
Beautiful Fallen: Legacy

The conclusion to the Beautiful Fallen trilogy. The tides have been turned for the Shadow Wings, and the stakes have never been higher. As the Seraphita puts its plan into motion, Ariana and her friends are burdened with the task of protecting and ensuring their birth. On the advice of Jade, they seek out the three Seraphim who lead the Nephilim families in hopes of help. However, the hunts from both sides are intensifying as knowledge of the Seraphita's presence spreads. Can the Seraphita be born, and will it bring the Redemption that the Shadow Wings so desperately seek?

Misachan_1002 · Fantasy
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23 Chs


It is true when they say that seconds can feel like an eternity. The roar of the blast felt like forever as I held onto my son.

But it never hit us. The next thing I knew, we'd been grabbed and pulled away from where we'd been. It hit the floor there with a tremendous boom, leaving a gaping hole with white fires burning around it. I managed to look up and realized that Kinsley was holding onto us. He'd been the one who'd saved us.

Chris was pulling himself from the floor near us with Zane and the Hawthorne twins. Kira and Mark were doing the same. Yuki and Peyton looked towards us as the Lamia moved from where he'd shielded them. Thankfully none of us had been hurt.

"Ariana? Elijah?!" Chris called as he saw us.

"We're alright!" I called back, glancing down at Elijah. He was curled up in my arms and shaking, but at least he wasn't hurt.

Kinsley slowly let us go and stood as the lights began coming down through the dome. I looked over to see Lucifer and the other demons had stopped now. All the monsters they'd called upon had also disappeared. Lucifer remained near Will, taking in what was coming, looking even angrier now.

The lights came down to the floor, transforming as they reached it. In the white flames, seven angels appeared. The lead one was Judiel, just as we'd immediately suspected.

Judiel looked at all of us, his eyes falling on Lucifer. A knowing smile crossed his face.

"It seems that I ran a bit late to this little party you've started." he commented.

"I see that even one such as you would damn themselves for a vendetta." Lucifer responded, a growl sounding in his voice.

"I do not consider it that at all. This simply needs to play out as it's meant to." Judiel responded. He turned his attention to Kinsley, "And you. Did you truly believe that you were capable of stopping all of this just because these other two happened to be so easily swayed?"

Kinsley's eyes narrowed, "Enough is enough. These children have done nothing wrong, and now you would drag our own into this mess just because you have become vengeful. You are no longer worthy of your titles in the Heavens for what you have done." he declared.

"You've marked us simply for telling the truth as well. They are correct that you are more of a hypocrite than any of these Fallen." Carroll spoke up.

"Strong words from a child who would willingly damn himself, not to mention that you and those other two were born quite flawed. I refuse to believe that such things could ever be in the great I Am's design." Judiel scoffed, glancing towards him along with Yuki and Peyton.

"It is not your place to judge such things. If it was wrong then it would've been judged long ago." Malakai retorted.

I kept my hold on Elijah, watching as Judiel took a step towards us. But before he could move any closer, a sudden blast of dark energy flew past him. It hit the far wall, crumbling it like dust.

Judiel showed no reaction, simply looking in the direction that it had come from.

"Ah, so you have a problem with my intentions now?"

Lucifer scowled at him as he landed near him, "My problem is with the likes of you. Do not think that I know nothing in all of this. You bear the mark, as I'm sure they all have suspected. You belong under my rule, yet you choose to remain hidden within the Heavens like a parasite." he accused.

All of us stared in disbelief as he said this. Malakai stood up straight, studying Judiel.

"You bear that mark and have hidden it?" he said solemnly.

"You have no proof of such, and why would one even begin to take the word of the King of Deceivers?" Judiel responded coyly.

"I may be, but I will always know one of my own. All who fall are under my rule, and none escape my knowing. He ensured me with that along with the power He bestowed on me as the King of the Damned." Lucifer retorted.

Elijah tugged my shirt, "Mama," he whispered, "he's just like them."

Will flew over beside Lucifer, "Hey, I don't give a damn right now about whether you are or aren't one of them. Where's Elena?" he asked him.

