
Beautiful Curses

James, a strange boy is about to turn eighteen years old. He starts experiencing strange things of which one of them is an unprecedented horror from his past. His time has come for him to truly accept himself but something happens. James loses everything that keeps him sane, giving in to his true self. All he seeks now is revenge which he himself sees as justice. Will he truly overwhelm his enemies that have already disguised themselves as the heroes of humanity? After all, what can a cursed child do to change his cursed life?

MidnightWind · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter five

The rest of the days passed by in a flash for James. He might not have noticed it but his mother, Sandra had from when she came back. James was acting strange and even more so Jane who had been by his side, didn't notice this... It seemed like she didn't care as though it was trivial to her.

Sandra wasn't at ease but she pretended to be so. After all, maybe she's the one who definitely knew how dangerous it was for ger son to be in this world where people despised beings like him.

James was really acting strange in the past days ever since when he woke up that day. One thing was, James had becer been interested in magic but ever since Sandra came back, the boy usually talked about it. James was showing his love and desire for magic albeit not directly. James used to be moody sometimes but now he acted cool and sometimes warm, just like a typical young scholar.

Less than a week had passed by in a flash and two days were left for the academies to open again. James was going for his last year which meant he was yet to become a senior. His academy though, was located in the Gurou empire which was a day and a half away from Lukva town, where Sandra and her children lived.

The academy was located in a city known as Kkiri city.

James and the rest were busy getting prepared for school. Kids could be seen walking around with their parents and elders, shopping for different things. Some people had already started traveling as carriages could be seen passing by the road.

Lukva town had a modern touch to it which was considered old fashioned in the current era. Some prestigious buildings and homes though, had a medieval architectural style.

Technology had long since perished centuries ago. This was because its development hindered the development of nature and it's resources, bringing devastation towards earth.

And it is also said in books that the end of the tech-era marked the beginning of the magical era.

James packed his necessary stuff in his magical storage bag. Normally, he would have used a storage ring since it was more convenient but the thing was expensive to him. The storage bag was also considered old fashioned among the young generation but James cared less about such matters because he considered them trivial. After all, his bag had enough storage space and a portable size so things weren't so different at all.

After hours of endless loitering around in the town squares, James, Sandra and Jane returned home. It was time for James to bid the duo farewell.

" Look who's ready for school." A sweet deep voice resounded from the small gate behind James who was still listening to Sandra's advice. He turned around and noticed Nobert.

" And what brings you here, my lord?" James asked with a smile while bending his head slightly.

" Whoah... Since when was I a lord? You flatter me, oh James." Nobert replied with a grin as he removed his hat from of his head, bowed slightly to Sandra and continued. " Greetings auntie... Hope you are doing well." He greeted.

" I'm good dear. Thanks" Sandra replied sweetly, pondered and then asked. " Well...are you here for James?"

" Yes I am." Nobert replied then looked at James and said. " My father prepared me a carriage and I was hoping if you'd come along with us?"

" Us?" James asked carefully.

" Oh, yes. We'll be traveling to the city with my cousins. They also want to meet you by the way." Nobert said but smiled when he uttered the last statement.

" Sigh...okay then. Let's get going then." James said after sighing helplessly. He turned to give his mother a reassuring smile because he could see it in her eyes; she was worried sick about him. Well... James didn't know why but he felt it might be about him leaving them for school. But he had to go.

" Take this... Don't ask me what and why but just take it. Never should you remove it." Sandra came close to James and whispered to him as she handed him a locket.

James put it on and smiled at her before giving Jane a look. The young girl ran into his hands and gave him a heart warming hug. What a loving scene it was!


Sometime later, James and Norbert had embarked on their journey to Kkiri city together with the latter's cousins, a boy and a girl.

The boy was known as Edward Ndinda. He had blonde hair and green irises, a trait all the Ndindas had. He was quite the handsome one albeit not to Nobert's level. His stature was of a low build making him look quite thin and he always had that timid expression on his countenance.

The girl was known as Elena Ndinda with back length pale blonde hair. She was indeed a beauty...

'Top notch I guess...? ' James pondered as he scrutinized the teenage beauty opposite him.

The beauty was quiet with an aloof expression, making her seem as cold as ice. James knew best not to engage in a conversation with such a girl.

' No one would like being ignored, is there? ' He continued to ponder. His current posture was like that of a philosopher; having one of his arms stroke his smooth chin with the other holding onto his thigh. He wondered why this guy, Nobert had told him that the other two were so anxious to meet him.

The girl couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, making James feel a bit embarrassed. He had lost himself in that scrutiny process.

Nobert who was usually talkative was silent this time, which was kind of strange but not surprising to James. He knew this guy the best.

' He must have accounts to settle... Sigh' James sighed inwardly before looking at the view outside through the carriage window.

That day was a sunny one and by the look of the environment, it was already early evening.

It had been an hour and a half since they had crossed the town perimeters. Now they were nearing a forest. The carriage was being accompanied by four guards, two on the front and the other two behind. There was also a coachman at the front of the carriage but if one paid attention to these five people, one would be shocked. These five were all magic wielders.

As expected of an aristocratic family, the Ndindas had the influence and power...even the wealth to recruit such talents. By now, James and the rest would have been scared out of their wits because of the forest ahead of them but now there was no need to be.

The guards were all of the third phase while the coachman was of the fourth; the guards were mystic magicians while the coachman was a sorcerer. What a terrifying force it was!

Think about it, even Nobert was a sorcerer himself...at least James knew that, he wasn't clear about the strengths of Edward and Elena.

The forest or should I say...forest of the druids, was inhabited by many beasts and monsters of all kinds. James reverted his head back into the carriage from the window...he was really getting uncomfortable as the closed in on the black barked trees.

" Calm down bro... Nothing is going to haunt and hunt us. We have the best of the best." Nobert patted James' right shoulder and encouraged him.


James smiled at him but didn't reply. In fact he felt inferior in Nobert's company. James was able to learn magic but he couldn't since he was a cursed. He was also able to learn the original and most difficult magic of opening the seven chakras because of his special trait as a cursed.

' Really... Special...!? ' He pondered.

" Halt... Who are you?" A guard outside shouted, the carriage also stopped.

James and the rest became alert immediately. Nobert decided to step out. James wanted to follow but Elena stopped him and shook her small head.

" He'll handle everything." She said in a beautiful melodic voice. James gulped but listened.

" Who dares cause this young lord trouble?" James suddenly heard Nobert speaking and he couldn't help but roll at the fact that the dude was bragging and showing off at this moment. ' He'll never get serious for a day I guess. ' James pondered as he closely listened to the outside.

About six metres away from the carriage, a young lady stood facing the carriage. She was obscured by a red cloak but it was in fact tattered and torn in different parts. Her state was a sorry one.

The guards and the coachman were on high alert because it was strange for a person to be in this kind of place and alone. The woman kept on walking slowly towards the carriage as she whispered something underneath her breath.

Another thing as to why all of them were on guard, Nobert now inclusive was because magical energy seeped off her presence but they couldn't even determine which phase it was.

" What is wrong lady? You are blocking our way." Nobert squinted his eyes and shouted. The woman was now three metres away, she was still walking slowly towards them.

" Young master, careful. We'll handle this please." The coachman didn't want Nobert to get involved in this matter since it would ruin his reputation in the Lord's eyes.

Nobert also seemed to understand so he decided to move back but before he could, James stepped out of the carriage.