
Beautiful mistake with a billionaire: vol 2

Enemies to lovers, one couldn't possible tell how but at some point, love intervened and when they couldn't hold it back any longer, they had to pour out their hearts.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter one

Chapter 1

Abigail continued to stare at her reflection in the mirror, everything was all too confusing for her little brain to comprehend. She had dreaded this day right from the moment Xavier told her about it.

Yes it was only right that the announcement is made to avoid speculations or anything to tarnish Xavier's image but still Abigail wished that this day never had to come. 

Still lost in her thoughts, she looked down at her heels, this attire had been specially hand picked by Xavier, well that was what Vivian told her. The dress did seem like something Xavier would like, but then again, how would she know. She had only been with him for a few weeks and it wasn't like they got to talk about each other's likes and dislikes.

"knock knock "

The knock on the door had broken her from her trail of thoughts, her heart skipped a beat as she anticipated his arrival.

"Mrs Quinn, Mr Quinn is waiting for you downstairs" Came Vivian's voice.

That seem to have calmed her heartbeat, she still wasn't used to this new Vivian at all. After the small incident that happened two days ago, Xavier had been very strict and had denied Vivian to call Abigail by her name. 

Abigail thought that his decision was a little too harsh since she didn't mind Vivian calling her by her name. Now she had to get used to this new Vivian, not that it was really necessary since her stay in this mansion was numbered.

"Come in Vivian" Abigail spoke as she stared at her reflection in the mirror but when she heard the sound of the door click, she turned to see Vivian.

"is there anything I can help you with Mrs Quinnl?" Vivian asked with her head down, she didn't dare to look Mrs Quinn in the eyes for fear of the master ever finding out. 

"He's not here Vivian, you can stop with the formal attitude" Abigail said as she looked at the lady, it pained her to see Vivian acting like this around her. For the few weeks she had spent in this mansion, she had already gotten used to Vivian's long talks and inquisite attitude.

"I'm sorry Mrs Quinn but the master had asked that you be treated as you should, the lady of the mansion that is. I am no longer allowed to chit chat with you anymore " Vivian said, her voice sounding like a child complaining about her missing doll. 

Even though she was acting like this, Abigail could see that she was only trying to obey Xavier's dumb rules. 

"Alright then" Abigail said as she looked at her reflection in the mirror one last time before she head for the door. 

Vivian took a deep breath to regain back her composture before she followed Abigail outside, but while Abigail went down the stairs, she had stopped by one of the rooms to continue her cleaning.

Abigail could feel her palms sweaty, she was nervous for sure, but not because of what she was wearing or because of where they were heading. After that day Xavier took her to that room, she still haven't been able to clear her head from those thoughts. At first she didn't want to believe but it wasn't possible that someone else would own a room in Xavier's mansion. 

What surprised her more was the fact that Xavier wasn't shy to talk about it, he didn't feel ashamed or anything. He had looked her in the eyes while he explained everything to her that day, Not batting an eye he told her everything.

After that day, she had tried her best to avoid Xavier which wasn't hard since he was hardly ever at home. The man would go early to wok and sometimes come back late, most times he would just spend the night at the office. Being the CEO and all, he had a lot to take care off and Abigail couldn't be more grateful for that.

As she walked down the stairs, she spotted Xavier standing in front of the fireplace with his back facing her. Abigail knew that he had noticed her presence, this wasn't the first time she had walked in to find him standing by the fire place. 

he was dressed in a grey suit, which complimented his eyes very well, the suit had hugged his body tight but not too tight. Even from behind, he still looked handsome, having the whole domineering aura around him, one wouldn't dare to cross his paths. 

Abigail tried not to make a sound as she walked down the stairs, she didn't think she would be able to handle his closeness. Though he had promised not to touch her, she knew he would still tempt her, he had his own ways of manipulation and it had always made it hard for her.

"Ahh" Abigail yelled when she had missed her step and almost tripped but luckily she had her hands on the rails. She looked down to her feet and saw that she now had a small cut next to her toe nail, must have been the tiles. 

"Clumsy" Xavier said as he finally turned. 

Abigail had her palms over her lips to stop herself from yelling but her eyes had given away her fear. Was it the chill his voice brought or the certain danger in his eyes, she couldn't tell which it was but she could swear that what she had seen wasn't human.

"All you had to do was climb down the stairs" Xavier spoke as he walked closer to her.

Abigail had thought that he would stop at the foot of the stairs but he continued to climb until he got to where she stopped. Abigail didn't know why she didn't leave the spot, for some reason she couldn't move, still in shock.

"You are bleeding" 

Abigail heard him speak and she swore she heard anger in his tone as he continued to look at her feet but when his gaze finally shifted to her eyes, she had to clutch the rails tighter. She could tell that he was wiatjng for her to say something but she couldn't utter a word, not when his eyes were on her like that.

"It's just a cut I'll clean it up" Abigail managed to speak as she tried to take another step but Xavier had held her hands stopping her from making any movement.

"You promised not to..." Abigail tried to speak but Xavier was quick to silence her.

"What makes you think I'm going to keep that promise?" Xavier asked as he leaned closer to her, breathing the same air with her, he had his one hand wrapped around her wrist and the other reaching out to her hips.

Abigail should have known that he wasn't a man of his words what was she expecting from this arrogant billionaire. 

"You said you would make me beg remember, or are you now scared of being defeated?" Abigail spoke trying not to give in even though her knees were already weak, his closeness was always something that she couldn't bear. 

"I could still make you beg... Abigail" He whispered her name so close to her ears that his lips brushed against them. 

 Abigail took in a sharp breath as she continued to try and free herself from his hold, she didn't even want to begin to imagine what he meant by those words. Perhaps he might take her to his secret room and have his way with her, just the thought of it had caused red paint on her cheeks. 

"Excuse me master" 

Abigail was shocked to hear that voice but at the same time relieved, Alfred had come in right on time. 

"Master La.."

"Tell him to wait Alfred" Xavier answered without letting Alfred complete his sentence, he still had his eyes fixed on Abigail but he let go of her hand. 

"Of course master" Alfred replied quickly before rushing out, he could tell that his presence wasn't welcomed.

"Who is it?" Abigail asked, she had realized the fact that her hands were no longer with Xavier and she was free to move if she wanted to but she felt trapped with his eyes.

"Jeffery" Xavier answered before turning away to leave but he stopped when he realized something. He retreated his steps back and without wasting anymore time, he lifted Abigail up princess style as he walked down the stairs.

'Complain?' yeah that was the thought that crossed her mind but at this point, she didn't want anymore trouble. it was just a small cut and she could walk on her own, debating this with Xavier would be pointless and so she would just let him carry her. 

"And here I was thinking I was going to be late, seems like you two lovebirds are enjoying yourself too much" Jeffery commented as he walked in with a huge smile on his lips as he winked at Abigail, not minding the cold look on Xavier's face, he still walked up to them.