
Beautiful Lie of Love

Game of love, Hunt or get hunted.

navupathania · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


A troop of men heavily cladded in metal from head to toe marched toward the imperial palace. The marching was heard throughout the whole imperial capital. Red flags designed with white lions were shoved on the capital's main road. The celebration was big. 

The king and the 2 princes are coming after 5 years. The town bustled with the crowd. Flowers, food, decorative pieces, and Rugs were on display. Perfect spot to get your pocket picked without you knowing.

The troop marched on the main road with their horses, telling people of their victory. Families who were waiting for their son/father/brother have tears in their eyes. Teary eyes smiled when they finally looked at their beloved safe and fine. 

Everyone waited for the king with princes. From far away a man covered in a red embroidered cape marched with the flag on the back of Friesian Stallion. No one recognized the unfamiliar face. 

Horse pace was halted when the man reached the market of the capital. From behind three men came forward on the Arabian horses. These faces were familiar.

"Long live the king, long live the princes!!" the crowd suddenly uproared. But the pace of those men didn't halt. They pass through the crowd. The man who was waiting on the sideline followed them.

The whole palace was bustling with workers. Audience room was decorated with new rugs, curtains, and vases. The walls and furniture were garnished beautifully. 

Rohana was dressed in a royal blue gown embedded with small pearls on the tail. She stood on the big black-crowned gate supported by two white pillars. White lion was engraved on the top of the pillar. 

Gentle wind blew that gently touched the tip of her hair, silently concealing the pounding heart of this little girl. Her lips parted when she saw a silhouette of three men.

From such a distance golden hair came first in her view, it took her no time to know that it was the three infamous men of the kingdom. 

When the horses halted their pace, one by one those men let their feet touch the ground. Taking this as a signal Rohana bowed her head and took hold of her dress's hemp. With a slight bend of her knees, her voice resounded in the atmosphere.

"Rohana Laylin Solmia congratulates His Majesty the King and His Highnesses the Princes on their safe return. May the glory of God be upon you." Her eyes fluttered as she stood straight.

Wind blew passed from her ears and she was suddenly in a bone-crushing hug.

"My little sister." A sob from the man's voice was caught by Rohana's ears.

"Your Highness." She mumbled with a tint of redness on her face. The hug was tightened more. But Rohana reciprocated with a light one.

Jarvis eyed the man displeasingly. 

Aiden let her go and observed her features like memorizing a piece of art. 

Without a warning, she was suddenly in the air. A squeak escaped her tongue. A loud laugh was heard by everyone.

"My sister!! You have grown up." Her cheeks were crushed with a hard cheek. Elias pouted against her cheek.

Jarvis looked more displeased. He wanted to say something but was restrained looking at the harmonious expression on Rohana's place. If her majesty is feeling good, he had no right to say anything. 

Suddenly Rohana was snatched from Elias's arms. He looked at the big man who was clutching his sister in his bear grip. The man is also his father.

Soft kiss was planted on her cheeks. She looked at the man with happiness-filled eyes.

"My daughter. How have you been?? I'm sorry I was not there for you. But I promise, from now on I'm not going to leave you alone." He kissed her forehead, which made Rohana flustered. He threw her body up in the air, which earned a squeak from her side. But she was caught in big arms before she could land on the ground. Her eyes fluttered open and saw the king smiling at her.

He again throws her up, this time she giggled. Jarvis's heart was in his mouth. He glanced at the family and eyed the feet of Rohana. Archer was about to throw her up again when he shouted.

"Your Majesty, be careful!! Her majesty had an injury on her left foot!!" he shouted with all his might, disregarding the title difference between them. 

A straight line was passed through his face when the words fell on his ears. Elias quickly but carefully held her foot in his hands. The ankle did have some swelling and redness. 

"What is this??" Aiden shouted, except Jarvis every worker and knight flinched. They kneeled immediately.

"Her Majesty was practicing her sword last night, but she fell when she swung her sword for the 168th time of the day," Jarvis explained calmly. 

