
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Chapter 39 The music of Huangfu Qingyin

"So, Mo Qing knows where they came from?" Jia Ren looked at Huangfu Qingmo and asked curiously. 


"I don't know." Huangfu Qingmo responded as a matter of course. 


"..." Jia Ren was silent. 


"Jia Ren, you wait a minute, there is still a fight." Lei Mu stood behind Jia Ren and cautiously reminded them. 


"Oh, yes! How did I forget? Huangfu Qingyin, you too. Jia Ren said as he ran towards his arena. 


"Jia Ren, don't let people fight you in close quarters." Huangfu Qingmo suddenly spoke, causing Jia Ren, who was galloping, to stumble under his feet. 


"So are you." Huangfu Qingmo turned his head to look at Huangfu Qingyin and said. 


"Yes." Huangfu Qingyin heard Huangfu Qingmo's words, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. 


There was nothing special about the fight between the two, and neither of them met a soul controller. 


This made the teachers of the academy feel very puzzled because none of the other students had met the soul control person, only Huangfu Qingmo had encountered it, could it be that there was something on Huangfu Qingmo's body that the soul controller was interested in? 


The next day, the three old men in retreat finally came out, but at this time they could no longer be called old men, only to see that their original snow-white hair completely turned into a black and shiny hair color, and the original smooth face with the black face hair, how to look like a beautiful man. 


This made the students and teachers who were used to seeing the three of them look childlike for a while. 


The three old men are very satisfied with their new image, and the expressions on the faces of the three can be described as very lewd. 


"Master." Yan Shu came to the front of the three of them and called respectfully. 


"Apprentice, does the teacher look good now?" Shi Ling took Yan Shu's hand and asked. 


"The master has always been a kind master in the hearts of the apprentices." Yan Shuwen returned gently, with a spring breeze smile on his face. 

"Isn't this image bad? Forget it, it's better to change it back. After Shi Ling finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, the three of them all returned to the appearance of the crane's hair, and the expression that was originally on their faces disappeared. 


"Master?" Yan Shu looked at the three of them suspiciously. 


"It's okay, it's a joke your master made with you." Zong Miao said helplessly. 


This junior brother is still so childlike after hundreds of years, and he is also very helpless. 

Yan Shu still had a spring breeze smile on his face, and there was a doting look in his eyes. This master, who often plays like a child, sometimes makes Yan Shu feel that he is an adult, and that master is more often like a child. 


"Yan Shu, has something happened in the academy recently?" Zong Luo looked at those teachers, and there seemed to be a layer of worry on his face. 


"Master, things ..." Yan Shu told everything that had happened in the past few days, and the eyes of the three old men invariably showed solemnity when they heard it. 


"Looks like they're ready to act." Zong Meng said with a sigh. 


"Master, do you know who it is?" Yan Shu looked at Zong Meng in surprise, the most stable of the three old men. 


"It's just a guess to be a teacher, Shu'er go down first, you can practice well." Zong Meng waved his hand to let Yan Shu go down. 


"Retire in vain." Yan Shu retreated quietly. Saying to himself, the other teachers had already stepped back when Yan Shu reported what had happened these days for the three of them. 


It was night, and Huangfu Liuyun was sitting behind the table and carefully reviewing the folds. 


A fluctuation of spiritual power came from outside the door of the imperial study, and Huangfu Liuyun was still carefully reviewing the mountains of twists and turns in front of him. 


Xingyuan glanced up and looked out, lowered his head, and continued to study the ink. 


"Your Majesty, the three deans of the Royal Spiritual Academy ask to see you." A eunuch's voice came in from outside the door. 


"Xuan." Huangfu Liuyun didn't raise his head. 


"Xuan!" The sharp voice came from the imperial study, and the three of them pushed the door into the imperial study. 


"Little junior brother." Zong Luo and the three of them came in, and the door was closed, and Shi Ling called. 


"What is the matter with the three senior brothers visiting the institute late at night?" Huangfu Liuyun raised his head, put down the cinnabar pen in his hand, leaned his back on the dragon chair, and asked dangerously. 


