
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 57 Luo Qi is trapped

"What!" Hearing Huangfu Qingmo's words, everyone couldn't do it anymore and looked at Huangfu Qingmo in shock.

"Luoqi feels it."

Shi Ling couldn't sit still anymore and spun around in the rest area.

"Can you pinpoint his location?" Shi Ling looked at Huangfu Qingmo and asked.

"I can't." Huangfu Qingmo said coldly.

"Representatives of the Siem Moon Country! Please come to the stage to draw lots! A voice amplified with spiritual power came into everyone's ears, and Shi Ling straightened his face and walked out.

"The results of the draw are now announced."

"Ten people from the Siem Moon Country are against five people from Dongyue Country and five goblins, ten people from Nanxing Country are against five elves from Northern Mu Country, ten people from Orc Country are against five elves and five people from North Mu Country, and five people from Dongyue Country are against five goblins."

After the announcement, everyone left, and Huyue followed Shi Ling to the direction of Huangfu Qingmo's lounge.

"Is something wrong? Your face is solemn. Hu Yue looked at Shi Ling and asked.

"I'll talk about it later." Shi Ling's face was indeed solemn.

"What do you say? The Soul Controller is here? Fox Moon's face couldn't help but show surprise.

"What is he doing here?" After being surprised, Fox Moon couldn't help but wonder, what is the purpose of this soul controller?

"I don't know." Shi Ling said angrily, if he knew, would he still be so worried? Although at first they guessed that the purpose of the soul controller was to take revenge on their Royal Academy, but this series of events completely overturned their speculation, after all, if it was for revenge, he could not expose himself at all, continue to lurk in the Royal Academy, and then control the students, so that those students can ruin the reputation of the Royal Academy outside, wouldn't it be better?

"By the way, didn't you say that he deliberately found out this kid Moqing last time, so is it for him?" Fox Moon looked at Huangfu Qingmo and asked.

"He? What's so special about him? Shi Ling said suspiciously.

"This should be asked of you." Hu Yue looked at Shi Ling and said.

"I don't know." Out of the strong mental power, there is really no other difference.

"..." Yan Shu looked at the two 'old' people who were discussing very seriously, speechless.

Huangfu Qingmo had already left when the two of them were in a discussion, and the others naturally left when they saw Huangfu Qingmo leave, and no one wanted to listen to the two old men's thoughts.

Back in the restaurant in Naxi City, Huangfu Qingmo went back to his room to meditate and practice spiritual power, and Ye Wushuang stood in the dark in his room, guarding him.

Time passed slowly, night came, the sea breeze was gentle, and the air carried the salty smell of the sea.

'Luoqi, where are you now. Huangfu Qingmo frowned and looked at the room where there was no cat, and called in his heart.

'Young master, I, I'm outside Naxi City. Luo Qi's voice was very weak, which made Huangfu Qingmo furrow fiercely.

Ye Wushuang walked out of the shadows, "Young Master, what's wrong?" "

"Luoqi is injured." Huangfu Qingmo stood up as he said and walked towards the door.

"Little master, wait a minute, you can't go, just let Wushuang go." Ye Wushuang stopped Huangfu Qingmo.

"Shut up! Do you know where Luoqi is? Huangfu Qingmo glared at Ye Wushuang coldly, and staggered over.

Ye Wushuang followed worriedly.

Huangfu Qingyin is just walking towards Huangfu Qingmo's room.

"Mo Qing, where are you going?" Huangfu Qingyin looked at Huangfu Qingmo who was about to go out and asked, he didn't ignore the worry on Ye Wushuang's face.

"Luoqi has an accident, and the little master said that he wants to go and see it." Ye Wushuang said before Huangfu Qingmo spoke.

"Something happened to Luoqi? What's wrong? In Huangfu Qingyin's impression, Luoqi's cat appeared very strangely, but it was very powerful, although he had not seen the ability of this cat, but he just felt that it was very powerful.

