing he had just thought of to determine his ability.

 There hasn't been a good opportunity, and today may be a good time.

"Father." Huangfu Qingmo pedaled and ran to the back of Huangfu Liuyun and called.