"Elena?" Judiel thought about it for a few seconds, "Ah yes. That is the name she gave her, although I don't see where it was needed. You have no right to name the incarnation of a Seraphita as it is."

"Stop screwing with me! Where is she?!" Will demanded.

"Here, of course. After all, I do need her and her alone." Judiel finally answered, glancing at the altar that was about fifteen feet from them.

We all looked over there, now realizing that there was a similar feeling emanating from there. It was much like Elijah's aura. A small form peeked out from behind one of the pillars; a beautiful little girl with big violet eyes and long dark hair much like Will's. Like Elijah, she had multicolored wings on her back and for her ears.

"Elena..." Will whispered as he stared at her.

The little girl stepped out a bit more, her eyes widening as she saw him, and she spoke in a tiny voice.


Judiel immediately pointed his sword towards her, "I already told you that you will not leave that altar." he commanded.

Elena took a step back, holding onto the pillar again and looking frightened.

"Bastard." Will growled in his throat. He swallowed his anger as he looked back at his daughter, "Just stay there Elena. You're safer there right now and I'll come get you soon."

Kinsley had already seen enough, "It's horrible for you to do this to her, and you will not cause harm to her or Elijah now. Once the doors have opened, all of this will be done and you will be exposed." he warned him.

"You think you can challenge me? You are a Violet, and were not made to fight as we are. You will be sorely outmatched." Judiel responded as his sword turned fiery.

"I would know if I was, but I have the confidence that this time I am not." Kinsley took a step forward, holding up his sword, "All angels are born fighters when it comes to maintaining peace. You are very aware of that. If you wish to continue this charade, then take me on."

Chris flew over with me and Elijah, helping to move us away from all of this with Will. Judiel noticed, but said nothing. He was more interested in Kinsley and Lucifer now.

Will was still looking at the altar where Elena was standing, but Micah was quick to speak to him.

"I know it's hard right now Will, but she must stay there. Not only is it safer with what's going on right now, but she will need to be there with Elijah when the gates open." he reminded him.

"I get it." Will breathed, "As long as she's safe, I'll deal with it."

Judiel was focused on the others, "So, you'd like a match. Very well. However, I do not like the idea of others interfering either, and I know the temptations that may play out. For that, we'll ensure they don't." he said.

The other angels immediately split into two groups. One quickly surrounded Peyton and Yuki. In a flash of light they had bound Peyton with golden chains, pulling him up high into the air. Peyton cried out, trying to struggle against them, but they were wrapped tightly around him.

Peyton!" Yuki yelled, looking panicked.

Kira reacted the same way, hurrying over beside him, "No! Let him go!" she cried.

At the same time the other group of angels appeared around Will, binding him the same way. Will struggled against it, cursing angrily. Oddly enough, Lucifer's eyes widened slightly as he saw this.

Judiel smiled as he saw this, "Now, now. Let us not be too rash here. This is simply for insurance purposes in this fight. As I stated before, I do not appreciate being blindsided, and we both know that binding these two will ensure it doesn't happen. Controlling that Lamia is a formidable thing Boy, but I know that you will not risk it with the one you so dearly love trapped as he is, and neither will the ones leading you." he told Yuki.

Malakai and Micah scowled at him, but didn't make any sudden moves. Not with the risk of harm to Will and Peyton.

Judiel turned back to Lucifer, "And I know better than to think that you'll kill that one yourself. He's far too valuable to you, even if he is released from his blood bond to you. So, I'll take my chances in holding onto him as well, while also ensuring that he doesn't get anymore ideas of getting close to that child." he continued.

"Cheating bastard." Carlton huffed.

Lucifer was silent, though he glanced at Will. The two caught eyes, but neither gave a sign of saying anything between them. Instead, Lucifer simply stepped back to watch what was to happen between Judiel and Kinsley.

Jade and Saffron remained near us, both watching this challenge with some interest, especially when Judiel had confined Will and Peyton. Although they said nothing, I got the distinct feel that they were anticipating something more here. It was like they knew something we didn't.

Judiel made the first move. I was understanding by now about how aggressive his personality truly was. He had no hesitation with his fight against any of these Seraphs, even if he should have.

