
Beautiful Lie of Love

Game of love, Hunt or get hunted.

Janvi_Pathania_4120 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Kira kingdom, the kingdom of coldness. Known for only male royalty for over 300 years. No female has survived more than a day in the family.

A curse was cast on the kingdom when it experienced the 12th ruler to rule as the soul. King Karl Solmia, the 12th ruler of the Kira kingdom, was nothing but a waste. He enjoyed his luxurious life which resulted in his countless unforgivable sins. He was in love with a woman whose name representation was similar to the kingdom name- Kiara. A common maiden. Never in her wildest dream, she had thought the 'trash king' would lay his eyes on her. But Alas! She was already in love with another man.

She tried to make the king understand, but being trash, he disregarded her wish and even killed her lover and confined her in the palace. She mourns every day for her lover's death and always hopes that one day she will be free from this cage.

But the universe was against her wish, she did get freedom but in the worst scenarios possible. One day the king was drunk and barged into her room where she was tied with metal chains. 

Her body protested; her soul was already dead. She tried to put up a fight but against a heavy bulky man, she felt nothing. On that night, she was raped brutally. The night, when the fate of the kingdom changed. 

With grieved soul, she said her last words before shutting her eyes forever.

"You insulted a woman's dignity. No woman will enter this place or family. Heavens will punish you, for the sin you committed. No child will bear in Solmia's bloodline, no female can survive in this family. I hope heavens grant this dying soul a wish."

Seeing her condition, the gods took pity on her and granted her last wish. 

Slowly like a slow poison, every female died unjustly. Seeing this horrifying condition, Karl's son, the next king, asked for forgiveness from the gods and ancestors. Seeing his sincerity, the gods granted his wish of having heirs. 'August family' was given the responsibility of providing them an heir, with not much contact. Once the female gives birth they must immediately return to the family. 

The loop was breached by a girl- Everly August, who fell in love with the current king, King Archer Laylin Solmia. 

Everly and Archer had 2 princes and were expecting another one. She is currently 7 months pregnant.

"Are you sure, this child is a girl??" Archer who was caressing the belly of his wife asked gently. She chuckled.

"Yes, my king. She is a girl. I can feel her energy." A smile appeared on her small rosy lips but her crystal eyes slightly dulled.

"Your majesty, promise me. In any circumstances, you will protect this child. Our child." Her long hands squeeze Archer's rough one.

Archer stiffed in his position.

He locked his red orbs into her crystal one.

"What do you mean??" although he knows the meaning of her words, still wants to confirm the meaning-

"I may not be present after her birth." Her small voice made its way to Archer's ears.

He didn't dare to look at her eyes. Everly stroked his Golden Blonde hair.

"Promise me you will never let her feel my absence."

For a moment he doesn't know what to say, to assure her or try to save her?? the girl he loves made him speechless. Everly patiently waited for his answer, perfectly knowing his condition.

"I promise you." He whispered but she heard. With a smile, she pulled him into her embrace.

The world was settled in 5 main kingdoms. Named- Kira Kingdom, Suhi Kingdom, Brine Kingdom, Earl Kingdom, and lastly Pero Kingdom. Equally peered. 

Every person in the world is gifted with some abilities. Some people are gifted in swords, some in archery, some in philosophy, and some in magic.

To balance nature where tremendous power is flowing, the gods decided to make rulers accordingly to control the course of nature. 

The powers are tremendous and categorized into Air, Water, Earth, Space, and Time elements. A person was assigned to control these elements. And the ruler who will control these elements will be called 'The Sovereign of Nature'.

The Sovereign of Nature has the power to control the course of nature.

2 months passed in a blink. The one and only princess of Kira's kingdom arrived in the arms of King Archer Solmia. But the queen was no more as everyone anticipated. August's family came and collected her body as per ritual. No one said anything. The 2 princes saw their mother's body go away. For the last time, they hugged her with tears in their eyes. 

Soon after the 2 prince- Elias Laylin Solmia and Aiden Laylin Solmia, saw their little sister, who had the same crystal eyes as their mother. Her black hair stood odd but complimented her diamond eyes. 

"Rohana Laylin Solmia, the only princess of the Kira kingdom," Archer announced in the hallway where all the workers and butlers were present. 

Simultaneously they all bowed.

"Long live the princess."

Elias and Aiden kissed her palms one by one.

"Elias and Aiden, now as a brother, you guys are responsible for her safety and smile. And as a father, I Archer Solmia will take care of her till my last breath." With a firm voice, he commanded.

"Yes, Father!" they both bowed.

But before they could spend any time together, a rebellion broke out in the kingdom. The King and Princes have to put a stop to the violence which was breaking in every part of the kingdom. They had to shoulder the responsibility and had to leave their precious princess in the most trusted butler of the royal family aka- Jarvis.

Everyone in the castle in the absence of the king treated the princess like a glass doll.