

At eight, he killed a Lycan Alpha, his beta and gamma. At thirteen, he killed a vampire King. At twenty, he killed a demon Lord. his life has always been complicated. he was born with sliver hair and eyes, a sign for a ruler but he can't rule since his kind naturally has a Queen instead of a King, as if to complicate everything even more, his hair began to change to gold, an attribute that's associated with the demons. **************** “ I don't want a normal wedding” she told him, he smiled at her. “ no one wants a normal wedding, but I promise to give you the best wedding” “ I want to marry you under the darkness of the night” he was beyond shocked, he stare at her dumbfounded. “ I want the darkness to know that I won, even when it tried to push me away from you, I didn't give up I still came back” ********** he was feared by many, he never knew what the word love was until she came along. he tried to push her away but she kept on coming back, it's she afraid? it's either she's stupid or she's really brave. but yet she's neither of those things.

Skyler101starp · Urban
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27 Chs


Klausner took off his yellow clothes, he dropped everything on the floor and made for the bathroom, gently he put his right feet Into the bathtub, feeling the warmness of the water before he finally submerged in the water.

the warm water was a calm relive to him, he scoop some water and pour it on his head, before dipping his head inside the water, he stay there for more than a minute, allowing himself drown in his own thoughts, bringing out his head Klausner remembered the face of the family when he sliced the man's head off.

how will this work ?

the family will hate him for life, maybe even come back for revenge and then what? he will kill both boys, which will earn him another reputation.

family killer

how amazing is it ?

his mind also drifted to the Queen's marriage proposal.

how bold of she to confront him with such a thing, dose she wish to die ?.

scoffing , he stood up from the bathtub.

he walked out of the bathroom, made for his wardrobe where he picked up his bag, he went through it, picked some random clothes and wore, he slide into his Pam, picking up his sword from the floor he dropped it, he walked out of the room while dragging his bag.

" greetings to you your Grace" Gerry said bowing his head, klausner rised his brow at him.

" oh forgive me, the Queen announced that you two will be getting married " if Klausner was shock, he did a really great job by hiding it .

Gerry was expecting a reaction from Klausner but since he got none he finally concluded that klausner didn't want the marriage.

" what? you don't want it ?" he asked.

" where is DeRosa ?" Klausner asked, he was trying everything possible to keep his anger in check, had she not be the Queen of Adelaide, he would have beheaded her a long time ago.

" she's in her chambers " Gerry answered, he adjusted his glasses which was threatening to fall off.

leaving his bag on the ground, Klausner vanished.

" this won't end well " Gerry said to himself, he lifted klausner's bag and began to descend the stairs with it.

klausner appeared before DeRosa, she was laying on the Queen sized bed, her legs spread, the duvet was covering her from the chest as one of her legs was outside the duvet, anyone could swore she was naked beneath the duvet.

" ahhhh, future husband wasn't expecting you "

her sliver eyes gaze at klausner with seduction in them.

klausner was dumbfounded with her actions but still he cared less than her.

" why did you announce that ?" Klausner asked in his cold deep voice.

" didn't you agree to it ?" DeRosa asked, she was playing with fire and she knows it.

" I CLEARLY SAID NO " klausner's voice echoed round the room, the sword in his hand glow red, an evidence that he was angry.

" but....." DeRosa tried to be brave but her statement was cut short by Klausner the moment he vanished from his spot and was hovering over her on the bed.

" Don't you dare defy me Queen DeRosa " Klausner said.

DeRosa gulped at his closeness to her, with this kind of man on top of her, she was literally going to go mad.

" you don't want to know what I do to girls who trespass " he added.

knowing that what he was doing wasn't right, he got up and move away.

he stood beside the bed, with his sword, due to him coming unto her on the bed, the duvet shifted a little , reviewing a side of her boobs.

klausner ignored it and vanished,

" you either marry me or die, Klausner Silverlight Goldberg, I will make sure of that ' the Queen thought to herself.

as if he knew that Gerry will carry his luggage, Klausner appeared before Gerry who was standing close to a cave.

" please forgive the Queen " Gerry said bowing to Klausner, he knew the Queen lied as there was no way Klausner will agree to marry her, but still he was afraid, if the Queen manipulate the people they will all pressurise Klausner into marrying her, and knowing klausner to be someone who cares a lot about his people , Gerry knew that klausner will have no choice but to give in.

" the marriage proposal, I will consider it " Klausner said, Gerry widen his eyes in shock, he even took off his glasses and place it back.

" are you serious ?" it was a rude question to ask someone like klausner but he had to.

klausner who was walking towards the cave suddenly stopped.

" come over to Washington when you're less busy " Gerry was speechless, is this really happening ?

klausner is inviting him to his house.

Gerry's head imaginary expounded.

" I sure will " he said, he watched as the bag he was holding, moved away from him close to klausner.

still holding his sword, Klausner walked into the waterfall and out of it to discover the purple portal.

he took a deep breath and walked into it, as before he opened his eyes.

when the lights faded he was standing right where he left his car, at the entrance of the woods.

he shoved his bag into the back seat and then took the driver's seat, placing his sword at the passengers seat before he started the car and drove away.

leaving Adelaide and it's problem.


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