

At eight, he killed a Lycan Alpha, his beta and gamma. At thirteen, he killed a vampire King. At twenty, he killed a demon Lord. his life has always been complicated. he was born with sliver hair and eyes, a sign for a ruler but he can't rule since his kind naturally has a Queen instead of a King, as if to complicate everything even more, his hair began to change to gold, an attribute that's associated with the demons. **************** “ I don't want a normal wedding” she told him, he smiled at her. “ no one wants a normal wedding, but I promise to give you the best wedding” “ I want to marry you under the darkness of the night” he was beyond shocked, he stare at her dumbfounded. “ I want the darkness to know that I won, even when it tried to push me away from you, I didn't give up I still came back” ********** he was feared by many, he never knew what the word love was until she came along. he tried to push her away but she kept on coming back, it's she afraid? it's either she's stupid or she's really brave. but yet she's neither of those things.

Skyler101starp · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


Walking round the king's country aimlessly has become a regular thing for Visteon , despite being a loner Visteon still enjoys the view of the city, watching people going to their various activities was really nice for him, it was one of the ways for him to relive his stress.

" something is wrong with this city " he heard a voice few distance away from him, being a vampire he can hear voices from miles away, it was definitely a female voice.

Quickly he hid himself behind a car as he watched them for afar off.

" try this they taste really good " Gerry said passing a cookie towards Damansara, who accepted it, she examined it before carefully placing it in her mouth .

" ummm, it's nice " came her voice which lacks emotions.

" come , let's get more " Gerry said dragging her into the cookie store , he needs to keep her away from Klausner until both of them are stable.

" I will have the brown ones " she stated.

" that's fine by me " Gerry replied.

Even before they walked into the store all eyes were literally on them, it was impossible not to notice their beauty and fashion, as Damansara was completely dressed in black while Gerry choose to go casual still this aura sold him out.

Visteon while Watching them, felt an unknown sensation round his body, he wants to touch her, to feel her, he wants to talk to her but he doesn't know how.

someone like her who associates with the great Klausner Silverlight Goldberg wouldn't want anything to do with him, he's practically a no body compared to her.

She beautiful , way too beautiful for someone like him, who knows she might even be Klausner's woman, and the last thing Visteon wants was getting on the bad side of Klausner Silverlight Goldberg.


" which aspect of leave don't you understand " Klausner asked the girl who was standing at his door.

" I'm here to make a deal with you " Alexandria said staring at Klausner.

Klausner felt like laughing but then he maintained a serious face.

" what kind of deal ? " he asked .

" can you let me in first then we can discuss " Alexandria told him.

Klausner stare at her for a while before he opened the door wide for her to get in, carefully , Alexandria walked into the house, her jaw dropped the moment she saw the interior decoration of the house , it was the classic, modern and elegant decor ideas she has ever witnessed, the house huge, super hung, the couch was White in colour, the same with the curtains.

Gently she sat down on the couch, it was soft on her body and she felt like lying down on it and sleep off, but no she's on a mission and she must complete it.

She watched him walk over to another couch and sat down, he was staring at her like he was observing her which was true.

" so.. what kind of deal ? " he asked.

" a marriage deal " she answered, she turned and stare at him .

Klausner felt like chuckling but he held it.

" really ?" she nod her head

" so tell me what do you know about contract marriage ? "

Alexandria bit down on her lower lip, as she lowered her head.

like hell ! she doesn't even know what she's doing, it seems like she kinda possess or something like that.

Klausner smiled mischievously.

" do you even know what you're asking for ?"

" yes " came her voice.

" I told you am not interested in any thing that has to do with love " Klausner told her.

" and you're here asking for a marriage proposal " he chuckled softly.

" what do you hope to gain ?" came his deep voice.

" your love " she replied, which made him chuckle even more.

" you are a pretty stubborn kitty " he said.

" despite everything I told you about me not have anything to do with the word called ' Love ' you Still....."

" give me twenty days... twenty days to make you fall for me " she cut him off.

" what ?"

" give me twenty days, and If I can't get you to fall for me I will give up ".

is she stupid ?.

He just didn't know how to react to her statement but .....

" twenty days it is " came his voice which surprised Alexandria, she has already been thinking about what next to say to him if he still reject her offer.

" go home girl prepare yourself , then come back in the next two days for signing the contract "

Alexandria couldn't believe her luck, this is becoming a reality for her , happily she got up and was about to leave when he suddenly said.

" do you want me to drop you off ?"

" yes " she replied while nodding her head like a kid who was asked if she wants her favourite candy.

Klausner waited for her to leave before he followed behind her, for some reason a sly smile appeared on his lips .

Like a great man that he is,he elegantly walk behind her out of the house.