
Beautiful Fallen: The Contract

**Prequel to Beautiful Fallen** Faith Evans is a battered wife who has lost nearly all hope. Lying in a hospital bed with no one believing that her husband is abusive and going to kill her, she prays for something, anything, that will get rid of him and allow her to be free. The answer to her prayers come in the form of a Fallen Angel named Jade, who offers to enter into a contract with her that will both set her free from her husband's abuse and give her the deepest desires of her heart. The only price: her soul. But what Faith doesn't realize is that she is about to be a pawn in a twisted game between two Fallen Angels, one of which will alter fates for her and others for years to come...

Misachan_1002 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


I sat in the car and watched out of the window as the daylight slowly began peeking through the thick clouds covering the sky. Aunt Farah was driving, her eyes unblinking as she stared at the road ahead. I thought about saying something to break this unbearable silence; but couldn't bring myself to do it. I doubted that it would be my aunt talking back to me.

We'd been driving for nearly three hours, and I had no idea of where we were going. Within hours of Saffron announcing that we were leaving the house, Aunt Farah pulled me outside and shoved me into the car, saying that it was time to go. I was very nervous as she got into the driver's seat and pulled away from that house. I knew that it wasn't her in control. Leo Evans was still there.

But I wasn't feeling that afraid now. Not knowing that Saffron was still keeping him in check.

Saffron was with us, although not in plain sight. I had to admit that he'd been very smart about all of this. He'd known that it was possible for us to be followed, so he'd decided to remain under the radar for now, and to do that, he'd needed to use me.

Morphing himself into a shadow, he'd weaseled his way into my body to take refuge before we got out of Ithaca. In all honesty, the entire thing felt like an invasion. I could still feel him sitting in there too. He was quiet, yet I was sure that he speaking to Leo's spirit. It felt like he was giving him instructions.

I didn't like that part either. I couldn't tell what he was saying, and I was worried about what was going to happen to me.

"I have to admit that I was surprised." Aunt Farah suddenly spoke.


This caught me off guard. She hadn't spoken at all since we'd started this trip.

"I never would've thought that I'd see you this young again, even if you really don't look the same." Aunt Farah continued.

A feeling of disgust washed over me. This was still Leo. I'd had a tiny bit of hope that he'd let my aunt go for at least a little bit, but no such luck.

Just great.

I didn't really want to talk to him, but I sucked it up. The constant silence was getting to me.

"I'm not her anymore. I haven't been her for over eighty years, and she was killed too." I reminded him.

"Trust me, I'm well aware of that. Looks like there is such a thing as divine justice after all. Besides, you deserved it for that dirty tactic that you used on me." Leo responded, now using his voice instead of my aunt's. It was just as I recalled it from Faith's memories; smooth and cold.

I looked out of the window again, "That could be said for you too. You were pretty determined to get rid of me. Besides, I'm sure that you're happy now that my soul is still suffering."

"I would be if I could escape Hell more. Being a demon's punching bag isn't exactly my thing." Leo replied.

I had the distinct feeling that Saffron chuckled at that one, but I ignored it.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now? Or is Saffron still not letting you?" I asked.

"You ain't figured it out yet?" Leo responded, sounding annoyed.

"If I did then I wouldn't be asking, would I?" I snapped.

Leo let out a frustrated sigh, "You've always been a bit slow on the uptake. No wonder they tricked you so many times. Don't think that I don't know about all of your little trysts with them or the ones that you had with him and that boy in your last past life."

"It's the past, and that's it. We're not talking about it anymore." I argued.

I was hoping Saffron would back me on that one. It was stressful enough having to deal with Leo again.

"Enough Leo. Tell her where we are heading." Saffron interrupted.

Leo immediately followed the order he'd been given, "Fine. We're going back to where all of this began. The old Central Station."

My whole body immediately tensed up. The old Central Station. I could see the sign very clearly in my mind. That was where Faith had gone when she'd died the first time.

But I also recalled that the station had been closed for almost twenty years. It now stood as a very large abandoned building and site on the outskirts of Manhattan.

"Why are we going back there?" I managed to ask Saffron.

"As I said before, the past and the future often collide. What better place to end everything then to return to where it all truly began?" Saffron answered.

I could now see the signs for the city looming ahead. I shrunk back a little in my seat, feeling like my doomsday was approaching. I wanted help, but Saffron was able to keep me from calling for it. It felt like he was holding my insides in a vice grip, and it hurt if I dared to push against him.

