
Beautiful Fallen: The Contract

**Prequel to Beautiful Fallen** Faith Evans is a battered wife who has lost nearly all hope. Lying in a hospital bed with no one believing that her husband is abusive and going to kill her, she prays for something, anything, that will get rid of him and allow her to be free. The answer to her prayers come in the form of a Fallen Angel named Jade, who offers to enter into a contract with her that will both set her free from her husband's abuse and give her the deepest desires of her heart. The only price: her soul. But what Faith doesn't realize is that she is about to be a pawn in a twisted game between two Fallen Angels, one of which will alter fates for her and others for years to come...

Misachan_1002 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


The first sounds I became aware of were steady beeping, much like monitors one would hear in a hospital. My eyes were heavy as I tried to open them, my vision unclear when I did. I blinked a few times to bring things into focus, and the first thing I could make out was a darkened white ceiling.

Where am I? I wondered.

I turned my head as I felt someone hold my hand and saw that it was Cass sitting in a chair beside me. That was when it began to dawn on me that I was lying in a bed, and the beeping sounds I was hearing were from the hospital equipment around me.

"Hey, Mari. Are you awake?" Cass asked gently.

"I think so." I managed. My mouth felt incredibly dry, making it a little hard to speak, "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital. We brought you here after I got you out of the station." Cass explained. He quietly got up and fixed a cup of water for me.

That was right. I had been at the old Central station. Saffron had taken me there, and he and Jade had ended up fighting, and Leo's spirit had been inside of my aunt.

Aunt Farah...

"Is she dead?" I heard myself whisper.

Cass had just handed me my water, and I saw him tense up as he heard my question. His eyes told me that he didn't want to answer that question, but he was honest with me.

"Yes. Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done. But I can promise you that she's at peace now."

"What happened out there? All I remember is that fire." I continued.

"That's all that was truly left." Cass admitted softly, "Jade and Saffron are gone. Lucifer took them back with him because he was tired of their missed presence, and he also did what no one else was willing to do. He destroyed the contract."

That was when it dawned on me that I couldn't see out of my left eye. I touched the area and felt a large bandage over it. It didn't hurt at all, only feeling numb.

"My eye's gone?" I guessed. I was in too much shock to be upset.

"Your physical eye is still there. He only burned deep enough to destroy the contract written into it. It was a bit of unexpected mercy towards you on one of his many odd whims." Cass explained. He bowed his head, resting his forehead against my hand, "I'm sorry. I've been far too weak in all of this, and you have suffered for it."

"What do you mean?" I asked. It felt strange that this angel was apologizing to me now.

"I should have destroyed that contract myself back when all of this started. That would've ended it, and she would still be alive. It seems I've never been much of a guardian angel to you." Cass answered.

I squeezed his hand, "But you've been there, and you saved me from Leo's spirit. You also helped Noah and Raziel, didn't you?" I reasoned, trying to sound as gentle as I could. It was the least I could do for this brave angel who had just helped to save my life.

"Yes. They're safe with their family now. Noah had wanted to stay longer today, but I told him that he should rest and let himself completely recover now. Raziel has already recovered, and he sends his best wishes, although he apologizes as well for not being able to visit. It's just not in him at this time." Cass confirmed.

I understood where Raziel was coming from. Me being free meant that he could finally let go of what had happened with Faith Kent. He probably needed time to process that.

"I get it. There was a lot in this that was hard for Raziel too." I agreed, "So, Noah's been here too?"

"He has, although he nor Raziel needed to be hospitalized. Nephilim really don't need that most of the time, as their injuries tend to quickly heal on their own." Cass explained.

We both heard footsteps coming into the room as he said that. It was Noah. He looked relieved when he saw that I was awake and alert.

"Looks like I'm just in time." he commented as he sat with us.

Cass chuckled at the irony of this, "Well, I suppose that one can appear when they're spoken of." he joked.

"I guess, but I had the feeling that she might be awake now, so I decided to drop by again." Noah responded. He turned his attention to me, "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better, but at least it doesn't hurt that much." I answered.

A relieved smile crossed Noah's face, "That's good. At least that much worked out for you." he lamented.

"True. There were a lot of ways that things could've turned out much worse than they did." Cass agreed.

"No kidding." Noah nodded. He rested his cheek against his hand, "So this is how things ended. Those two are gone and the contract was destroyed. Who would've thought that the King of Hell would be the one to do it?"

"It's not that surprising when you consider everything. He never likes such things to carry on as long as this did, especially with some of the trouble it brought. I'm sure that he was ready for Jade and Saffron to be returned to him too, considering that they were always some of his favorite underlings. Honestly, I don't think that Lucifer was ever one for much patience. I still can't believe he waited this long to finish things." Cass admitted.

Reality was setting in for me as he talked about this, "So what happens now? My aunt was the only family that I had, and they must be looking into her death. I'm only sixteen too, so they might put me in the system."

"There's no need for you to worry about all of that. I've made sure that it's all taken care of, so please focus on letting yourself heal now." Cass assured me.

I watched as he stood up. I'd begun to notice now that he seemed to be in pain, although he was attempting to hide it. Saying that he wanted to speak to my nurse, he stepped out of the room.