Kinsley was just as fast, jumping back with his sword up to counter the strike. The clang of the swords echoed in the large room over and over, and sparks came from them each time they met with equal force behind them.

Kinsley held his own extremely well. No matter how fast Judiel came at him, he was able to dodged and return the attack almost effortlessly.

"Mama..." I heard Elijah whisper.

"Don't worry. He's going to stop him." I assured him.

Elijah looked over at Elena, both of them catching eyes. Elena had remained where she was, though she was now sitting down. She looked frightened, although she also was trying to hide it. Her eyes kept moving to where Will was being held, and she kept grasping at something on a chain around her neck.

Yuki was still looking up at where Peyton was being held too. He looked conflicted over what he should do, along with Kira. Those angels had Peyton in a tight hold within those chains, and they probably could kill him if he moved too much.

The tense moment was broken as Lucifer suddenly moved. It was in a black flash of light and for a split second I thought that he'd decided to intervene in the fight, but it was something else entirely. He'd flown to where Will was being held. In a move faster than lightning, he'd cut through the chains that the angels surrounding him were holding. They barely had time to react as he unleashed a torrent of fire that engulfed them. All we could hear were screams as they burned and disappeared.

The others that were holding Peyton looked over as they heard this. Lucifer wasn't done either.

"Release the other." he ordered as he caught Will from falling to the floor with one arm.

Belial and Baal complied. Baal held up the staff and began chanting. As he did, a glow came around Belial, and he flew up to the angels holding Peyton. With a swipe of his hand as he flew around him, he cut the chains like they were nothing.

Peyton let out a ragged breath as the chains loosened and he began to fall. Yuki was quick to fly up and catch him as he did.

The angels brought up their arrows at them, but as they released them, Malakai was suddenly in front of the two Nephilim, easily blocking the arrows from hitting them with his sword.

"This is enough! You will not harm them!" he told them.

"How interesting. Even one such as you can lose your temper." the lead angel of the group noted.

"We won't have this! This madness must end here!" Malakai responded.

But his anger had distracted him too much. It broke his concentration on what was around him. One of the other angels near the leader pulled back on their bow in a quick, fluid motion, and the arrow it sent pierced through the air, hitting Malakai in his left shoulder before he had time to react.

Elijah held onto me tighter, shaking hard again, and from the corner of my eye I saw Elena put her hands over her mouth.

Mark and Kira were able to catch Malakai as he fell to the ground, and Chris also flew over with Zane. They cut down the angels faster than I'd ever seen them move before.

Unfortunately for us, this was enough of a distraction for Judiel to get to Kinsley. I looked back to see him pull his sword from Kinsley's side. Kinsley fell to his knees, holding the bleeding wound tightly.

"Now this is a sight. Shadow Wings actually acting concerned for the well-being of angels." Judiel huffed, a coy smile on his face.

"This is beyond hunting now. It has turned to cruelty. These angels and those they've created have done nothing to deserve all of this, including helping us!" Zane argued.

Behind them, Peyton was helping Malakai to remove the arrow from his shoulder. Although he looked like he wasn't in that good of shape either, considering his clothes were stained with blood where the chains had been holding him, he was pushing it aside to help him. He held up a hand to stop the bleeding as soon as Malakai pulled the arrow out. I wished we could do something like that for Kinsley too at that moment. I didn't know whether or not a stab wound from an angel's sword could kill a Seraphim.

Before anything more could be said, Elijah suddenly pulled away from me.

"Elijah!" I called, panicking as I followed him.

He ran right over to Kinsley, holding onto him, "No! No more hurt!" he declared.

I couldn't just stand there and do nothing, so I stepped between them and Judiel, holding my spear towards him.

"This has to stop! We didn't ask to be born and they want to help us! You can't kill them just because you hate us!" I told him.

"You've been a thorn in my side from the day you were born Girl. Do you truly believe that you can stand up to me? You're only a pathetic Shadow Wing female, no matter who your father is or what you gave birth to. You're no better than that girl's mother, and she was no match for me either, no matter how hard she fought before I killed her." Judiel responded.