"The people who have been charged with souls that have appeared in the academy during this period, presumably the little junior brother already knows, but is the little junior brother like these people?" Zong Miao spoke quietly. 


"Oh, do you know who did it?" Huangfu Liuyun raised his eyebrows. 

"Could it be that the junior brother has forgotten that the master once offended a person, a person who is extremely good at controlling souls?" Zong Miao said, his eyes flashing with worry. 


"Soul Jun?" The light in Huangfu Liuyun's eyes flashed, and he remembered the person who had disappeared for nearly thirty years. 


"Yes." Zong Miao nodded heavily. 


"Not dead." Huangfu Liuyun said. 

"Li Soul Jun is dead, but he has an apprentice." Zong Meng was a little helpless, they spent a lot of time searching, but they still let his apprentice escape, and now it is estimated that the apprentice has come back to avenge the master. 


"It seems that the Royal Academy should put things in order, after all, it has allowed an enemy to lurk for so long." Huangfu Liuyun said lightly, but there was a strong sense of murder in his tone. 


"This is certain, if he stays any longer, I don't know how many innocent students will be harmed." Zong Meng said, thinking of the students in the academy who had lost their lives because of the soul control, and there were sad expressions on their faces. 


"But there's something I should tell you." Zong Luo carefully chose the words. 


Huangfu Liuyun raised his eyebrows and looked at Zong Ming. 


"This soul control seems to be aimed at the junior nephew." After Zong Luo finished speaking, he looked at Huangfu Liuyun cautiously. 


After Huangfu Liuyun listened to Zong Ming's words, his eyebrows did not move, as if he had not heard. 


"The three deans can go back." Huangfu Liuyun said lightly, but there was an unquestionable order in his words, so that the three Zong Miao, who still wanted to say something, had to shut up and leave. 


"Your Majesty." After Xingyuan made sure that the three of them had left, he looked up at Huangfu Liuyun suspiciously. 


Huangfu Liuyun sat on the chair with a calm face, bowing his head to review the folds. 


That night, Huangfu Liuyun rarely did not appear in the bamboo building. 


Huangfu Qingmo lay on the bed and fell asleep quietly. 


The next morning 


The five people in this group of Huangfu Qingmo need to draw lots and then compete because it is five people, so there is one person who has to have a bye, and the lucky Huangfu Qingmo has a bye after the draw, that is, Huangfu Qingmo has no competition today, and he will only have him tomorrow. 


Jia Ren and Huangfu Qingyin drew lots, but their luck was not as good as that of Huangfu Qingmo, and both of them needed to win a battle to have tomorrow's showdown. 


Jia Ren's fight was very easy, because Jia Ren's royal object injury yesterday made everyone see it real, and his opponent admitted defeat when the referee teacher just announced the start of the fight. 


And unlike Jia Ren's ease, Huangfu Qingyin's competition is much more difficult, after all, in Huangfu Qingyin's first battle, Lei Mu directly admitted defeat, so everyone doesn't know Huangfu Qingyin's strength. 


Huangfu Qingyin took the stage with the piano and sat on the stage in a chic manner, while his opponent was a teenager like him, but the temperament of the two was opposite, one was chic and elegant, and the other was gloomy and mysterious. 


The referee teacher announced the start of the competition, Huangfu Qingyin's ten fingers moved, and a string of beautiful and moving notes flowed out, and the people in the audience listened to it with fascination, but Huangfu Qingyin's opponent frowned. 


The music is beautiful, but if the music is filled with disturbing spiritual power, it will not be beautiful, but full of murderous intentions. 


The sound of music Huangfu Qingyin can't be controlled, but the spiritual power that comes out with the music is controllable by Huangfu Qingyin so that spiritual power just bursts towards Huangfu Qingyin's opponent. 


The beautiful melody slowly changed, from soothing at the beginning to fast as thunder at the back, and Huangfu Qingyin's opponent only felt that his mind was almost lost. 


Huangfu Qingyin controls the spiritual power to make the music more infectious in the ears of the opponent but always lets the opponent go in a pinch. 


The young man on the opposite side finally felt that Huangfu Qingyin showed mercy to his subordinates, and quickly admitted defeat.