I spent the next hour terrified. A thousand scenarios were running through my head. But as we pulled up to that old building, I kept having flashbacks. Yes. This was where I had first died as Faith Evans.

I could recall all of the emotions that ran through me during that time. She'd known that it was probably going to be her end, though I doubted that she ever could've understood the hellish cycle awaiting her.

The station was dark inside from the cloudy morning. I was taking in my surroundings as I followed Aunt Farah inside. Most of the place was falling apart, but you could still tell what things once were.

I continued forward as if pulled by the memories, and stopped a few feet from the train tracks. A feeling of terror swept through me as I saw them. It was like I had become Faith again, and was reliving that awful morning. The bright sunlight was pouring in, and I was standing there in the grips of a bitter cold. A train was roaring down the tracks, and I was suddenly being thrown in front of it...

I screamed and the vision disappeared. It was only a vision of the past, I reminded myself. I was still okay.

Saffron came out of me, rising up as a shadow in front of me before taking his form, "Such a vivid memory, isn't it?" he commented.

I managed to take a step back, although I was still shaking hard. It had felt so real. Even though it had happened so long ago, it had felt so real.

Aunt Farah was chuckling. I had no doubt that Leo was finding it amusing to watch me squirm.

"It's not funny. It was terrifying." I argued.

"As death often is." Saffron reminded me, "You see Dove, what most humans fail to realize is that in the end, every one of them fears it. Humans don't understand the hereafter or the spiritual realms that exist right underneath of their noses. Only the few like yourself ever get an inkling of it before it actually happens to them."

I closed my eyes as visions of the past flashed through mind. There were so many of them, all of those past lives. Their suffering and deaths replayed in vivid detail, and I swore I felt all of it like it was happening to me now.

"Make it stop!" I screamed as I knelt down and held my head.

Saffron laid a hand on top of my head and the visions finally stopped. I gasped for breath as I came back to reality.

"Now you understand everything. As you see, even the truth can be a torture test at times. It's what makes the soul stronger." he said. He knelt in front of me and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small dagger with a jeweled handle, "Now, a question for you my dear. After seeing what destiny awaits you, would you see yourself as capable of using this?" he continued.

I stared at it for a moment before responding, "Using it for what?"

"To break this cycle. If you can use this and destroy your eye, then we will have to leave you. The big question would be whether or not you are capable of doing so. I'm sure that you realize by now that there are none around you that would be willing to maim you, even to save you. That is why that Seraphim would not tell the others at first. Even he could not do it, and neither will Cass. The only person who can save you now is you." Saffron informed me.

"She won't. She's always been a coward. That definitely won't change now." Leo stated.

I looked at the dagger that had been placed in my hands, feeling sick to my stomach. This was my way out. If I just plunged it into my eye, it would all be over.

But I knew that Leo was right. I was too scared. There was no way that I could make myself do it, no matter how much I wanted all of this to end and to save my own life.

Saffron smiled, "This doesn't have to be all bad. In fact, I can make it much better for you. But it would require you to make a sacrifice. Still, I'd ask for you to try to hear me out." he requested.

"What kind of sacrifice?" I dared ask.

I was feeling desperate. I needed a way out, and since I couldn't take that one, I was willing to hear about anything that might be somewhat easier.

"That's my girl. You see that I'm not that bad in the end. After all, I was telling the truth when I told you about why this began. I'm sick of Jade having everything and leaving me in the dust. The only thing that I couldn't do then was write him out. So now, you will do that for me." Saffron continued.

"How?" I whispered.

"Request a change of the contract. Enter yourself into a new one with me. If you do this, I promise to make your life much better than he ever did, and you won't have to die until it's your time. You can remain with me for the rest of eternity, and I'll take care of you just as I did in your last life." Saffron explained.

My eyes widened as he made these promises. They were words that I knew I'd heard before. He'd said them to Faith Kent. Before she had gotten pregnant, Saffron had tried to convince her to change the contract too. He'd told her that it would stop Jade from killing her, and that she could stay with him forever.

However, Faith hesitated because of her relationship with Raziel, and after she found out that she was pregnant, she'd refused the offer all together. Saffron had definitely not been happy when she did, and now, it seemed like he was trying it again.