Noah was watching him as he left too, "I gotta admit that he's really tough, but maybe he was expecting all of this too." he said, keeping his voice down.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's been blaming himself for everything that happened out there. I think Saffron and Jade really got one over on him with some of that. But I don't think that even Malakai was expecting Jade to call upon the Darkest One. If he'd known that was gonna happen, then he probably wouldn't have allowed me and my dad to go there ourselves." Noah admitted.

"I get all of that, and I do owe Cass a lot. He saved my life in there. Leo would've killed me if he hadn't shown up." I told him.

"That's true, but he didn't get out of things without making sacrifices either."

"He didn't?"

Noah let out a sigh, leaning a bit closer to me so that he could speak without being heard by anyone else that might've been around.

"Cass apparently broke a lot of rules when it came to you, especially this time around; and when Lucifer tried to burn you and he shielded you, it ended up burning off a good portion of his wings. It's going to be a long time before they heal because shortly afterwards, he was told that he couldn't return to the Heavens. He's not really considered a cast out, but I guess that they figure making him stay here would serve some purpose. Don't know what though." he explained.

So that was why Cass was in pain when he stood up. His wings had been burned off. My heart ached for him both for that pain he was feeling and the situation he was now in. He truly had given up everything to save me.

"You know, I wouldn't worry too much about all of that." Noah suddenly added.


"Trust me, I'm good at telling when someone is bothered by something, and I seriously don't think that Cass is caring too much about having to stay now, or that he's lost a good deal of his wings. I think he's a lot happier about being able to be here with you. In a way, he's getting what he wanted all along. I don't really understand why they aren't technically calling him a Fallen Angel, although it might be because he's not going to Hell like most of the others. I think I've heard something about certain ones staying among the mortals. It all depends on why they fell. Maybe some want to remain here." Noah went on.

I think I knew in my heart that he was right. Cass hadn't given up on me, even after over eighty years of chasing my shadow, just as Jade had done, and now I could recall that as Faith, I had dreamed of him off and on until the time that I died. There was definitely something more to Cass and his devotion then just as a guardian angel.

Cass finally came back into the room, "Hey Noah, I just got a call from your mom. She's been looking for you." he told him.

Noah didn't look surprised as he stood up, "It doesn't surprise me. Every time something happens, she stays in a panic like this for at least three weeks."

"It's all out of love. You are her and Raziel's only child." Cass reminded him.

"Yeah, I know." Noah lamented. He glanced at me, "I'll see you tomorrow. Just try to get some rest now."

"Sure. I'll see you later Noah, and please tell your dad that I said hi and I hope he's doing okay." I agreed.

"Can do." Noah agreed. He patted my shoulder and headed out.

Cass shook his head as he watched him leave, "I swear, I do not think that I'll ever see another creature as interesting as Nephilim. Malakai's little family certainly is something from what I've seen." he stated as he sat on the bed beside me.

"It seems like it." I debated in my head on how to approach what I wanted to say to him. Obviously, Cass hadn't been ready to tell me about everything when I woke up, but I needed to talk to him about it, "Cass, is what Noah said true?"

"Hmm? I'm not sure of what you're referring to." Cass replied.

It was funny, but Cass really didn't strike me as the fighting type when we spoke like this. In fact, he almost reminded me of Malakai; good natured and kind. Of course, one learns fairly quickly in all I'd been through that looks are often deceiving. For as soft and innocent as Malakai and Cass seemed to be, they were definitely tough on the inside.

I decided to be honest, "Noah said that they're making you stay, and that he burned your wings."

I couldn't make myself say Lucifer's name out loud. I didn't think that I ever would be able to. A part of me was still in shock at seeing the real thing. He certainly wasn't like all of the hype had suggested. He was much scarier.

Cass conceded in telling me the truth, "Yes. It is all true. But I'm not worried about it."

"But why? You can't go home now, and you're badly hurt!" I protested.

I tried to keep my voice down, even though I was pretty upset. It was still visiting hours in the hospital, and I knew that someone might pass by and hear us.

Cass took all of this in stride, "I never said that I had any intention of going back there when I took this body and came to the mortal world, and I can survive with my wings like this. They do hurt for now, but they will heal in time and grow back to be hidden."

"You... didn't want to go back?"

"Not at all." Cass assured me. He moved a little closer, "Trust me, I know what I am doing, and I have wanted to do this for a very long time. I am no good at being a guardian, and I am well aware of that. My feelings get in the way far too much, and I have never been prepared to relinquish the one that I care so deeply for to the darkness that had been determined to follow her. I have no issue with remaining because it allows me to stay by your side. I can now take care of you, and make sure that you don't have to experience anymore fear of the darkness."

"You were jealous too, weren't you? That's why you appeared in my dreams again after I met Jade and Saffron, and you were trying to fight all this time to free me from them." I guessed.

A lot of things were making sense now. Watching over me had never just been a sense of duty to Cass. He truly loved me, and had for a very long time. That made me happy too. Having an angel like him was definitely going to be much better than dealing with the ones like Saffron and Jade.

Cass chuckled softly, "Perhaps, and perhaps in the end, I am no better than either of them. But I am content with what I have given up. I believe that we all have those we need in our existence, and you are the ones for me. So don't worry anymore. I will be here with you always." he promised.

I smiled as he kissed me, feeling content with this resolution to everything. The curse on my soul from that contract was finally broken, and I had someone who truly loved me and would always protect me.

It was all over, and I was finally free.