
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 52 The Soul Controller Appears

Huangfu Liuyun, who originally wanted to leave with a retreat, suddenly stopped and sat down.

"Mo'er, don't let your father down." Low words came out of the mouth of Huangfu Liuyun.

Xingyuan looked up at Huangfu Liuyun suspiciously, although he was puzzled, he didn't dare to ask more.

In the territory of the orc country, Huangfu Qingliu took a firm step and returned to the courtyard.

Huangfu Qingmo lowered his head and followed the hair of Luoqi in his arms, and Huangfu Qingliu walked in front of Huangfu Qingmo with the packet of medicine in his hand.

Huangfu Qingyin looked at Huangfu Qingliu suspiciously, and Huangfu Qingmo also looked up at him with interest.

"I don't know how people will react to this medicine, but I know that this medicine is not a good thing." Then Huangfu Qingliu told everything he encountered in the woods, but he did not say how he met the man, nor did he say the identity of the person.

"In that case, it's a good opportunity." Huangfu Qingmo said lightly, and Huangfu Qingyin frowned and looked at Huangfu Qingmo disapprovingly.

"Mo Qing, it's dangerous."

"You go too." Huangfu Qingmo looked at Huangfu Qingyin and said.

"How many people can this medicine deal with?" Huangfu Qingmo looked at Huangfu Qingliu and asked.

"He didn't say it, but it should be okay for everyone." Huangfu Qingliu thought for a while and said.

"Open." Huangfu Qingmo asked Huangfu Qingliu to open the medicine.

Luo Qi stepped forward and sniffed, "This is the soul incense in the incense, after being hit by this incense, people will not only fall into a coma in a short period of time, but also have low mental strength for a long time after waking up. '

Hearing Luo Qi's explanation, Huangfu Qingmo nodded, and at the same time told Luo Qi's words to everyone present.

"Then let's pretend to be in the incense, as for that mental weakness, everyone should pay attention to it, as long as you don't use special tools, you can't see it." Shi Ling looked at everyone after speaking.

"Okay." The first to nod in agreement, followed by the others.

'The master tells you to be careful. Luo Qi said to Huangfu Qingmo in his heart.

Hearing Luo Qi's words, Huangfu Qingmo had a warm feeling in his heart, but he didn't let Luo Qi know.

The bag of medicine was burned by Shi Ling with spiritual fire, and then everyone pretended to be hit by the soul incense, closed their eyes and lay on the table.

Huangfu Qingliu walked towards the grove.


"Yes." Huangfu Qingliu said calmly.

"Good." After speaking, the man in black disappeared in front of Huangfu Qingliu.

Huangfu Qingliu walked towards the courtyard, only to see a group of black-clothed people in the courtyard who didn't know when they appeared, these people were holding Huangfu Qingmo and Huangfu Qingyin and others in their hands, and Huyue and Shi Ling did not move.

Huangfu Qingliu followed the black man and disappeared into the courtyard.

When Ye Wushuang returned to the courtyard, he saw Huyue and Shi Ling, and the others were all gone, and even the people he cared about had disappeared.

The nervous night Wushuang rushed to Shi Ling's front and grabbed Shi Ling's collar and glared at Shi Ling: "Young master!" "

"Don't worry, I've just been caught." Shi Ling said that the clouds were light and the wind was light, and Ye Wushuang breathed heavily after hearing it, looking at Shi Ling's eyes with murderous intent.

"Don't worry, this is your young master's decision, and it will be fine." Fox Moon looked at Ye Wushuang with a murderous look, afraid that he would do something to make the plan fail this time, and hurriedly explained.

"The young master agrees, and you let the young master go on an adventure?!" Ye Wushuang didn't mean to put away his murderous aura at all, and looked at the two comfortable people in front of him with bloodshot eyes.

"Sit down, sit down. Why is he so unbreathable at such a young age? Fox Moon looked at Ye Wushuang and said in the style of an elder.

Ye Wushuang finally sat down, because he didn't know where Huangfu Qingmo had been caught, and there was really nothing he could do except wait here.

Huangfu Qingmo closed his eyes, felt someone carrying him, and then heard the voice of a person talking.

"Leave those two old men alone, go!" In this way, Huangfu Qingmo felt a jolt, but it was only a moment before those men in black stopped.

"Keep people locked up." It's still the same voice, "Take him down." "

"Yes." Huangfu Qingliu followed behind a man in black.

Huangfu Qingmo and the others were still on the floor, but they didn't move one by one, but lay there quietly, as if they had really been hit by the incense of the soul.

The black-clothed man who was secretly observing left after two hours, and after confirming that he was secretly leaving, Huangfu Qingmo opened his eyes slowly, and the others also opened their eyes one after another, and the people who opened their eyes moved their limbs that were stiff because they had not moved for a long time.

Those men in black seemed to trust Soul Swinging Incense very much, so for the rest of the time, no one came to patrol.

No one came in until the next day, when the ecstasy effect of the Soul Swinging Incense had worn off.

This is a man in black covered in a veil, and it seems that people who do bad things like to be masked in black?

The man in black was slender, with inverted triangular eyes and crooked fingers hanging at his side.

came to the cell where Huangfu Qingmo was imprisoned, and looked at Huangfu Qingmo and everyone fixedly.

"It's really good, it's good! The effect must be very good as a soul guide! The man in black spoke, his voice hoarse, it was the person who came into contact with Huangfu Qingliu.

Huangfu Qingmo and the others didn't know what the soul guide meant in his mouth, but they knew that it was not a good thing, thinking of the soul controller during this time, could it be that the person in front of him was the soul controller?

But looking at this black scarf masked man, I don't know if it's an illusion, Yan Shu has a familiar feeling.

'It must be a delusion, right?' How did I know him? Yan Shu denied his feelings, but this feeling did not disappear because of the denial in his heart, on the contrary, it intensified.

"I've seen you?" The doubts in his heart finally made Yan Shu ask such a sentence, but when asking, Yan Shu still did not forget his disguise as a mentally weak person.

"Oh, is it? is worthy of being the dean's protégé, and you can still come out like this. The hoarse voice disappeared, and a baritone voice that was not unfamiliar to everyone sounded in everyone's ears.

"Sikay!" Jia Ren was the first to call out.

Everyone looked at him in shock, this teacher who had always been known for his loyalty and the Royal Academy of Cultivation had a connection with the Soul Controller.

The calmest of the crowd were Huangfu Qingmo and Lei Mu, because the two of them had rarely heard of Xikai's rumors, so they were not affected too much.

"What do you have to do with the Soul Controller?!" Although Huangfu Qingyin's voice was weak, it carried the unique majesty of the royal family.

"Hehe, shouldn't the eldest prince care about his situation now?" Xi Kai smiled lowly, with a banter in his eyes.

The black scarf that was originally covering Xi Kai's face was removed, revealing his ordinary appearance.