Leo shifted a little and crossed his arms, "You certainly are cunning monsters. But why take a worthless soul and fight like this over it? It's become stupidity." he commented.

"Perhaps it is to a soul who does not see how worthless he is in reality. But you've proven very useful to me as of now, and you will continue to prove how useful you are within the next few minutes. We're about to have company." Saffron stated, standing up and looking towards the nearby entrance.

I followed his gaze, and realized that I heard footsteps. Through the shadows, I saw a person coming.

"Noah?" I whispered.

"Well, well. If it isn't the same one as before. He followed after all." Leo huffed.

"I knew I smelled a rat. I wouldn't peg a demon to give up that easily, or let himself be chased that far from his prey." Noah responded as he stopped a few feet from us.

"I have to say, I was right. You are pretty good, even for a half breed. It's nice to finally stand here face to face with you, Noah Renaldi, though it is surprising that you'd choose to come alone. I was certain that your father would want a piece of this as well." Saffron pointed out.

"I have my own tricks when it comes to getting past the others, although I can't say for sure that he's not gonna follow. Besides, I didn't like just waiting around, so I followed when you left Ithaca. I figured that you might have been coming here. You've got your own pattern from what I've seen." Noah responded.

Saffron just smiled at him, "Yes, you're right. But you know that you've just put yourself in your own grave coming here. I won't handle you myself though. I'd rather leave that to this one. After all, he's got a terrible itch for violence that I haven't let him scratch in over eighty years." he said as he glanced at Leo.

"Don't!" I yelled.

My yell was in vain. Leo seemed more than ready to take out whomever was given to him. But Noah wasn't intimidated. He stood his ground and brought his wings out.

Leo picked up a heavy lead pipe and went after him with it. Even though he swung the pipe incredibly fast, Noah easily dodged it and grabbed the end, holding it up over him.

"As you can see, I'm not one for games either, especially not for a dead man who got what he deserved. Now get out of this woman's body!" he ordered, throwing the pipe back.

Okay, I thought. He's a lot stronger then he looks.

Maybe that was because he was a Nephilim. I was sure that made a world of difference for them in a lot of ways.

Saffron was watching this fight with only mild interest. I wondered what he was up to. He couldn't have just been counting on Leo to get rid of Noah. He was way too good of a planner to rely on only one method of attack here.

Leo scoffed at Noah's command, "You really think that you can drive me out? It's not in your power, and I'll kill this woman before I leave her!" he threatened.

"Where have I heard that one before?" Noah sounded contrite, "Trust me, I've seen your type before, and I know that I can make you leave. You're not that strong. He didn't give you that."

"Hurry up and kill him Evans. I'm becoming bored." Saffron warned him.

Leo continued going after Noah, although he couldn't land a hit on him. Noah was very quick at dodging. I looked at the dagger in my hands as the fight continued. If I could just use it, it would all end right then and there.

But the fear was eating away at me. That, and Saffron's offer. As much as I feared Saffron, I wanted to keep living this life. Would it be terrible of me to make a selfish choice?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Saffron suddenly moving away. Within seconds, he was over there between them, and I stared in horror as he punched his hand through the middle of my aunt's chest.

Noah froze, his eyes wide with shock too.

"I told you before that I don't like drawn out games. If you don't have it in you to kill an angel, then I don't need you, so return to Hell. I'm sick of you." Saffron growled, pulling his bloodied hand out.

Her limp body fell to the floor, and within seconds, Saffron had pinned Noah to the nearby stone wall, holding him tightly by his neck.

"Noah!" I cried out.

Not only was my salvation looking less and less likely, now he was about to kill the only friend I'd ever had. Where the hell were Jade and Cass? They had promised to help me. Where were they now that I needed them the most?

"Do not mistake this boy. I am infinitely crueler then Jade, and I will not hesitate to do what needs to be done. Personally, I've grown rather sick of your presence now. You think that you can save this girl just because you have such good intentions? I can assure you, I will never allow such a thing to happen. This soul belongs to me!" I heard Saffron say.

"You aren't. If you were, you would've killed her when all of this started." Noah managed, still holding onto his arm.

"Is that so? Perhaps you are right. However, what's to stop me right now from breaking all of your bones?" Saffron challenged, a cruel smile crossing his face. I watched helplessly as he pushed him harder against the wall. I could hear it cracking, along with Noah's painful cries.

