
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 46 The First Line Gorge

"Mo Qing, give." Lei Mu handed a roasted golden pheasant in his hand to Huangfu Qingmo's hand.

After dinner, a few people who kept vigil were left, and the others went back to sleep in their carriages.

Ye Wushuang leaned against the outside of Huangfu Qingmo's carriage, closing his eyes and recuperating.

The next day, as they were walking on the road, suddenly there was a very fast sound of horses' hooves behind them, and from the frequency of the sound, it could be judged that the horse was galloping at great speed.

Soon the horses came in front of everyone, and they saw a handsome young man sitting on the horse.

"Why are you here?" Remu looked at the young man on the horse and asked suspiciously.

"I want to come." The young man said loudly, as if answering Lei Mu's question, and at the same time to the emperor Qingmo who was sitting in the carriage.

The person who came was none other than Qin Feng, who was saved by Huangfu Qingmo, only to see his delicate face and the appearance of dust.

Huangfu Qingmo sat in the carriage, and a cold voice came from the carriage, "If you want to follow, follow it." "

Hearing the voice of Huangfu Qingmo in the car, Qin Feng's face showed a smile.

Raimu didn't say anything, just leaned quietly on the carriage.

There was nothing to say all the way. The sun was scorching on the official road in the summer afternoon because everyone was a cultivator, so it was bearable for the weather, but the trees next to the official road looked listless. Because they were also on the road at noon, there was no one on the road.

As they walked, they came to a canyon.

"There is a first-line gorge ahead, everyone cheers up." At this time, the teacher who led the team shouted to everyone.

It's just that although the carriage is only in the foundation building period, they are all genius-like characters, so they seem to be a little disdainful of the shouting of the leading teacher.

As the first line of the gorge got closer and closer, slowly everyone felt the difference, which was the instinct of a cultivator.

"What's going on? Even if there are robbers in the first line of gorges, they should not have such momentum. The teacher who led the team said worriedly.

Yan Shu looked at the narrow canyon walkway in front of him, which still looked too gloomy on a summer afternoon, and frowned worriedly when he heard the words of the leading teacher next to him.

"Detour." Yan Shu decisively ordered.

It's just that this order was too late, and I saw a group of people walking out of the originally gloomy corridor, they were dressed in black pants, their faces were covered with black scarves, and their eyes were blank.

Looking at such a scene, Yan Shu quickly thought of the girl and boy who were controlled by the soul.

Huangfu Qingmo sensed that there was something wrong outside the carriage, and when he came out of the carriage, he saw a group of people in black.

Huangfu Qingmo also saw their eyes, and at the same time, like Yan Shu, he also guessed that possibility.

It's just that what is this soul controller for, and why is it targeting the Royal Training Academy everywhere? Is it really to avenge the master as the three old men said?

The teenagers in the other carriages also felt a different atmosphere and came out of the carriage one after another.

"Go back!" Yan Shu didn't have a warm feeling for the first time the appearance of these black-clothed people made Yan Shu worried.

Without saying a word, Lei Mu picked up Jia Ren, who was about to come forward to see what was happening, and then stuffed it into the carriage.

"Thunderwood! What are you doing? Jia Ren reacted and roared angrily.

When Huangfu Qingyin was also about to do this to Huangfu Qingmo, Huangfu Qingmo had already 'slid' to Yan Shu's side.

There was a lot of interest in the eyes.

The hand kept stroking the ring between his fingers.

The man in black quickly surrounded the crowd in the middle, and then, start fighting!

The other teenagers saw that Huangfu Qingmo didn't get into the car, and they all got out of the carriage and wanted to help.

However, the guards who protected the teenager would not let the teenager play, so those guards were very skillful in blocking the teenager.

For a while, all kinds of magic weapons came out, and the law was continuous, and the black-clothed man fell one by one, and stood up one by one.

This is those teenagers who have discovered the abnormality, these people in black can't be killed!

I saw a guard cut off a man in black, and the man in black fell, the guard thought that the man in black was dead, and concentrated on dealing with the other men in black, but who would have thought that the man in black would grab the steel knife that fell on the side and stab at the guard!

"Sonorous!" With a bang, the sound of the steel knife colliding with the bodyguard guard's body made the guard frightened for a while, and when he looked down, he saw the man in black who had lost his lower body, and his upper body was still crawling on the ground. Let the sons who had never experienced such a scene bend over and vomit.

For a while, the sound of retching came from time to time.

The guard was frightened by the strange scene in front of him, but after all, he was a well-trained person, and he quickly reacted, cutting off the head of the man in black with a sword, which made the crawling body stop moving.

But the next scene made people even more frightened!

I saw the head that flew out and flew towards another guard, and because of the relationship between the guard and the enemy, he suddenly saw something flying towards him out of the corner of his eye, and subconsciously used the magic weapon in his hand to knock that thing away.

But he didn't expect that the magic weapon in his hand suddenly appeared, and it was obvious that something had fallen on it.

The guard turned his head to look and saw a head covered with a scarf, his mouth wide open and biting his magic weapon. And the underside of the skull was empty, and there was nobody.

The sudden scene stunned the guard for a moment, and then the guard only felt a pain in his arm, and then he didn't feel it anymore.

Everyone saw that the guard's magic weapon was bitten by a head, and then the guard was stunned for a moment, and the protective qi on his body swayed a little, and then a man in black stabbed a sword at the guard. Then everyone saw that the guard suddenly attacked his companions.

"Little stove! What happened to you? Then one of the guards who was being attacked by the guard shouted, and the attacking guard stopped his movements when he heard his shout, but soon attacked more quickly.

Huangfu Qingmo watched all this quietly, but his brows furrowed slightly.

Yan Shu tried his best to resist the men in black, and at the same time anxiously thought about how to deal with these unkillable men in black.

Seeing this scene, he quickly shouted: "Don't be hurt by those people!" "

When the guards heard Yan Shu's shout, they also knew that the small stove was probably related to these black-clothed people.

"Bump!" A loud bang came from a section of the crowd.

I saw a guard holding a thunderbolt in his hand and threw it hard, and then everyone saw that the man in black who couldn't be killed was blown to pieces and couldn't stand up again.

Everyone smiled when they saw the results of the thunderbolt.

Soon the guards took out the thunderbolts they were carrying and threw them out one after another, and the man in black was reduced to pieces of dust, and he could no longer stand up.

"It's gone!" I don't know who shouted in horror.

"I don't have it either!" Another scream of terror.

Then there were shouts one after another, announcing that everyone had run out of thunderbolts.

Thunderbolt bombs are of little use to cultivators, so they don't bring much, after all, this thunderbolt can't hurt cultivators, at most it can only hurt those ordinary people, and ordinary people, they can solve it casually, and they still bring these thunderbolts that want to blow up the road.

Huangfu Qingmo frowned and watched, his spells were all single attacks, and he couldn't make the bodies of these black-clothed people explode, and the ability to control paper couldn't make those people explode.

Ye Wushuang also joined the battle, he used magic, throwing out magic with explosive effects one by one, although he could only hurt three or four.

The others saw that the magic of the night warrior had an effect, and they also put away the magic weapon one after another and began to launch those spells with explosive effects, but the lethality of such spells is relatively high, so it is considered a high-level magic decision, and these guards are not people who can contact these magic decisions, and the cultivation of those teenagers is not enough, so there are few spells with explosive effects that can be released.

"I hope you can be useful." Huangfu Qingmo looked at the ring in his hand and said softly.

Then everyone saw that Huangfu Qingmo had an extra guqin with a simple style in his hand.