
Chapter 2

Episode 3-4

3. fake dead and ran away

so mother said Rin mi her mother have a twin but she said she told everybody she was alive Rin mi said Mom says she has to go to the village twin east City live in she said her twin sister tell her have to go to the cave Rin mi it okay.

after they plan what they going to do they have to really do what Rin mi had to do see you later they had to leave that place they got treated really bad there it's time to go so the get out the place.

1 year later

all four of them took the pill the next no they fake died 4 them and up in a coffin everybody blamed on they got sick are poisoned they didn't know what happened had they got buried it was up.

they woke up to another village finally they got some air so they took the horses curve their self up nobody could not know.

who they are so they ride right all the way to the cave her ivory twin sister told her when they got there they have new names they had to dye their hair.

and go to the city they supposed to go she took her twin sister's place cuz our twin sister was really dead.

she took her Ivory twin sister's name is Lily shi

Rin mi in new name Air shi

Ten Su in new name Ran shi

Pin Su in new name min shi

She took her sister talisman

The show her twin sister's husband Ben shi  is her

She told her kids that her sister and her kids was missing for a year.

ivory says she' found her twin and the 3 kids so she keep the secret hidden they could take over their place air said I didn't know new Lily said it's okay I'm doing what my twin sister wished for let's go to our new home.

Air dyed her hair blue she told her mom how she going to explain to the new father she is blind.

She has a way They found messy clothes of her sisters and the kids so they went to the east city to go find the twin Lily husband  they found out.

he was a East emperor from a different east city today was shocked so they showed the guard that talisman then took them to the east emperor Palace.

4. They meet the East emperor

The new Lily was telling him they don't remember who they are they found their self summer outside of a cave that don't even know where they from the emperor said to her Lily you are my wife you're the empress but Ivory was shocked she didn't know her twin sister was the empress.

the emperor said to Air you are a princess air Rin was shocked and East emperor said to Ran you are the second Prince the crown Prince Ten was shocked too did and

he tell his min you are a princess too pin was shocked off of them looked at each other did not know what they came into.

The maid took them in own room East emperor went into his wife room he started telling her what happened to her she cried and say sorry I did not remember he said it's going to be okay You will member soon even the kids it will take time.

The new Lily said okay he told her news about her other twin sister ivory that means her died.

she says she didn't know what happened he said they were sick she said oh so she fake crying let him know that she miss her sister taking herself.

He was holding her and he was making sure she had the birthmark on her he making sure it's the birthmark they have on their backs.

the new emperors Lily said emperor  men making sure you have the birthmark said to her new empress Lily said okay she was a leaf about that cuz she knew her sister had a birthmark just like her she was very lucky her heart was racing but she calmed down and take a deep breath and out.

She went to the yard to see ivory beautiful garden flowers.