
Beautiful Disaster

Twenty year old Corey Evans is one-half of 2ICE, the biggest duo on the radio at the moment. Pronounced twice, they're number one on the Billboard charts this week with their latest single. And number one in download sales, with two albums that have already gone platinum, to hear their manager tell it. And currently on their second U.S. tour, which has sold out stadiums across the nation.<br><br>Despite this, there's an emptiness inside him which Corey can't seem to fill, no matter how many groupies he takes to his bed. He sees this same emptiness mirrored in the eyes of his band-mate, Ian Coltraine, who drowns his evenings after each show with a bottle of whiskey. Ian's the one Corey turns to when he wakes beside an unknown fan, still asleep in his bed and needs help evicting her. He's Corey best friend, the only person on the tour he can confide in, who he really trusts ...<br><br>The one, Corey finally realizes, with whom he is madly, deeply, terribly in love. And he suspects Ian might feel the same.<br><br>But his recent string of one-night stands makes Ian cautious about Corey's true feelings. He's wanted Corey for so long, and has watched him go through countless fans in search of ... what? Ian doesn't know. And he doesn't yet believe Corey when he says Ian might be it. Ian hopes so, but can't bring himself to believe Corey's fickle desire won't be gone in the morning.<br><br>Can these two young men somehow move beyond Corey's past and Ian's pain to embrace a love they both so desperately desire?

J.M. Snyder · LGBT+
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43 Chs

Chapter 12

It was chilly outside, and Corey hugged himself as he glared at the cars zooming past, also oblivious to him. Who do I have to be to get noticed?Was Corey Evans, pop star, all he was anymore? Without a screaming fan or a breathless girl nearby, did he cease to exist? What had he been before all this had started? And would he ever get that person back again?

The door behind him opened a second time, but he didn’t turn around. Probably Butch, relieving Sam so the other bodyguard could finish his dinner. Corey shivered in the night air and wondered how far he could run before he was tackled by the guards. He wondered if he just broke away right now, how far would he make it before he was dragged back? Shit,would they even notice I was gone?