I tensed up as I heard that, the vision flashing through my mind of a female Shadow Wing trying to fight back as he attacked her. Chris and Zane had been right. I knew instinctively that she was Chloe Ringwald, and she'd lost that fight and her life.


Chris's voice brought me back to reality, but I had no time to react before everything began shaking. I could barely keep my balance as golden chains burst out of the ground all around us. Before any of us could react, they began wrapping around us. I somehow managed to jump away from the one that was trying to twist around my left leg, using my wings as leverage.

Behind me, Micah had managed to get away as well, and landed beside Kinsley and Elijah. Kinsley immediately handed Elijah to him as a golden chain wrapped around his waist and wings.

"Take Elijah to the altar with Elena! The time is nigh and the gates will open once they are together!" he breathed. He grunted in pain as the chains tightened around him, forcing him to the ground.

Chris managed to get away from the chains and flew over with me, "This ends now!" he yelled, aiming his sword at Judiel.

Lucifer stood near us, watching this unfold with the other two demons. The chains had been repelled around them. Will wasn't so lucky though. He was pulled to the ground near them, struggling against the chains around his wings.

Judiel paid no attention to Chris in that moment, still focused on the Fallen, "Will you remain in such a fight now, Dark One? It seems like a waste for one such as you to defend what is no longer yours." he informed him.

"I have no intention of defending, but I also have no intentions of allowing one like you to claim the soul of either Seraphita. The girl is out of reach, so that boy will now belong to me." Lucifer responded, looking at Micah and Elijah.

"No!" Chris yelled.

But before either of us could move to defend him, Judiel was striking at us. I had forgotten how fast he was until now. Within seconds, the two of us were defending against a whip coming towards our necks. It took everything I had to hold up my spear as that whip wrapped around it, and at the same time, I was trying hard to see what was happening with Elijah.

Micah wasn't going down without a real fight either. As soon as Lucifer got close to them, he was holding up his own sword, readying to defend against him.

I was thankful for that, though the feeling was short lived as Judiel blasted both me and Chris back into the nearby wall. I felt the air rush out of my lungs as I hit it, and for a moment, I was sure that the world had stopped. I had to work hard to pull myself back up after hitting the floor.

Chris was doing the same as Judiel slowly walked in front of us, "Looks like your time's up here. Not only with me, but with that other as well." he said, looking towards where Lucifer was fighting with Micah.

While Micah was able to hold him off, he definitely seemed outmatched. I could already make out where he was bleeding from his left side and right shoulder, not to mention a cut on his right cheek; but he was still fighting as hard as he could to keep Lucifer away from Elijah. Unfortunately, they still seemed a long way from the altar.

Chris managed to get back to his feet, "You're not winning this time." he breathed, "I won't let you win!"

"You just don't know when to give up, do you Boy?" Judiel scoffed, jumping back as Chris lunged at him.

I was a little surprised that Chris was able to move that fast so soon after the hit we took, but then, he probably did have a lot more stamina than me. That or it was the same stubborn will power that he'd had the first time he'd faced off against Judiel to protect me.

"I won't! I won't give up until I send you to Hell where you belong!" Chris yelled back, taking another strike at him. This time he managed to cut his arm, though the wound was superficial.

It only served to anger Judiel more. In a flash, he'd managed to pin Chris to the wall near me.

"You truly want me to take you out myself Boy? I'll be more than happy to oblige you on that. I've waited many years for it!" he said in a low, harsh voice as he raised his sword to cut into his throat.

"Chris!" I yelled, forcing myself up. I had to do something. I couldn't see him die like this.

But before I could do anything, a black flash suddenly whizzed past me. Judiel was thrown away from Chris, landing hard on his side on the opposite end of the room. I stared, frozen where I stood as I saw Jade was now standing in front of Chris. He'd managed to free himself from the chains that had been wrapped around him.

But he didn't come out of it in one piece. He stood there breathing hard, the pain reasonating through him. In his blind fury to save his son, Jade had just done something that I believe most would never do.

When he'd pulled himself free of those chains, he'd ripped off his own wings.