"Hurt." Huangfu said in a cold voice, and his eyes glanced at Ye Wushuang lightly.

Ye Wushuang bowed his head, but his eyes were still determined.

"I'll go with you." Huangfu Qingyin said and looked at Huangfu Qingmo firmly.

"No, you don't." Huangfu Qingmo frowned, if he let Huangfu Qingyin follow, it means that he can't use his ability.

"I ..." Huangfu Qingyin was about to say something, but was interrupted by Huangfu Qingmo's cold voice, "Cumbersome!" These two words completely broke Huangfu Qingyin's heart.

Huangfu Qingyin was stunned in place, knowing that Huangfu Qingmo had only come back to his senses when he walked away, and it was too late to keep up.

Huangfu Qingmo hurried towards the outskirts of Naxi City, and Ye Wushuang used the wind flying technique to keep up with Huangfu Qingmo's footsteps, and the two quickly left Naxi City.

'Where in the western suburbs?' '

'Don't come here! There was anxiety and struggle in Luo Qi's voice.

"Father." Huangfu Qingmo took out the sound transmission jade slip that he carried with him.

"The soul controller used a special technique to control Luoqi. It's a bit of a trick to control the unicorn. Huangfu Liuyun's voice came from the jade jian, with a faint excitement and a thick murderous intent.

Hearing the voice of Huangfu Liuyun and the information revealed in Huangfu Liuyun's words, Ye Wushuang was shocked, although he also knew that the cat might have some origins, but he didn't expect it to be a unicorn.

The unicorn, the ancient beast, the dragon's head, the antlers, the lion's eye, the tiger's back, the bear's waist, the snake's scales, the horse's hooves, the pig's tail, the fire attribute, the red lotus karmic fire that can burn all the events around the body.

Red lotus karmic fire, the natal fire of the unicorn.

"If you want me to go over so much, then why don't I go over." Huangfu Qingmo raised his eyebrows and said.


ps: Forgive the laziness of the couple... Tomorrow 3,000 words will be made up...

Introduction to Kirin

Judging from its external shape, it is an auspicious treasure that integrates dragon heads, antlers, lion eyes, tiger backs, bear waists, snake scales, horse hooves, and pig tails. It has horns, which are dragon horns, and its horns are extremely hard and light gray. According to the description of ancient books, its body is like a deer, and it can also be written as a deer, which refers to a deer in ancient books; The tail is like that of a cow; hooves like horses; The top of the round head has a pair of horns. But it is said that the beginning of the unicorn roughly resembles a deer. It was regarded by the ancients as a divine beast and a benevolent beast. Kirins live a long life and can live for 2,000 years. It can spit fire, and its voice is like thunder. "There are three hundred and sixty hairy insects, and the unicorn is long" (hairy insects mean hairy animals).

The unicorn is an illusory animal created by the ancient Chinese, and this shape focuses all the advantages of those cherished animals on the construction of the unicorn, a fantasy mythical beast. In many Chinese folklore, although there are not many stories about the unicorn, it really reflects its unique preciousness and spirituality everywhere in people's lives.

Red Lotus Karma Fire Red Lotus, Hell]

The seventh of the Eight Cold Hells. The Sanskrit name is Padma, which is translated as red lotus. For the cold, the skin and flesh are divided, such as the red lotus flower. Yoga Treatise No. 4 says: "The red lotus is different from this, and after this green, the color becomes red." The skin splits, or ten or more. Therefore, the name of Naraka is called Red Lotus. Kusha Guangji 11 said: "Bo Temo, this cloud red lotus flower." The cold is pressing, and the body becomes broken, like a red lotus. "——

FROM:[Dictionary of Buddhism],

karmic fire,

For example, negative karma harms the body, such as fire. Also known as the fire that burns hellish sinners. The latter is also caused by the negative karma of previous lives. The eighth chapter of the Lengyan Sutra says: "The fire of karma is dry. "