Archer immediately took her inside the audience room which was closest to the gate. He stepped directly toward the red throne which was seated arrogantly on the far end of the room. Sparing no time Archer put her body on the throne and kneeled.

His ruby eyes scanned her foot closely. His face was so close that she can feel his breath falling on her foot.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to…" she finally found her voice to protest. But her words only fell on deaf ears.

"Do you feel any pain??" he asked softly.

She was about to say something else but restrained herself and said 'yes' meekly.

"Your Majesty, the high priest is here today, why don't we show Her Majesty's injury to him??" Jarvis proposed.

"Yeah, let's do that. Summon him here at once." Archer prompted while carefully examining the injury on his daughter's foot. 

A man covered in a white cape heavily embroidered with golden thread, came forward. His black orbs scanned the whole room silently. He strides toward the direction where everyone was crowded.

Aiden noticed him and immediately went toward him. With sparing no effort, the man was dragged by Aiden through his perfectly embroidered cuff. 

"Lorenzo, there you are. Come and see my sister, her foot is sprained." 

A small smile appeared on his heart-shaped lips, showing his dimple.

"Your Majesty, you should call a physician for these things, I'm just a mere priest. I'm afraid I can't handle Her Majesty's injury." He eyed the crowded area and a pinch of irritation appeared in his clear eyes.

"You are not just a high priest, but you also have a healing element in you," Archer stated without looking at him.

"Your Majesty, you know, I can't touch any girl, I vowed." He bowed his head slightly.

"I know, but you don't have to specifically touch her. Your element is much stronger than anyone else." Elias said.

The man's eyebrow twitched. It's not like he can't touch any woman, he just doesn't want to. His elements have given him the ability to sense the nature of the person by contacting them physically. During these all years, he had known so many personalities, he just didn't want to experience it more. Especially women.

How many households have tried to bind their daughter to him?? He lost the count. It's not like he doesn't want to touch this small girl… it's just he didn't want to disappoint himself. 

He already regarded this small girl as the princess of the kingdom, he respects her with all his might. If he knows her true nature which can't satisfy his demands, he can't see her with respect. And he didn't want this to happen.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, but I can't." he denied firmly.

"High priest, you know what are you saying right??" Archer who had been examining the injury glanced at Lorenzo.

"I aware of that, your Majesty." He didn't budge.

"You can lose your position by this… even your life." Archer's gentle voice suddenly turned cold. The glare which can turn any soul into ashes didn't budge the young man in front of him.

"If that's what Your Majesty wants." He bowed his head together with his spine. His long diamond black fell on his chest when he bowed, which shows that he is a follower of the queen of the night.

Noting the tension between these men Rohana stood up. 

"Your Majesty, there is no need. This injury will heal itself in 3 days. It's nothing to worry about."

Archer's heart clenched when she titled him 'Your Majesty' 3rd time.

Lorenzo who was ignoring the small kid on purpose finally glanced at her. And what he saw he couldn't define in words. 

Woman descended from heaven,

Beloved devotee of the supreme god,

Words can't define her beauty.

Holding all the glory of water in her eyes,

Her hair shows the calmness of the night.

Beloved of the monarch,

Her hands' clench rule.

Beloved daughter of terrestrial,

Her feet hold prosperity.

Life and death don't affect her,

She was holding them around her neck.

She fears nothing,

But she holds the cycle of weather in her tears.

Her one glance is enough to hold life,

Her fingers manipulate midair.

In one snap she can create life,

She is the mother of nature

She is the sovereign of light.

The description he read about the Sovereign of nature, was written by an unknown who believed to saw the Sovereign with his/her own eyes.

No person matched the description as she did. Lorenzo who was just a humble servant of 'the queen of the night' immediately kneeled. His tears flowed uncountably without him knowing. 

Everyone was stunned. They never saw 'the almighty high priest' vulnerable, let alone kneeling.

Rohana was surprised, she never saw someone kneeling against her. Her hands subconsciously touched Lorenzo's trembling shoulder. 

"Don't cry." The calmness spread through his veins. He closed his eyes and let his tears flow. He didn't care whether people are looking at him.

"Are you really… 'her'??" he whispered.