But all at once, Saffron stopped. I sat up a little more as my mind registered a loud flapping sound, and the next thing I knew, Raziel landed a few feet from them.

"Let him go." he ordered.

"Ah, so you did show up. It seems that you made the correct assumption in worrying about your son." Saffron goaded him as he continued to hold Noah against the wall.

"I said let him go. If you want to pick a fight, then you'll do it with me." Raziel commanded. A blue electricity began crackling around his right hand as he spoke.

Saffron wasn't intimidated, although his grip on Noah loosened, "Well, it seems that you're still carrying your little vendetta. Are you that sore over losing that girl? You know that the baby wasn't ever yours in the first place." he stated as he allowed Noah to fall to the ground.

I hurried over to him as Saffron stepped away to face Raziel.

"Noah..." I started.

"I'll be all right." Noah breathed. He sat up with me, breathing hard as we watched the two near us, "Looks like Dad meant what he said."

"Is he really looking for revenge?" I whispered.

"I think it's more than just that. He's looking to send Saffron back to Hell." Noah admitted.

By then, Saffron had moved to within a foot of Raziel, but Raziel didn't look the least bit intimidated. He continued to glare at him, standing his ground.

"You know I'll never let this go until I make you pay for what you did. Not only to me, but to Faith. You used both of us just to fulfill your selfish desires." he said.

"Is that what you think? It seems that you never did believe that I may have felt anymore for that girl." Saffron noted.

"I know that you didn't. You're a demon, and you only use others for your own means. I'm also gonna find that kid and take her from you. I know that she's at least half mine." Raziel told him.

Both Noah and I looked up at his words.

"Half yours?" Noah said in disbelief.

Saffron laughed, crossing his arms as he glanced back at us, "You have a lot to learn boy. If your Seraph had decided to teach you more about us, then you would realize exactly why I wanted your father here to have at least one time in bedding that girl. I wanted his genetic code as a base to create a new life. Even though I overrode most of it to make her my own, she will always share a small connection to your family. It's unfortunate, but worth it to ensure how strong she will become."

I could barely believe what I was hearing. Now all of the things that I was seeing in Faith Kent's fragmented memories made sense. Saffron had encouraged her to sleep with Raziel because he'd wanted to incorporate some of Raziel's family's genetics in her. He'd used both Raziel and Faith for everything they had back then to accomplish his own twisted goals.

Raziel scowled at him, the electricity crackling around him as he held out his hand. A spear formed in it from that energy.

"Enough games! I'm finishing this!" he declared.

"Go ahead and try boy. You know that you'll never be able to send me back, and once I'm done with you, I'm going to get rid of this full blooded son of yours." Saffron threatened.

That was enough to spur Raziel on into attacking him. Noah managed to sit us back against the wall as we watched, although it was obviously painful for him. I held onto him as best I could to help him sit up as we watched Raziel fighting with Saffron.

Unbelievably, Raziel seemed to actually be getting the better of him. As we watched, he used the spear to overpower Saffron, holding him in a kneeling position on the floor while he stopped Raziel's spear with a blacked, clawed hand.

"Tell me why! Tell me why you'd make her so different and use her like that?! She didn't deserve what you did to her!" Raziel demanded, actually sounding a little emotional now.

Saffron growled up at him, "Because she was mine!" he bellowed, pushing the spear back so hard that Raziel had to catch himself with a flap of his wings, "Did you think that I wanted her to go to you?! I only needed you because I wanted my child to be one of the strongest! That child is mine and so was she, and you will not take her away!"

He grabbed Raziel and held him up by the neck. The movement was so fast that we'd barely seen it.


Noah tried to move, but it was still too painful. I watched with tears in my eyes, holding the dagger tighter. Would it even do any good to use it now? Even if I broke this contract, it may not stop Saffron in his fury against Raziel.

"Did you think that I would not jump at the chance to kill you Nephilim?! She was only supposed to love me!" Saffron growled as he dug his nails into his neck.

Raziel grunted in pain, but remained defiant, "You're the fool here! You don't even understand love! Besides, I'm not the one that you really want in this!"

We all sensed a very strong power flying towards the station as he spoke, and within seconds, the large window in the ceiling shattered. Noah and I ducked down, and he shielded us with his wings as the glass fell around us. In a flash of black, someone landed between us and them. Both of us slowly lifted our heads, hearing the glass on us clinking to the hard floor.
